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The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

  • 0:11 - 0:14
    So what does it mean for a machine to be athletic?
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    We will demonstrate the concept of machine athleticism
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    and the research to achieve it
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    with the help of these flying machines called quadrocopters,
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    or quads, for short.
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    Quads have been around for a long time.
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    The reason that they're so popular these days
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    is because they're mechanically simple.
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    By controlling the speeds of these four propellers,
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    these machines can roll, pitch, yaw,
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    and accelerate along their common orientation.
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    On board are also a battery, a computer,
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    various sensors and wireless radios.
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    Quads are extremely agile, but this agility comes at a cost.
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    They are inherently unstable, and they need some form
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    of automatic feedback control in order to be able to fly.
  • 1:04 - 1:07
    So, how did it just do that?
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    Cameras on the ceiling and a laptop
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    serve as an indoor global positioning system.
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    It's used to locate objects in the space
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    that have these reflective markers on them.
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    This data is then sent to another laptop
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    that is running estimation and control algorithms,
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    which in turn sends commands to the quad,
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    which is also running estimation and control algorithms.
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    The bulk of our research is algorithms.
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    It's the magic that brings these machines to life.
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    So how does one design the algorithms
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    that create a machine athlete?
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    We use something broadly called model-based design.
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    We first capture the physics with a mathematical model
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    of how the machines behave.
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    We then use a branch of mathematics
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    called control theory to analyze these models
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    and also to synthesize algorithms for controlling them.
  • 1:58 - 2:01
    For example, that's how we can make the quad hover.
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    We first captured the dynamics
  • 2:02 - 2:04
    with a set of differential equations.
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    We then manipulate these equations with the help
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    of control theory to create algorithms that stabilize the quad.
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    Let me demonstrate the strength of this approach.
  • 2:17 - 2:20
    Suppose that we want this quad to not only hover
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    but to also balance this pole.
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    With a little bit of practice,
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    it's pretty straightforward for a human being to do this,
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    although we do have the advantage of having
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    two feet on the ground
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    and the use of our very versatile hands.
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    It becomes a little bit more difficult
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    when I only have one foot on the ground
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    and when I don't use my hands.
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    Notice how this pole has a reflective marker on top,
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    which means that it can be located in the space.
  • 2:53 - 2:59
  • 2:59 - 3:02
    You can notice that this quad is making fine adjustments
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    to keep the pole balanced.
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    How did we design the algorithms to do this?
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    We added the mathematical model of the pole
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    to that of the quad.
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    Once we have a model of the combined quad-pole system,
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    we can use control theory to create algorithms for controlling it.
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    Here, you see that it's stable,
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    and even if I give it little nudges,
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    it goes back to the nice, balanced position.
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    We can also augment the model to include
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    where we want the quad to be in space.
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    Using this pointer, made out of reflective markers,
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    I can point to where I want the quad to be in space
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    a fixed distance away from me.
  • 3:56 - 3:59
    The key to these acrobatic maneuvers is algorithms,
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    designed with the help of mathematical models
  • 4:01 - 4:03
    and control theory.
  • 4:03 - 4:05
    Let's tell the quad to come back here
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    and let the pole drop,
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    and I will next demonstrate the importance
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    of understanding physical models
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    and the workings of the physical world.
  • 4:25 - 4:27
    Notice how the quad lost altitude
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    when I put this glass of water on it.
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    Unlike the balancing pole, I did not include
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    the mathematical model of the glass in the system.
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    In fact, the system doesn't even know that the glass of water is there.
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    Like before, I could use the pointer to tell the quad
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    where I want it to be in space.
  • 4:43 - 4:53
  • 4:53 - 4:55
    Okay, you should be asking yourself,
  • 4:55 - 4:58
    why doesn't the water fall out of the glass?
  • 4:58 - 5:01
    Two facts: The first is that gravity acts
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    on all objects in the same way.
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    The second is that the propellers are all pointing
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    in the same direction of the glass, pointing up.
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    You put these two things together, the net result
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    is that all side forces on the glass are small
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    and are mainly dominated by aerodynamic effects,
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    which as these speeds are negligible.
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    And that's why you don't need to model the glass.
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    It naturally doesn't spill no matter what the quad does.
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  • 5:46 - 5:50
    The lesson here is that some high-performance tasks
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    are easier than others,
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    and that understanding the physics of the problem
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    tells you which ones are easy and which ones are hard.
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    In this instance, carrying a glass of water is easy.
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    Balancing a pole is hard.
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    We've all heard stories of athletes
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    performing feats while physically injured.
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    Can a machine also perform
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    with extreme physical damage?
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    Conventional wisdom says that you need
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    at least four fixed motor propeller pairs in order to fly,
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    because there are four degrees of freedom to control:
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    roll, pitch, yaw and acceleration.
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    Hexacopters and octocopters, with six and eight propellers,
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    can provide redundancy,
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    but quadrocopters are much more popular
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    because they have the minimum number
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    of fixed motor propeller pairs: four.
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    Or do they?
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    If we analyze the mathematical model of this machine
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    with only two working propellers,
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    we discover that there's an unconventional way to fly it.
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    We relinquish control of yaw,
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    but roll, pitch and acceleration can still be controlled
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    with algorithms that exploit this new configuration.
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    Mathematical models tell us exactly when
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    and why this is possible.
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    In this instance, this knowledge allows us to design
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    novel machine architectures
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    or to design clever algorithms that gracefully handle damage,
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    just like human athletes do,
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    instead of building machines with redundancy.
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    We can't help but hold our breath when we watch
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    a diver somersaulting into the water,
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    or when a vaulter is twisting in the air,
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    the ground fast approaching.
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    Will the diver be able to pull off a rip entry?
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    Will the vaulter stick the landing?
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    Suppose we want this quad here
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    to perform a triple flip and finish off
  • 7:57 - 8:00
    at the exact same spot that it started.
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    This maneuver is going to happen so quickly
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    that we can't use position feedback to correct the motion during execution.
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    There simply isn't enough time.
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    Instead, what the quad can do is perform the maneuver blindly,
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    observe how it finishes the maneuver,
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    and then use that information to modify its behavior
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    so that the next flip is better.
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    Similar to the diver and the vaulter,
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    it is only through repeated practice
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    that the maneuver can be learned and executed
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    to the highest standard.
  • 8:34 - 8:39
  • 8:39 - 8:43
    Striking a moving ball is a necessary skill in many sports.
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    How do we make a machine do
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    what an athlete does seemingly without effort?
  • 9:04 - 9:11
  • 9:11 - 9:13
    This quad has a racket strapped onto its head
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    with a sweet spot roughly the size of an apple, so not too large.
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    The following calculations are made every 20 milliseconds,
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    or 50 times per second.
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    We first figure out where the ball is going.
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    We then next calculate how the quad should hit the ball
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    so that it flies to where it was thrown from.
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    Third, a trajectory is planned that carries the quad
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    from its current state to the impact point with the ball.
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    Fourth, we only execute 20 milliseconds' worth of that strategy.
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    Twenty milliseconds later, the whole process is repeated
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    until the quad strikes the ball.
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  • 9:58 - 10:02
    Machines can not only perform dynamic maneuvers on their own,
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    they can do it collectively.
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    These three quads are cooperatively carrying a sky net.
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  • 10:22 - 10:24
    They perform an extremely dynamic
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    and collective maneuver
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    to launch the ball back to me.
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    Notice that, at full extension, these quads are vertical.
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  • 10:38 - 10:41
    In fact, when fully extended,
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    this is roughly five times greater than what a bungee jumper feels
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    at the end of their launch.
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    The algorithms to do this are very similar
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    to what the single quad used to hit the ball back to me.
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    Mathematical models are used to continuously re-plan
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    a cooperative strategy 50 times per second.
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    Everything we have seen so far has been
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    about the machines and their capabilities.
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    What happens when we couple this machine athleticism
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    with that of a human being?
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    What I have in front of me is a commercial gesture sensor
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    mainly used in gaming.
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    It can recognize what my various body parts
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    are doing in real time.
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    Similar to the pointer that I used earlier,
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    we can use this as inputs to the system.
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    We now have a natural way of interacting
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    with the raw athleticism of these quads with my gestures.
  • 12:10 - 12:15
  • 12:24 - 12:28
    Interaction doesn't have to be virtual. It can be physical.
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    Take this quad, for example.
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    It's trying to stay at a fixed point in space.
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    If I try to move it out of the way, it fights me,
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    and moves back to where it wants to be.
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    We can change this behavior, however.
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    We can use mathematical models
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    to estimate the force that I'm applying to the quad.
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    Once we know this force, we can also change the laws of physics,
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    as far as the quad is concerned, of course.
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    Here the quad is behaving as if it were
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    in a viscous fluid.
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    We now have an intimate way
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    of interacting with a machine.
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    I will use this new capability to position
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    this camera-carrying quad to the appropriate location
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    for filming the remainder of this demonstration.
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    So we can physically interact with these quads
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    and we can change the laws of physics.
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    Let's have a little bit of fun with this.
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    For what you will see next, these quads
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    will initially behave as if they were on Pluto.
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    As time goes on, gravity will be increased
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    until we're all back on planet Earth,
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    but I assure you we won't get there.
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    Okay, here goes.
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  • 14:23 - 14:26
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    You're all thinking now,
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    these guys are having way too much fun,
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    and you're probably also asking yourself,
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    why exactly are they building machine athletes?
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    Some conjecture that the role of play in the animal kingdom
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    is to hone skills and develop capabilities.
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    Others think that it has more of a social role,
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    that it's used to bind the group.
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    Similarly, we use the analogy of sports and athleticism
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    to create new algorithms for machines
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    to push them to their limits.
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    What impact will the speed of machines have on our way of life?
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    Like all our past creations and innovations,
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    they may be used to improve the human condition
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    or they may be misused and abused.
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    This is not a technical choice we are faced with;
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    it's a social one.
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    Let's make the right choice,
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    the choice that brings out the best in the future of machines,
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    just like athleticism in sports
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    can bring out the best in us.
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    Let me introduce you to the wizards behind the green curtain.
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    They're the current members of the Flying Machine Arena research team.
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  • 15:35 - 15:38
    Federico Augugliaro, Dario Brescianini, Markus Hehn,
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    Sergei Lupashin, Mark Muller and Robin Ritz.
  • 15:41 - 15:43
    Look out for them. They're destined for great things.
  • 15:43 - 15:44
    Thank you.
  • 15:44 - 15:50
The astounding athletic power of quadcopters
Raffaello D'Andrea

In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaelo D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads.

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closed TED

English subtitles

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