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The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B

  • 0:01 - 0:04
    So, this book that I have in my hand
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    is a directory of everybody who had an email address
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    in 1982. (Laughter)
  • 0:11 - 0:15
    Actually, it's deceptively large.
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    There's actually only about 20 people on each page,
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    because we have the name, address
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    and telephone number of every single person.
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    And, in fact, everybody's listed twice,
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    because it's sorted once by name and once by email address.
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    Obviously a very small community.
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    There were only two other Dannys on the Internet then.
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    I knew them both.
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    We didn't all know each other,
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    but we all kind of trusted each other,
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    and that basic feeling of trust
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    permeated the whole network,
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    and there was a real sense that
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    we could depend on each other to do things.
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    So just to give you an idea of the level of trust in this community,
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    let me tell you what it was like
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    to register a domain name in the early days.
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    Now, it just so happened that I got to register
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    the third domain name on the Internet.
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    So I could have anything I wanted
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    other than and
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    So I picked, but then I thought,
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    you know, there's a lot of really interesting names out there.
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    Maybe I should register a few extras just in case.
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    And then I thought, "Nah, that wouldn't be very nice."
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  • 1:35 - 1:38
    That attitude of only taking what you need
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    was really what everybody had on the network in those days,
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    and in fact, it wasn't just the people on the network,
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    but it was actually kind of built into the protocols
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    of the Internet itself.
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    So the basic idea of I.P., or Internet protocol,
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    and the way that the -- the routing algorithm that used it,
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    were fundamentally "from each according to their ability,
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    to each according to their need."
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    And so, if you had some extra bandwidth,
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    you'd deliver a message for someone.
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    If they had some extra bandwidth, they would deliver a message for you.
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    You'd kind of depend on people to do that,
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    and that was the building block.
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    It was actually interesting that such a communist principle
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    was the basis of a system developed during the Cold War
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    by the Defense Department,
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    but it obviously worked really well,
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    and we all saw what happened with the Internet.
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    It was incredibly successful.
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    In fact, it was so successful that there's no way
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    that these days you could make a book like this.
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    My rough calculation is it would be about 25 miles thick.
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    But, of course, you couldn't do it,
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    because we don't know the names of all the people
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    with Internet or email addresses,
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    and even if we did know their names,
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    I'm pretty sure that they would not want their name,
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    address and telephone number published to everyone.
  • 3:00 - 3:04
    So the fact is that there's a lot of bad guys on the Internet these days,
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    and so we dealt with that by making
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    walled communities,
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    secure subnetworks, VPNs,
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    little things that aren't really the Internet
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    but are made out of the same building blocks,
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    but we're still basically building it out of those
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    same building blocks with those same assumptions of trust.
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    And that means that it's vulnerable
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    to certain kinds of mistakes that can happen,
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    or certain kinds of deliberate attacks,
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    but even the mistakes can be bad.
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    So, for instance,
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    in all of Asia recently,
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    it was impossible to get YouTube for a little while
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    because Pakistan made some mistakes
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    in how it was censoring YouTube in its internal network.
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    They didn't intend to screw up Asia, but they did
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    because of the way that the protocols work.
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    Another example that may have affected many of you in this audience is,
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    you may remember a couple of years ago,
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    all the planes west of the Mississippi were grounded
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    because a single routing card in Salt Lake City
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    had a bug in it.
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    Now, you don't really think
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    that our airplane system depends on the Internet,
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    and in some sense it doesn't.
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    I'll come back to that later.
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    But the fact is that people couldn't take off
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    because something was going wrong on the Internet,
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    and the router card was down.
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    And so, there are many of those things that start to happen.
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    Now, there was an interesting thing that happened last April.
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    All of a sudden,
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    a very large percentage of the traffic on the whole Internet,
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    including a lot of the traffic between U.S. military installations,
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    started getting re-routed through China.
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    So for a few hours, it all passed through China.
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    Now, China Telecom says it was just an honest mistake,
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    and it is actually possible that it was, the way things work,
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    but certainly somebody could make
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    a dishonest mistake of that sort if they wanted to,
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    and it shows you how vulnerable the system is even to mistakes.
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    Imagine how vulnerable the system is to deliberate attacks.
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    So if somebody really wanted to attack the United States
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    or Western civilization these days,
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    they're not going to do it with tanks.
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    That will not succeed.
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    What they'll probably do is something
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    very much like the attack that happened
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    on the Iranian nuclear facility.
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    Nobody has claimed credit for that.
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    There was basically a factory of industrial machines.
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    It didn't think of itself as being on the Internet.
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    It thought of itself as being disconnected from the Internet,
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    but it was possible for somebody to smuggle
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    a USB drive in there, or something like that,
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    and software got in there that causes the centrifuges,
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    in that case, to actually destroy themselves.
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    Now that same kind of software could destroy an oil refinery
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    or a pharmaceutical factory or a semiconductor plant.
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    And so there's a lot of -- I'm sure you've read a lot in papers,
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    about worries about cyber attacks
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    and defenses against those.
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    But the fact is, people are mostly focused on
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    defending the computers on the Internet,
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    and there's been surprisingly little attention
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    to defending the Internet itself as a communications medium.
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    And I think we probably do need to pay
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    some more attention to that, because it's actually kind of fragile.
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    So actually, in the early days,
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    back when it was the ARPANET,
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    there were actually times -- there was a particular time it failed completely
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    because one single message processor
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    actually got a bug in it.
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    And the way the Internet works is
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    the routers are basically exchanging information
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    about how they can get messages to places,
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    and this one processor, because of a broken card,
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    decided it could actually get a message
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    to some place in negative time.
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    So, in other words, it claimed it could deliver a message before you sent it.
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    So of course, the fastest way to get a message anywhere
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    was to send it to this guy,
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    who would send it back in time and get it there super early,
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    so every message in the Internet
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    started getting switched through this one node,
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    and of course that clogged everything up.
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    Everything started breaking.
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    The interesting thing was, though,
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    that the sysadmins were able to fix it,
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    but they had to basically turn every single thing on the Internet off.
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    Now, of course you couldn't do that today.
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    I mean, everything off, it's like
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    the service call you get from the cable company,
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    except for the whole world.
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    Now, in fact, they couldn't do it for a lot of reasons today.
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    One of the reasons is a lot of their telephones
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    use IP protocol and use things like Skype and so on
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    that go through the Internet right now,
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    and so in fact we're becoming dependent on it
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    for more and more different things,
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    like when you take off from LAX,
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    you're really not thinking you're using the Internet.
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    When you pump gas, you really don't think you're using the Internet.
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    What's happening increasingly, though, is these systems
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    are beginning to use the Internet.
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    Most of them aren't based on the Internet yet,
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    but they're starting to use the Internet for service functions,
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    for administrative functions,
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    and so if you take something like the cell phone system,
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    which is still relatively independent of the Internet for the most part,
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    Internet pieces are beginning to sneak into it
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    in terms of some of the control and administrative functions,
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    and it's so tempting to use these same building blocks
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    because they work so well, they're cheap,
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    they're repeated, and so on.
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    So all of our systems, more and more,
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    are starting to use the same technology
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    and starting to depend on this technology.
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    And so even a modern rocket ship these days
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    actually uses Internet protocol to talk
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    from one end of the rocket ship to the other.
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    That's crazy. It was never designed to do things like that.
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    So we've built this system
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    where we understand all the parts of it,
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    but we're using it in a very, very different way than we expected to use it,
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    and it's gotten a very, very different scale
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    than it was designed for.
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    And in fact, nobody really exactly understands
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    all the things it's being used for right now.
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    It's turning into one of these big emergent systems
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    like the financial system, where we've designed all the parts
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    but nobody really exactly understands
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    how it operates and all the little details of it
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    and what kinds of emergent behaviors it can have.
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    And so if you hear an expert talking about the Internet
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    and saying it can do this, or it does do this, or it will do that,
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    you should treat it with the same skepticism
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    that you might treat the comments of an economist about the economy
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    or a weatherman about the weather, or something like that.
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    They have an informed opinion,
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    but it's changing so quickly that even the experts
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    don't know exactly what's going on.
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    So if you see one of these maps of the Internet,
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    it's just somebody's guess.
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    Nobody really knows what the Internet is right now
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    because it's different than it was an hour ago.
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    It's constantly changing. It's constantly reconfiguring.
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    And the problem with it is,
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    I think we are setting ourselves up for a kind of disaster
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    like the disaster we had in the financial system,
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    where we take a system that's basically built on trust,
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    was basically built for a smaller-scale system,
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    and we've kind of expanded it way beyond the limits
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    of how it was meant to operate.
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    And so right now, I think it's literally true
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    that we don't know what the consequences
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    of an effective denial-of-service attack
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    on the Internet would be,
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    and whatever it would be is going to be worse next year,
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    and worse next year, and so on.
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    But so what we need is a plan B.
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    There is no plan B right now.
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    There's no clear backup system that we've very carefully kept
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    to be independent of the Internet,
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    made out of completely different sets of building blocks.
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    So what we need is something that doesn't necessarily
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    have to have the performance of the Internet,
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    but the police department has to be able
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    to call up the fire department even without the Internet,
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    or the hospitals have to order fuel oil.
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    This doesn't need to be a multi-billion-dollar government project.
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    It's actually relatively simple to do, technically,
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    because it can use existing fibers that are in the ground,
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    existing wireless infrastructure.
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    It's basically a matter of deciding to do it.
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    But people won't decide to do it
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    until they recognize the need for it,
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    and that's the problem that we have right now.
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    So there's been plenty of people,
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    plenty of us have been quietly arguing
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    that we should have this independent system for years,
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    but it's very hard to get people focused on plan B
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    when plan A seems to be working so well.
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    So I think that, if people understand
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    how much we're starting to depend on the Internet,
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    and how vulnerable it is,
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    we could get focused on
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    just wanting this other system to exist,
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    and I think if enough people say, "Yeah, I would like to use it,
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    I'd like to have such a system," then it will get built.
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    It's not that hard a problem.
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    It could definitely be done by people in this room.
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    And so I think that this is actually,
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    of all the problems you're going to hear about at the conference,
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    this is probably one of the very easiest to fix.
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    So I'm happy to get a chance to tell you about it.
  • 12:05 - 12:07
    Thank you very much.
  • 12:07 - 12:11
The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B
Danny Hillis

In the 1970s and 1980s, a generous spirit suffused the Internet, whose users were few and far between. But today, the net is ubiquitous, connecting billions of people, machines and essential pieces of infrastructure -- leaving us vulnerable to cyber-attack or meltdown. Internet pioneer Danny Hillis argues that the Internet wasn't designed for this kind of scale, and sounds a clarion call for us to develop a Plan B: a parallel system to fall back on should -- or when -- the Internet crashes.

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