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What Dreams Know That We Need Today 夢知道我們今日需要什麼 | William R. Stimson, Ph.D. | TEDxTunghaiU

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Cosa ci insegnano i sogni

We don’t understand dreams because they address us in the language of Jesus, Shakespeare, and Einstein. The images in dreams are metaphors. The ability to make sense of dreams is more important today than science, technology, engineering and math – for it delivers us the enlightenment, compassion, wisdom, creativity, and truth we need to use the STEM skills in ways that benefit rather than destroy nature and civilization.

我們不懂夢,因為夢會以耶穌、莎士比亞跟愛因斯坦的語言向我們傳達。夢裡出現的影像是隱喻。在今日,理解夢境的能力比科學、技術、工程、數學來的重要— 因為這項能力能傳遞啟蒙、悲憫、智慧、創意與真相,讓我們能善用這些科技能力造福地球,而不是用來毀滅自然與文明。

William R. Stimson, is a Columbia University Ph.D. in biology who became interested in creativity and dreams. He apprenticed under Montague Ullman, M.D., who devised a group process that lets dreamers figure out dreams based merely on what is unfolding in their lives at the moment. In Taiwan he introduced Ullman’s group approach to dreams as a university course. In this course everything students learn, they learn from making sense of their own dreams. What they learn is that they are far more perceptive, self-aware, and creatively innovative than they thought.


This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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