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There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help

  • 0:01 - 0:05
    I'd like to tell you a story
    about death and architecture.
  • 0:05 - 0:09
    A hundred years ago, we tended to die
    of infectious diseases like pneumonia,
  • 0:09 - 0:13
    that, if they took hold,
    would take us away quite quickly.
  • 0:13 - 0:17
    We tended to die at home,
    in our own beds, looked after by family,
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    although that was the default option
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    because a lot of people
    lacked access to medical care.
  • 0:22 - 0:24
    And then in the 20th century
    a lot of things changed.
  • 0:24 - 0:26
    We developed new medicines like penicillin
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    so we could treat
    those infectious diseases.
  • 0:29 - 0:32
    New medical technologies
    like x-ray machines were invented.
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    And because they were
    so big and expensive,
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    we needed large, centralized
    buildings to keep them in,
  • 0:38 - 0:40
    and they became our modern hospitals.
  • 0:40 - 0:41
    After the Second World War,
  • 0:41 - 0:44
    a lot of countries set up
    universal healthcare systems
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    so that everyone who needed
    treatment could get it.
  • 0:47 - 0:51
    The result was that lifespans extended
    from about 45 at the start of the century
  • 0:51 - 0:53
    to almost double that today.
  • 0:53 - 0:57
    The 20th century was this time of huge
    optimism about what science could offer,
  • 0:57 - 1:01
    but with all of the focus on life,
    death was forgotten,
  • 1:01 - 1:03
    even as our approach to death
    changed dramatically.
  • 1:04 - 1:05
    Now, I'm an architect,
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    and for the past year and a half
    I've been looking at these changes
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    and at what they mean for architecture
    related to death and dying.
  • 1:11 - 1:14
    We now tend to die
    of cancer and heart disease,
  • 1:14 - 1:18
    and what that means is that many of us
    will have a long period of chronic illness
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    at the end of our lives.
  • 1:20 - 1:21
    During that period,
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    we'll likely spend a lot of time
    in hospitals and hospices and care homes.
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    Now, we've all been in a modern hospital.
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    You know those fluorescent lights
    and the endless corridors
  • 1:32 - 1:35
    and those rows of uncomfortable chairs.
  • 1:35 - 1:39
    Hospital architecture
    has earned its bad reputation.
  • 1:39 - 1:42
    But the surprising thing is,
    it wasn't always like this.
  • 1:42 - 1:46
    This is L'Ospedale degli Innocenti,
    built in 1419 by Brunelleschi,
  • 1:46 - 1:50
    who was one of the most famous
    and influential architects of his time.
  • 1:50 - 1:54
    And when I look at this building
    and then think about hospitals today,
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    what amazes me is
    this building's ambition.
  • 1:57 - 1:58
    It's just a really great building.
  • 1:58 - 2:00
    It has these courtyards in the middle
  • 2:00 - 2:03
    so that all of the rooms
    have daylight and fresh air,
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    and the rooms are big
    and they have high ceilings,
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    so they just feel
    more comfortable to be in.
  • 2:08 - 2:09
    And it's also beautiful.
  • 2:09 - 2:13
    Somehow, we've forgotten
    that that's even possible for a hospital.
  • 2:13 - 2:17
    Now, if we want better buildings
    for dying, then we have to talk about it,
  • 2:17 - 2:20
    but because we find the subject
    of death uncomfortable,
  • 2:20 - 2:21
    we don't talk about it,
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    and we don't question how we
    as a society approach death.
  • 2:24 - 2:28
    One of the things that surprised me
    most in my research, though,
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    is how changeable attitudes actually are.
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    This is the first crematorium in the U.K.,
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    which was built in Woking in the 1870s.
  • 2:36 - 2:39
    And when this was first built,
    there were protests in the local village.
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    Cremation wasn't socially acceptable,
    and 99.8 percent of people got buried.
  • 2:44 - 2:48
    And yet, only a hundred years later,
    three quarters of us get cremated.
  • 2:48 - 2:50
    People are actually really open
    to changing things
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    if they're given the chance
    to talk about them.
  • 2:53 - 2:56
    So this conversation
    about death and architecture
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    was what I wanted to start
    when I did my first exhibition on it
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    in Venice in June,
    which was called "Death in Venice."
  • 3:02 - 3:05
    It was designed to be quite playful
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    so that people would
    literally engage with it.
  • 3:08 - 3:11
    This is one of our exhibits,
    which is an interactive map of London
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    that shows just how much
    of the real estate in the city
  • 3:14 - 3:16
    is given over to death and dying,
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    and as you wave your hand across the map,
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    the name of that piece of real estate,
    the building or cemetery, is revealed.
  • 3:23 - 3:25
    Another of our exhibits
    was a series of postcards
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    that people could take away with them.
  • 3:27 - 3:30
    And they showed people's homes
    and hospitals
  • 3:30 - 3:32
    and cemeteries and mortuaries,
  • 3:32 - 3:35
    and they tell the story
    of the different spaces
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    that we pass through
    on either side of death.
  • 3:37 - 3:40
    We wanted to show
    that where we die
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    is a key part of how we die.
  • 3:43 - 3:48
    Now, the strangest thing was the way
    that visitors reacted to the exhibition,
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    especially the audio-visual works.
  • 3:50 - 3:54
    We had people dancing
    and running and jumping
  • 3:54 - 3:57
    as they tried to activate
    the exhibits in different ways,
  • 3:57 - 3:59
    and at a certain point
    they would kind of stop
  • 3:59 - 4:02
    and remember that they were in
    an exhibition about death,
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    and that maybe that's not
    how you're supposed to act.
  • 4:05 - 4:07
    But actually, I would question
    whether there is one way
  • 4:07 - 4:10
    that you're supposed to act around death,
  • 4:10 - 4:14
    and if there's not, I'd ask you to think
    about what you think a good death is,
  • 4:14 - 4:18
    and what you think that architecture
    that supports a good death might be like,
  • 4:18 - 4:22
    and mightn't it be a little less like this
    and a little more like this?
  • 4:22 - 4:25
    Thank you.
  • 4:25 - 4:27
There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help
Alison Killing

In this short, provocative talk, architect Alison Killing looks at buildings where death and dying happen — cemeteries, hospitals, homes. The way we die is changing, and the way we build for dying ... well, maybe that should too. It's a surprisingly fascinating look at a hidden aspect of our cities, and our lives.

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