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Let's save the last pristine continent

  • 0:01 - 0:04
    Let's go south.
  • 0:04 - 0:11
    All of you are actually going south.
  • 0:11 - 0:15
    This is the direction of south, this way,
  • 0:15 - 0:22
    and if you go 8,000 kilometers
    out of the back of this room,
  • 0:22 - 0:27
    you will come to as far south
    as you can go anywhere on Earth,
  • 0:27 - 0:29
    the Pole itself.
  • 0:29 - 0:33
    Now, I am not an explorer.
  • 0:33 - 0:37
    I'm not an environmentalist.
  • 0:37 - 0:40
    I'm actually just a survivor,
  • 0:40 - 0:46
    and these photographs
    that I'm showing you here are dangerous.
  • 0:46 - 0:52
    They are the ice melt
    of the South and North Poles.
  • 0:52 - 0:54
    And ladies and gentlemen,
  • 0:54 - 1:00
    we need to listen to what
    these places are telling us,
  • 1:00 - 1:06
    and if we don't, we will end up
    with our own survival situation
  • 1:06 - 1:10
    here on planet Earth.
  • 1:10 - 1:16
    I have faced head-on these places,
  • 1:16 - 1:20
    and to walk across a melting ocean of ice
  • 1:20 - 1:23
    is without doubt
    the most frightening thing
  • 1:23 - 1:27
    that's ever happened to me.
  • 1:27 - 1:33
    Antarctica is such a hopeful place.
  • 1:33 - 1:40
    It is protected by
    the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959.
  • 1:41 - 1:47
    In 1991, a 50-year agreement
    was entered into
  • 1:47 - 1:53
    that stops any exploitation in Antarctica,
  • 1:53 - 1:58
    and this agreement could be altered,
  • 1:58 - 2:03
    changed, modified, or even abandoned
  • 2:03 - 2:08
    starting in the year 2041.
  • 2:10 - 2:12
    Ladies and gentlemen,
  • 2:12 - 2:18
    people already far up north
    from here in the Arctic
  • 2:18 - 2:21
    are already taking advantage
  • 2:21 - 2:25
    of this ice melt,
  • 2:25 - 2:32
    taking out resources from areas
    already that have been covered in ice
  • 2:32 - 2:35
    for the last 10, 20, 30,000,
  • 2:35 - 2:38
    100,000 years.
  • 2:38 - 2:42
    Can they not join the dots
  • 2:42 - 2:48
    and think, "Why is the ice
    actually melting?"
  • 2:48 - 2:51
    This is such an amazing place,
  • 2:51 - 2:55
    the Antarctic, and I have worked hard
  • 2:55 - 3:00
    for the last 23 years on this mission
  • 3:00 - 3:04
    to make sure that what's happening
    up here in the North
  • 3:04 - 3:10
    does never happen,
    cannot happen in the South.
  • 3:10 - 3:12
    Where did this all begin?
  • 3:12 - 3:14
    It began for me at the age of 11.
  • 3:14 - 3:17
    Check out that haircut.
    It's a bit odd. (Laughter)
  • 3:17 - 3:23
    And at the age of 11,
    I was inspired by the real explorers
  • 3:23 - 3:27
    to want to try to be the first
    to walk to both Poles.
  • 3:27 - 3:32
    I found it incredibly inspiring
  • 3:32 - 3:36
    that the idea of becoming a polar traveler
  • 3:36 - 3:40
    went down pretty well with girls
    at parties when I was at university.
  • 3:40 - 3:42
    That was a bit more inspiring.
  • 3:42 - 3:46
    And after years, seven
    years of fundraising,
  • 3:46 - 3:48
    seven years of being told no,
  • 3:48 - 3:54
    seven years of being told
    by my family to seek counseling
  • 3:54 - 3:58
    and psychiatric help,
  • 3:58 - 4:04
    eventually three of us found ourselves
    marching to the South Geographic Pole
  • 4:04 - 4:10
    on the longest unassisted march
    ever made anywhere on Earth in history.
  • 4:10 - 4:14
    In this photograph,
    we are standing in an area
  • 4:14 - 4:18
    the size of the United States of America,
  • 4:18 - 4:19
    and we're on our own.
  • 4:19 - 4:22
    We have no radio
    communications, no backup.
  • 4:22 - 4:29
    Beneath our feet,
    90 percent of all the world's ice,
  • 4:30 - 4:34
    70 percent of all the world's fresh water.
  • 4:34 - 4:36
    We're standing on it.
  • 4:36 - 4:41
    This is the power of Antarctica.
  • 4:41 - 4:44
    On this journey, we faced
    the danger of crevasses,
  • 4:44 - 4:47
    intense cold,
  • 4:47 - 4:52
    so cold that sweat turns
    to ice inside your clothing,
  • 4:52 - 4:54
    your teeth can crack,
  • 4:54 - 4:56
    water can freeze in your eyes.
  • 4:56 - 4:59
    Let's just say it's a bit chilly.
  • 4:59 - 5:03
    And after 70 desperate days,
    we arrive at the South Pole.
  • 5:03 - 5:05
    We had done it.
  • 5:05 - 5:11
    But something happened to me
    on that 70-day journey in 1986
  • 5:11 - 5:14
    that brought me here, and it hurt.
  • 5:14 - 5:19
    My eyes changed color
    in 70 days through damage.
  • 5:19 - 5:21
    Our faces blistered out.
  • 5:21 - 5:26
    The skin ripped off
    and we wondered why.
  • 5:26 - 5:29
    And when we got home,
    we were told by NASA
  • 5:29 - 5:32
    that a hole in the ozone
    had been discovered
  • 5:32 - 5:34
    above the South Pole,
  • 5:34 - 5:39
    and we'd walked underneath it
    the same year it had been discovered.
  • 5:39 - 5:45
    Ultraviolet rays down, hit the ice,
    bounced back, fried out the eyes,
  • 5:45 - 5:48
    ripped off our faces.
  • 5:48 - 5:51
    It was a bit of a shock --
    (Laughter) --
  • 5:51 - 5:55
    and it started me thinking.
  • 5:55 - 5:58
    In 1989, we now head north.
  • 5:58 - 6:03
    Sixty days, every step away
    from the safety of land
  • 6:03 - 6:05
    across a frozen ocean.
  • 6:05 - 6:07
    It was desperately cold again.
  • 6:07 - 6:13
    Here's me coming in from washing
    naked at -60 Celsius.
  • 6:14 - 6:18
    And if anybody ever says to you,
    "I am cold" -- (Laughter) --
  • 6:18 - 6:24
    if they look like this,
    they are cold, definitely.
  • 6:24 - 6:27
  • 6:27 - 6:33
    And 1,000 kilometers away
    from the safety of land,
  • 6:33 - 6:36
    disaster strikes.
  • 6:36 - 6:43
    The Arctic Ocean melts beneath our feet
    four months before it ever had in history,
  • 6:43 - 6:47
    and we're 1,000 kilometers from safety.
  • 6:47 - 6:53
    The ice is crashing around us, grinding,
    and I'm thinking, "Are we going to die?"
  • 6:53 - 6:58
    But something clicked
    in my head on this day,
  • 6:58 - 7:05
    as I realized we, as a world,
    are in a survival situation,
  • 7:05 - 7:09
    and that feeling has never gone away
    for 25 long years.
  • 7:09 - 7:14
    Back then, we had to march or die.
  • 7:14 - 7:17
    And we're not some TV survivor program.
  • 7:17 - 7:20
    When things go wrong for us,
    it's life or death,
  • 7:20 - 7:24
    and our brave African-American Daryl,
  • 7:24 - 7:27
    who would become the first American
    to walk to the North Pole,
  • 7:27 - 7:32
    his heel dropped off
    from frostbite 200 klicks out.
  • 7:32 - 7:34
    He must keep going, he does,
  • 7:34 - 7:39
    and after 60 days on the ice,
    we stood at the North Pole.
  • 7:39 - 7:41
    We had done it.
  • 7:41 - 7:46
    Yes, I became the first person in history
    stupid enough to walk to both Poles,
  • 7:46 - 7:48
    but it was our success.
  • 7:49 - 7:53
    And sadly, on return home,
  • 7:53 - 7:56
    it was not all fun.
  • 7:56 - 7:58
    I became very low.
  • 7:58 - 8:04
    To succeed at something is often harder
    than actually making it happen.
  • 8:04 - 8:09
    I was empty, lonely,
    financially destroyed.
  • 8:09 - 8:11
    I was without hope,
  • 8:11 - 8:15
    but hope came in the form
    of the great Jacques Cousteau,
  • 8:15 - 8:20
    and he inspired me to take on
    the 2041 mission.
  • 8:20 - 8:23
    Being Jacques, he gave me
    clear instructions:
  • 8:23 - 8:28
    Engage the world leaders,
    talk to industry and business,
  • 8:28 - 8:31
    and above all, Rob, inspire young people,
  • 8:31 - 8:36
    because they will choose the future
    of the preservation of Antarctica.
  • 8:36 - 8:41
    For the world leaders, we've been
    to every world Earth Summit,
  • 8:41 - 8:45
    all three of them,
    with our brave yacht, 2041,
  • 8:45 - 8:50
    twice to Rio, once in '92, once in 2012,
  • 8:50 - 8:54
    and for the Earth Summit in Johannesburg,
  • 8:54 - 9:01
    we made the longest overland voyage
    ever made with a yacht,
  • 9:01 - 9:05
    13,000 kilometers around
    the whole of Southern Africa
  • 9:05 - 9:12
    doing our best to inspire
    over a million young people in person
  • 9:12 - 9:17
    about 2041 and about their environment.
  • 9:17 - 9:23
    For the last 11 years,
    we have taken over 1,000 people,
  • 9:23 - 9:27
    people from industry and business,
    women and men from companies,
  • 9:27 - 9:31
    students from all over the world,
    down to Antarctica,
  • 9:31 - 9:34
    and during those missions,
    we've managed to pull out
  • 9:34 - 9:40
    over 1,500 tons of twisted metal
    left in Antarctica.
  • 9:40 - 9:43
    That took eight years,
    and I'm so proud of it
  • 9:43 - 9:50
    because we recycled all of it
    back here in South America.
  • 9:50 - 9:54
    I have been inspired
    ever since I could walk
  • 9:54 - 9:57
    to recycle by my mum.
  • 9:57 - 10:00
    Here she is, and my mum --
  • 10:00 - 10:03
    (Applause) --
  • 10:03 - 10:06
    my mum is still recycling,
  • 10:06 - 10:11
    and as she is in her 100th year,
    isn't that fantastic?
  • 10:11 - 10:13
  • 10:13 - 10:16
    And when -- I love my mum.
  • 10:16 - 10:18
  • 10:18 - 10:21
    But when Mum was born,
  • 10:21 - 10:27
    the population of our planet
    was only 1.8 billion people,
  • 10:27 - 10:29
    and talking in terms of billions,
  • 10:29 - 10:33
    we have taken young people
    from industry and business
  • 10:33 - 10:35
    from India, from China.
  • 10:35 - 10:41
    These are game-changing nations,
    and will be hugely important
  • 10:41 - 10:46
    in the decision about
    the preservation of the Antarctic.
  • 10:46 - 10:52
    Unbelievably, we've engaged and inspired
    women to come from the Middle East,
  • 10:52 - 10:59
    often for the first time they've
    represented their nations in Antarctica.
  • 10:59 - 11:01
    Fantastic people, so inspired.
  • 11:01 - 11:04
    To look after Antarctica,
  • 11:04 - 11:11
    you've got to first engage people
    with this extraordinary place,
  • 11:11 - 11:15
    form a relationship, form a bond,
  • 11:15 - 11:18
    form some love.
  • 11:18 - 11:21
    It is such a privilege
    to go to Antarctica,
  • 11:21 - 11:22
    I can't tell you.
  • 11:22 - 11:24
    I feel so lucky,
  • 11:24 - 11:27
    and I've been 35 times in my life,
  • 11:27 - 11:32
    and all those people who come with us
    return home as great champions,
  • 11:32 - 11:34
    not only for Antarctica,
  • 11:34 - 11:38
    but for local issues
    back in their own nations.
  • 11:38 - 11:44
    Let's go back to where we began:
    the ice melt of the North and South Poles.
  • 11:44 - 11:46
    And it's not good news.
  • 11:48 - 11:52
    NASA informed us six months ago
  • 11:52 - 11:57
    that the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf
    is now disintegrating.
  • 11:57 - 11:59
    Huge areas of ice --
  • 11:59 - 12:03
    look how big Antarctica is
    even compared to here --
  • 12:03 - 12:08
    Huge areas of ice
    are breaking off from Antarctica,
  • 12:08 - 12:11
    the size of small nations.
  • 12:11 - 12:15
    And NASA have calculated
    that the sea level will rise,
  • 12:15 - 12:17
    it is definite,
  • 12:17 - 12:21
    by one meter in the next 100 years,
  • 12:21 - 12:24
    the same time that my mum
    has been on planet Earth.
  • 12:24 - 12:26
    It's going to happen,
  • 12:26 - 12:30
    and I've realized that
    the preservation of Antarctica
  • 12:32 - 12:36
    and our survival here on Earth are linked.
  • 12:36 - 12:38
    And there is a very simple solution.
  • 12:38 - 12:44
    If we are using more renewable energy
    in the real world,
  • 12:44 - 12:49
    if we are being more efficient
    with the energy here,
  • 12:49 - 12:54
    running our energy mix in a cleaner way,
  • 12:54 - 12:59
    there will be no financial reason
    to go and exploit Antarctica.
  • 12:59 - 13:01
    It won't make financial sense,
  • 13:01 - 13:07
    and if we manage our energy better,
    we also may be able to slow down,
  • 13:08 - 13:11
    maybe even stop,
  • 13:11 - 13:14
    this great ice melt that threatens us.
  • 13:14 - 13:17
    It's a big challenge, and what
    is our response to it?
  • 13:17 - 13:21
    We've got to go back one last time,
  • 13:21 - 13:23
    and at the end of next year,
  • 13:23 - 13:27
    we will go back to the
    South Geographic Pole,
  • 13:27 - 13:31
    where we arrived 30 years ago on foot,
  • 13:31 - 13:37
    and retrace our steps of 1,600 kilometers,
  • 13:37 - 13:43
    but this time only using
    renewable energy to survive.
  • 13:43 - 13:48
    We will walk across those icecaps,
    which far down below are melting,
  • 13:48 - 13:53
    hopefully inspiring some
    solutions on that issue.
  • 13:53 - 13:56
    This is my son, Barney.
  • 13:56 - 13:59
    He is coming with me.
  • 13:59 - 14:03
    He is committed to walking
    side by side with his father,
  • 14:03 - 14:07
    and what he will do is
    to translate these messages
  • 14:07 - 14:13
    and inspire these messages
    to the minds of future young leaders.
  • 14:13 - 14:15
    I'm extremely proud of him.
  • 14:15 - 14:18
    Good on him, Barney.
  • 14:20 - 14:26
    Ladies and gentlemen,
    a survivor -- and I'm good --
  • 14:26 - 14:34
    a survivor sees a problem
    and doesn't go, "Whatever."
  • 14:35 - 14:39
    A survivor sees a problem
    and deals with that problem
  • 14:39 - 14:42
    before it becomes a threat.
  • 14:42 - 14:48
    We have 27 years
    to preserve the Antarctic.
  • 14:48 - 14:50
    We all own it.
  • 14:50 - 14:53
    We all have responsibility.
  • 14:53 - 14:58
    The fact that nobody owns it
    maybe means that we can succeed.
  • 14:58 - 15:03
    Antarctica is a moral line in the snow,
  • 15:03 - 15:07
    and on one side of that line
    we should fight,
  • 15:07 - 15:12
    fight hard for this one beautiful,
    pristine place left alone on Earth.
  • 15:12 - 15:14
    I know it's possible.
  • 15:14 - 15:16
    We are going to do it.
  • 15:16 - 15:20
    And I'll leave you with
    these words from Goethe.
  • 15:20 - 15:22
    I've tried to live by them.
  • 15:24 - 15:30
    "If you can do, or dream you can,
  • 15:31 - 15:34
    begin it now,
  • 15:34 - 15:41
    for boldness has genius,
    power and magic in it."
  • 15:41 - 15:43
    Good luck to you all.
  • 15:43 - 15:45
    Thank you very much.
  • 15:45 - 15:49
Let's save the last pristine continent
Robert Swan

2041 will be a pivotal year for our planet. That year will mark the end of a 50-year agreement to keep Antarctica, the Earth’s last pristine continent, free of exploitation. Explorer Robert Swan — the first person to walk both the North and South Poles — is on a mission to ensure that we extend that treaty. With passion and vigor, he pleads with us to choose the preservation of the Antarctic for our own survival.

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    00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:22,427
    I can't tell you.
    I can tell you.

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