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The myth of the gay agenda

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LZ Granderson: El mite de l'agenda homosexual
LZ Granderson

In a funny talk with an urgent message, LZ Granderson points out the absurdity in the idea that there's a "gay lifestyle," much less a "gay agenda." What's actually on his agenda? Being a good partner -- and being a good parent.

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Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The myth of the gay agenda
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