Listen, folks. The CSS properties are never-ending. Let me show you a few more. What if I want to change the spacing between the lines in my song lyrics? I could use the `line-height` property, and specify something like 15px. Or maybe better would be 1.5em, that makes the line height 150 percent of whatever the text size was. What if I want my song lyrics to be center-aligned? I could use the `text-align` property, and specifiy `center`. I could also change it to `right`, or `justified`, though I think that would look a bit odd. What if I want to underline my main paragraph? I could use the `text-decoration` property and specify `underline`. What if I want to remove the underline from my links, like that link to Wikipedia? Well, the browser has a default set of styles that it applies to everything. Like `text-decoration: underline` for links. But we can use CSS to override the browser's default styles, and say `text-decoration: none`. Just add this rule here: a { text-decoration: none; } And you see now it's no longer underlined. But we should be careful when we do that, because the defaults are usually picked for a reason. If links aren't underlined, how will people know that they're links? What if they never click them because they think they're just normal text? If we do remove that underline, we should be making sure that the links look significantly different in some other way. Otherwise, we'll make users sad. And sad users make me sad. They should make you sad, too. I could tell you about text properties all day. But I won't, because we have so much more to cover. There are hundreds of CSS properties. And browsers are adding more every year. I probably won't ever tell you about all of them. But hopefully I can tell you enough to get you excited. And then if you're wondering if there's a CSS property for some style and it's not in our documentation here, you can just visit your local search engine and find out. For example, if you're wondering if there's a way to add a drop-shadow to your text, just search "CSS text shadow" on the Internet, and you'll see lots of results. Generally, being able to search the Internet for answers to your questions is a really important skill for a web developer. Because so many people have had the same questions as you, and 99.9 percent of the time, the answer is out there. You just have to get good at finding it.