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Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 2. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away

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    Right now is Alex Jones a mans who says I should be deported for my stand on guns.
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    Sir Alex. Here's how this is gonna work. And it's entirely up to you.
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    I'm going to ask you some questions in the spirit of a proper debate
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    You've had a lot say so far in the show. A lot of it into me which is fine
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    But I want you to try and answer the questions. This is proper debate, okay? I'm not trying to trick you--
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    ALEX: No it's not a debate. You're running the show. You're bringing your victims up front.
    PIERS: OKay, Okay I see--
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    ALEX: Look you've got your little note cards; I just gave you FBI statistics violent crime and gun crime is down 20%
    PIERS: Alex, Alex
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    PIERS: Alex Let me just ask you this.
    ALEX: And you wanna go to little factoids.
    PIERS: No there not little factoids.
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    ALEX: Anyone could pull those up. Listen, Do you have a bodyguard?
    PIERS: Do you know what weapon? Alex --
    ALEX: Why do you have body guards?
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    PIERS: I don't have a body guard--
    ALEX: Yeah I've seen you on the news with him. Don't you wanna protect you wife from hoodlums?
    ALEX: Or you gonna call the police?
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    PIERS: Let me ask you this--
    ALEX: Why does Diane Frankenstein tell 60 minutes that she plans to try to take Mr. and Mrs America's guns?
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    PIERS: Alex, Alex stop talking over me.
    ALEX: You guys wanna disarm all of America.
    PIERS: No I don't!
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    ALEX: Diane Feinstein's bill does.
    PIERS: No I don't.
    ALEX: Gun confiscation.
    PIERS: No. Let me clarify for you.
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    PIERS: You don't seem to understand.
    ALEX: First you register, then you confiscate. It's always done the same.
    PIERS: His, what the campaing--
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    ALEX: Why don't you give me your little cue cards I'll answer the questions for you.
    PIERS: What was the weapon use at Sandy Hook?
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    ALEX: I already gone over that. I've already answered it for you.
    PIERS: We haven't talked about Sandy Hook.
    ALEX: No! Again
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    PIERS: What was the weapon?
    ALEX: It's a .223 M4
    PIERS: Right
    ALEX: Again. But statistically there used
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    ALEX: In very low percentage of mass shootings.
    PIERS: Right. But are you seeing, are you seeing
    ALEX: People wouldn't go swimming cuz the movie Jaws
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    PIERS: The biggest--
    ALEX: Even though great white sharks kill 5 people a year.
    PIERS: Alex, Alex.
    ALEX: You're trying to scare people.
Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 2. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away
Description: Piers Morgan Alan Dershowitz: Alex Jones 'Rambling' And 'Unhinged

Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 2. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away video
Tonight Piers Morgan sat down with the creator of a White House petition to get him deported from the United States. Alex Jones was fired up throughout the entire interview, launching into a series of loud tirades against Morgan and gun control every few seconds. Every time Morgan tried to ask a question, Jones continued to pile through with his arguments.

Jones said the point of the petition was to bring attention to the fact that United States has a bunch of foreigners bragging about taking away the guns of Americans while the gov't amasses more weapons for themselves. He said that the Second Amendment isn't for "duck-hunting," it's to protect us from "tyrannical government." He raised his voice to declare to Morgan, "1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!"

Morgan attempted to explain that the United States has significantly more gun murders than England, but Jones dismissed the argument outright. He called England a "police state," telling Morgan he "fled" to the United States, going so far as to call Morgan a "hatchet man of the New World Order."

Morgan tried to patiently walk through the finer points of the gun control debate with Jones, but he went on tirade after tirade on an ever-angrier series of tangents. Jones repeatedly criticized Morgan for trying to trip him off with "little factoids" instead of getting to the heart of the gun debate.

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