Hello and welcome. This is a presentation of non linear functions. And I have developed this as a public class at the Licium in December of 2014 but had not recorded it back then. So, I'm recording it as a screen cast so that I can upload it on to Youtube and I can make it even more available. This is the first time that I am doing this converting my class into a screen cast so I would appreciate your feedback. This presentation is on non linear functions. Non linear functions are models, mathematical models of physical phenomena that we often encounter However, unlike linear functions they are a little more harder to analyze and predict. The behavior is harder to predict. In many circumstances when we try to model physical phenomena we see that higher order terms have very very small coefficients. So we just ignore them but those small terms can actually affect the behavior of functions in certain circumstances. So this presentation is going to be an introduction to these types of functions and how they behave and what you can do with them. So to start off with let's just do a quick recap. A recap of basic ideas which I know many of you may already be familiar with If you already know about all this you can skip this and go to the next The basic ideas we are going to discuss are functions. What are functions? Functions are mathematical concepts which we use to describe how elements of one set change into elements of another set. For example I can say F of x equal to x squared. Which is a function that is squared and simpled. Or you can say F of x equal to sine of x The trigonometric sine of x, expressed in radians. Things like that. These are examples of functions, simple functions These two are non-linear but we can have linear ones as well. Say x + 5, or something like 2x or something like that These are linear functions. These last two are linear. The first two are non-linear because they have higher order terms Higher order terms meaning terms with a power of more than 1 Now, usually when we talk about functions we talk about solving them So we say: y equal to x squared, and you can plot it Or you can find the value of the function for a given value of x, and something like that. But in this series we're going to be mostly talking about iteration functions This is something which you might not have done. So the basic idea is to take a function, say this one which we have up here F of x equal to x squared And apply this function repeatedly So if I were to take F(x) = x^2, and I say F of 2 will be 4 And then you apply F on this one, so you say F of 4 equal to 4 squared, 16 And then you say F of 16, it's the square of 16, then you say square of that Then square of that, then square of that. This is called iterating. You apply a function repeatedly on something. And this actually gives you certain kinds of behaviour which we'll find interesting in the upcoming segments. So let's say if I wanted to apply F(x) on a function, so F(x) = x^2 So if I apply this three times, it will be F of F of F of x I want to apply the squaring function on a number (say 2), three times You can write it like this. You will get the third "iterate" of the number 2 under the function F And as a matter of notation, we tend to write it like this, F three times of 2. So this is F of F of F of 2 So this is the notation which we're going to use repeatedly in this series. So this is iterational functions. And what we're interested in is finding behaviours of functions when we do this. Now let's move to the next phase. We have a notation and we have the basic thing that we're going to do. What we're going to discuss right now is what I call Orbits. The term might sound technical, but it's a simple thing It's just the successive iterates of a number under a function. So if I were to take a number, say in this case let's just say a simpler function Let's just take F of x equal to 2x (double the number). Then you can start with 1 We'll start with Orbit of 1 under F. The first thing would be 1, then you apply F once, it would become 2. You apply F to that, you get 4, you apply F to that you get 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc. These are the iterates of 1 under the function F(x) = 2x. And this series is called the Orbit of 1. So the Orbit of 1 is successive iterates of a number under a function. So we talk about what is the orbit of this number, what is the orbit of that number, how does the orbit behave? And things like that. So it's this orbit thing that we're interested in. And we can actually make predictions about orbits and where this thing will go if you start iterating and things like that. Now given that we know what orbits are now there is some interesting kinds of points We'll discuss many of them in the upcoming segments but the first and simplest one is what's called a "Fixed Point" It's something important, just in case. A Fixed Point is a point that is fixed. This means that F(x) will be equal to x for that point. And this is something which varies depending on functions. If I were to take F(x)=2x, this function which I just talked about earlier Zero is a fixed point. Why? Because F(0) will be 0, and then you apply that as many times as you want It stays there it doesn't move, it's fixed On the other hand, we just saw over here that if you take 1, it's not fixed It just keeps on increasing If you take 0, it's what we call a Fixed Point. And you can see how this behaves, you can see how the functions behave now. Let's take a few simple examples and see how this thing does. So consider this, we take an interpreter so that we can do this easily So that I have square root, sine, cosine and things like that. And take a number, so let's say 5. I'm going to say square root of 5, we get this Square root of that, we get this. And I keep doing this again and again So this is iterating manually And we can see that as I iterate, this thing slowly becomes smaller and smaller. It tends towards 1, right? And 1 is under square root of 1 a Fixed Point Because square root of 1 is 1 Alright, consider the other one. Consider sine of something expressed in radians So let's take sine of pi. Sine of pi is this, it's infinitesimally small. Let's take sine of pi/2. This is 1. Sine of pi/1.9, just a little bit less. If you iterate all of this... This is sine of some random number, just do 2 or something Sine of 3, and then sine of this. So if you apply sine repeatedly on a number you see that it slowly goes down lower and lower and lower and ultimately it tends to 0. You can see this happening if you write a small function Iterate, this is the function, this is the start point, this the number of iterations And you can see S equal to start, and say for i in range of iterations And you can say S equal to the function applied on S And you just say Print. Simple function. So just try this, iterate sine starting from 2, a hundrer times You can see that it starts off from 0.9 and keeps reducing Reduces, reduces, reduces it goes down like this If I were to take this to 1000, it would go extremely lower 10,000 it's even lower. So it's slowly tending towards 0. And this seems to hold for many of the points For example for 3, for example for pi. It's going down to almost 0. Pi/2, anything. So anything you give, it slowly tends towards 0 And 0 of course is a Fixed Point. So 0 is a Fixed Point for this function. 0 is also a Fixed Point for sine of x. Now let's take another one. Let's try cos of x which is looking more interesting Let's just take pi, and we'll take cos of x Cos of x and cos of a function, and then now we try this. You can see that it goes to 0.739085133215 And this seems to happen for anything usually: 3, 2, 1, anything. And this is a Fixed Point of cos of x. This seemingly random number is a Fixed Point for cos of x. Because of my definition you know that this is a point at which cos(x) equal to x But it's not straightforward what's so particular about this number. So this is the concept of a Fixed Point. So that ends our first segment, which is just an introduction to functions What is iteration, what is an Orbit, and what is a Fixed Point. Now we'll discuss more types of points in the next segment.