Botox treatment New York | 929-571-3858 | Lip Filler

Botox treatment New York | 929-571-3858 | Lip Filler

Lip Filler

109 W 38th St L12O2, 109 W 38th St b1202, New York, NY 10018, United States


Lip fillers, also known as Hyaluronic Acid Fillers are lip injections that address facial volume loss. Lip filler injections are a cosmetic treatment that restore volume in deflated and dehydrated lips.

As we age, naturally the volume in our faces decreases and our skin changes. It becomes thinner, we lose fat, and no longer have that youthful, plump skin as we once did. Facial aging begins to occur in our 20’s when skin firmness begins to decrease as a result of both internal (genetics and natural aging) and external (sun exposure, smoking, stress, exercise, etc.) factors.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component that our bodies produce. It gives us volume and elasticity. In the past, facial volume loss was treated with materials such as silicone and collagen, but these materials often caused severe side effects. Today, we use HA fillers. Hyaluronic acid lip fillers in New York City is one of the signature procedures at Lip Filler. These fillers are made specifically to be a safe method for volume restoration and can be completed in about 30 minutes in our office.

Male Lip Injections
A common misconception is that lip filler is only for women but the truth is that men are not immune to the effects of aging! Plenty of men visit us to enhance their pout because just as women do, as men age they experience a reduction in collagen production. Because of this, our lips may thin. Injecting the lips can help correct this by stimulating collagen. A proper assessment, along with our customized approach, will ensure that you receive the look you desire.

Call us at (929) 571-3858.


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