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France - Pierre

  • 0:02 - 0:06
    Who are you and what are you doing within the Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) ?
  • 0:06 - 0:15
    My name is Pierre and I'm the coordinator of the French documentation division for a shot while.
  • 0:15 - 0:22
    Can you explain what does it mean ?
  • 0:22 - 0:36
    I'm a new member of the documentation division and I have the aim to create a documentation platform
  • 0:36 - 0:48
    wich help people to access and share easily informations.
  • 0:48 - 0:58
    How did you join the movement ? Why ? And why did you support the movment and the Resource Based Economy (RBE) ?
  • 0:58 - 1:09
    Like most people, I watched the Zeitgeist movies and I was very interested because
  • 1:09 - 1:20
    the movies have a meaning for me. I try to find out if the movement existed in a local scale
  • 1:20 - 1:29
    and I saw some new stuffs ermerging.
  • 1:29 - 1:40
    Quickly, I felt concerned so I continued to follow meetings about the development of the local section
  • 1:40 - 1:43
    and it was great.
  • 1:43 - 1:47
    That is about how I joined the movement. (What was the others questions ?)
  • 1:47 - 1:52
    Why support a Ressources Based Economy ?
  • 1:52 - 1:58
  • 1:58 - 2:12
    Still blabla
  • 2:12 - 2:23
    Stuff about eat and moving a car (?)
  • 2:33 - 2:40
    I support the RBE... Wait, I will ask you again the question.
  • 2:42 - 2:50
    Why do you support a RBE ?
  • 2:50 - 3:03
    I support a RBE because the main goal of this economical system is to satisfy the needs of people.
  • 3:03 - 3:19
    In opposite to our actual system which is creat on profits.
  • 3:19 - 3:29
    And for me, to give to people what they need is far more important than make money.
  • 3:29 - 3:38
    Can you talk about TZM in France, the main success and difficulties ?
  • 3:39 - 3:47
    I don't know if it's a specificity of France but there is not many members because of the low seniority of the movement.
  • 3:47 - 4:04
    Not all of us are really concerned so there is not many events but I think things are changing now.
  • 4:04 - 4:12
    I'm not pessimistic about the futur of the movement. More we are concerned more we can gather people.
  • 4:12 - 4:19
    What is the future of TZM in France ?
  • 4:19 - 4:25
    I have no idea about this.
  • 4:25 - 4:37
    I know there is many ideas which are developing as a guide to help people who wants to make lectures.
  • 4:38 - 4:45
    But projects are specifics to every sections of the movement so I can't talk about everything.
  • 4:45 - 4:50
    And as I said, for me, I'm working on the documentation project to facilitate access to information.
  • 4:55 - 5:01
    Tell us what are the main politicals and economicals subjects in France ?
  • 5:01 - 5:15
    Unlike to others european countries where the economical situation is really unstable -which helps people to express their discontent- in France
  • 5:15 - 5:35
    we are in a "good" situation. People are not completely miserable. But I think there will be some changements soon because the european economy begins to shake.
  • 5:35 - 5:53
    So, if the economy begins to degrade, maybe a lot of people will go in the street.
  • 5:53 - 5:58
    I hope I answered to the question.
  • 5:58 - 6:07
    How do you imagine the transition into a RBE ?
  • 6:07 - 6:18
    From my point of view, I don't think the transition is... How can I explain ?
  • 6:18 - 6:31
    I think the transition is the final goal. What we want is not impose to people a new system. It's develop ideas and technics which
  • 6:31 - 6:42
    can help people to open up. So, the RBE is an ideal but I think it's not a good idea to stay focus on it.
  • 6:42 - 6:53
    It's better to work on the process to develop the society and the direction we want to follow.
  • 6:53 - 7:01
    It may seems spiritual but I think the way is often more important that the goal.
  • 7:01 - 7:22
    If we look carefully, the RBE is not really about the final goal but about the process we will use to obtain a more humanistic society.
  • 7:22 - 7:43
    What is the message you want to transmit to other people ?
  • 7:43 - 8:15
    The message I want to transmit to people is that I think the more important is to gather people around ideas and not separate them. Thus, we can work together on our common goal : live in harmony on this planet to become in high spirits.
  • 8:15 - 8:31
    The goal, even for Zeitgeist members, is not to convert people to join TZM but to explain that we are all connected with the earth and with other people.
  • 8:31 - 9:09
    The aim is to gather than separate.
  • 9:09 - 9:16
    My message is that the important is to gather, not separate.
France - Pierre

France - Pierre

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Frédéric Drago edited English subtitles for France - Pierre
Frédéric Drago edited English subtitles for France - Pierre
Frédéric Drago edited English subtitles for France - Pierre

English subtitles
