uhhhh (Mom) Do you want something else? Oh...more to say, hum? More to say. ehhh (Mom)I like this. You like this? Oh, go back to page one [utterances from boy] More to say. I want... What do you hear? I know you hear the gardner outside. You see the fly, yeah, I see a fly. Did you want something? You want to make something? Oh, you wanted something...some food. Something to eat or drink. Food...yeah. You want cheese. [utterance from boy] Cheese. go back to page 18a. Yeah, I know you wanted food. What did you want? You're finished? Are you finished with the cheese? Or you wanted more [utterances from boy] You wanted more? Yeah? Oh! You wanted more! You wanted more. We'll go back to page 1. You wanted more. I know, turn the page. You want more. More what? More please! You want more please. Let's go get it. Go back to page 1. Hurry up? Hurry up and get it! Hurry up, Ok! Go get the cheese. [laughter] Yeah, you're smiling now? Go get it!