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Empowering Urban Communities Through Food

  • 0:04 - 0:06
    [Chris] growing healthy food is important. when
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    people grow food they come together um
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    there's healing in the soil, there's
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    stories to be told when people gather,
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    and the old and the young are uh in the
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    same space accomplishing something
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    together. but there's also opportunities
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    in food to create uh jobs where folks
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    will have a equal chance to um control
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    their own destiny. [Sumayyah] I got into
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    gardening out of the need to save money
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    so that I can feed my children fresh
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    produce. my stepmother, who had a little
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    garden in her backyard, I taste her
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    cucumbers and her tomatoes and it went it
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    from there. for me it was a lot more
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    empowering because I wanted that control
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    back that the big box stores have
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    over what foods we have. I grew this. I
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    know where it comes from. I know what's
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    on it. I know where my seeds came from.
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    and I put my love in my heart and soul
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    in it.
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    [Muhsin] 5th Street Garden is a garden that
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    uh was bare when we first got it wasn't
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    nothing there but
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    grass. we got dirt and uh raised beds and
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    from there we just start planting here.
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    so it's a community garden
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    actually. [Mary] when Bo got the garden he said "we
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    going to plant a garden Miss Mary .'" I said
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    now you're talking my
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    language. I'm a country girl, so you know
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    we always grow everything that we eat so
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    everybody in our community could have
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    some food even when they didn't have any.
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    [Muhsin] our Garden is like a hub for people and
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    then the [ice cream] truck is here right so that
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    draws them in. [Chris] you know the ice cream
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    truck kind of likes like a magnet. just
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    definitely for kids like sucks them all
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    up. everybody stays engaged into
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    weeding, or we had cherry trees up there
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    peace trees like picking fruit off the
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    trees or water they were like locked in.
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    [Muhsin] the kids took a lot of pride coming in
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    that Garden when they get out of school
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    they come running and see what did you
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    do. Our kids and
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    elderly we don't eat healthy like we
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    should and the price of food is gone up
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    so far [Mary] it'd be better if we can eat
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    from the garden and then you'll know
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    what you're eating where it's coming
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    from early in the morning you know when
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    I get up and I come to the back door so
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    I can see the garden, abd I said oh thank you
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    God. we got something to eat and it's
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    growing nicely. [Chris] in order for everybody to
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    stay together and be strong we have to
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    work together . Jst kind of like the
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    forest right? trees do this, the grass
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    does this, worms do this, microorganisms
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    do this. Everybody plays their part.
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    everybody's working together [Sumayyah] it's just a
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    chance for different people in this
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    community and other communities to come
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    here and um grow some food
Empowering Urban Communities Through Food

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