Edgeryders is... I understand it as a community we are from all around Europe and in a daily basis, collaborate through an online platform it's a gathering of people who have diverse backgrounds and skills but are all capable and have a commitment to making the world better in some way And a fairly aligned conception of what 'better' means for me it is a community and a structure to foster open consultancy the best way I can explain it is in terms of a shared response to systemic crisis if you switch on the TV or you read the news you see ecological, economic, and socio-political crises that our society seems unable to generate credible responses to and really it's beyond the ability of any one person any one decision maker, to be able to address them you need collaboration on a massive scale in order to do that 1500+ community members CONNECTED - DIVERSE - CONSTRUCTIVE - OPEN - COMMUNICATIVE - CREATIVE we're in a city in the south of Italy called Matera this is the location of this year's Living On The Edge a community-driven, community-organized, community-populated event Matera is the place that has proved a lot of forward-thinking and courage because it chose to support one of our main community-borne projects which is called the unMonastery 10-20 diverse residents co-living, co-working 3-6 month residencies focused on local community projects we are here to strengthen the ties with the local community and find ways in which we can build and co-design this project and see if it can be replicated in other parts of the world as well the idea for the unMonastery came about in a room about 30 people from quite disparate communities like social innovation, hacking, makerspaces, squatters, activists, and artists, who came together with the realization that in order to continue to do the work that they were doing and not burn out and not become alienated there was the need to build infrastructure on which to do that work the unMonastery is basically a structure that enables you to not worry about roof over your head, food, and be able to invest in that pre-market, blue skies, 'you don't know the solution yet so you're just trying to solve the problem' phase of the innovation process I think our unplugging from everyday life for period is a very potent way to get perspective and to achieve something that would otherwise get distracted or stuck Focus for the unMonastery so the three primary issues that the unMonastery is focused on is high unemployment; a massive amount of unused housing stock and commercial stock throughout Europe and with the onset of austerity you see the rolling back of state service provision and the need to plug that gap if we are to continue. And then there's two other things which are less primary, but that's brain drain from small towns and cities to capital cities there's the desire to roll that back in some way. there's a focus on resilient processes, infrastructure, and ways of working that can be sustainable in the event of future and existing crises. unMonastery Matera Projects February-May 2014 Community WiFi Mesh Network Multi-generational play and learning Re-engineering Matera's water cycle for urban farming Open source system to drive solar panels Real-time public transport information How can Edgeryders and Materani work together towards these goals? this is a big question - how can we create solutions for local problems, being global? I don't know, but I believe we should try but it will be a challenge resilience is a deep thing it can't be induced it's not taught there's no such thing as a teacher of resilience it's the community that acquires, over time the knowledge to learn how to react to catastrophic events to economic crises, to social crises but it's the community that does this. as I see it the guests have to integrate themselves with the community it can only work if they integrate themselves Matera should experience what the Edgeryders are bringing to this city but the edgeryders should get to know our spirit we came here - one on the taglines on our posters was 'with minds wide open' which for me it means that we are looking for different angles for collaborating with the people here and we not only... we want to feel well received, but we are also looking to be proactive in establishing connections with the people here and paying specific attention to what their needs are and how exactly we can work together if the people of Matera and the Edgeryders have the same point of view it will be a wonderful thing