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The passing of time, caught in a single photo

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Keindahan perjalanan masa, dalam hanya satu gambar
Stephen Wilkes

Photographer Stephen Wilkes crafts stunning compositions of landscapes as they transition from day to night, exploring the space-time continuum within a two-dimensional still photograph. Journey with him to iconic locations like the Tournelle Bridge in Paris, El Capitan in Yosemite National Park and a life-giving watering hole in heart of the Serengeti in this tour of his art and process.

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Ungku Ibrahim Ismail Ungku Mohd Yunus edited Malay subtitles for The passing of time, caught in a single photo
Ungku Ibrahim Ismail Ungku Mohd Yunus edited Malay subtitles for The passing of time, caught in a single photo
Ungku Ibrahim Ismail Ungku Mohd Yunus edited Malay subtitles for The passing of time, caught in a single photo
Ungku Ibrahim Ismail Ungku Mohd Yunus edited Malay subtitles for The passing of time, caught in a single photo
Ungku Ibrahim Ismail Ungku Mohd Yunus edited Malay subtitles for The passing of time, caught in a single photo
Ungku Ibrahim Ismail Ungku Mohd Yunus edited Malay subtitles for The passing of time, caught in a single photo

Malay subtitles

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