0:00:02.800,0:00:04.400 로라 제이콥스 0:00:05.000,0:00:08.000 당신 자신 그대로 0:00:09.679,0:00:11.500 내가 여기서 처음 도테라사업을 시작했을 때 0:00:11.500,0:00:15.179 해야 될 일을 하느라 내가 누군인지 어떤 사람인지[br]알지도 모르는 체 다른 일들에 메달렸지요. 0:00:15.179,0:00:18.000 그리고 오일에 대한 메시지를 다른 이들과[br]공유하려고 했을 때 0:00:18.000,0:00:22.710 아주 많은 에너지와 열정이 필요했고[br]내가 한 일은 제대로 돌아가지 않았어요 0:00:22.710,0:00:24.899 하지만 많은 사람들이 같이 했고[br]에센셜오일을 사용하기 시작했으며 0:00:24.899,0:00:29.000 나는 건강하게 사는 것에 대한 이해를 가진[br]사람들이 있는 따뜻한 공동체 속에서 살았죠. 0:00:29.460,0:00:33.400 나는 계속해서 성장하는 커다란 팀을 가지고 있었고 0:00:33.430,0:00:36.000 나는 다이아몬드 직급이었고 다 잘 돌아갔어요. 0:00:36.000,0:00:41.960 모든 일들이 내게 유리하게 돌아갈 수 는 없었고[br]내가 깨달은 것은 0:00:41.960,0:00:46.210 리더가 되고자 하는 이들을 모두 밀어내고 있다는 것이었어요. 0:00:46.210,0:00:49.000 도테라 안에서 네트워크마케팅 에서요. 0:00:49.000,0:00:53.000 그리고 지난 봄에 여러차례 병의 후유증이 계속되었고, 0:00:53.000,0:00:56.000 내 좋은 친구 세쓰가 나를 구하러 왔어요 0:00:56.000,0:00:59.110 내 용기를 북돋아 주었고 여러가지를 나와 공유해 주었고 0:00:59.110,0:01:03.320 그건 내 인생을 바꿔 놓았고요[br]세쓰는 신뢰의 삼각이라는 것에 대해 공유해 주었어요. 0:01:03.320,0:01:08.340 사람들이 어떻게 배우고 성장하는 지를[br]그렇게 앎의 단계까지 성장하는 지를 얘기했어요. 0:01:08.340,0:01:11.729 흥미롭게도 자신이 가진 힘을 선택할 지를 모르는 0:01:11.729,0:01:14.719 그리고 그는 화이트보드에 이 삼각형을 그리며 [br]나와 이런 것들을 공유해 주었어요. 0:01:14.719,0:01:18.420 내게 다른 층들을 보여 주었고[br]당신은 이 부분을 가졌고 한 부분은 0:01:18.420,0:01:22.249 우리가 어떻게 보여지는가[br]우리가 무엇을 하고 있는 지 작동하는 지 0:01:22.249,0:01:26.500 그가 말하기를 더 높은 직급에 다다를 때가 되면[br]당신이 누구인지를 알게 됩니다 0:01:26.700,0:01:30.459 로라 나는 당신이 어떤 사람인지 나는 잘 압니다.[br]당신이 지금 하는 것도 잘 알고 있습니다. 0:01:30.459,0:01:35.000 그런데 당신이 성장하지 못한 사람들을 [br]어떻게 북돋아 주는 지를 아는 지는 잘 모르겠어요 0:01:35.000,0:01:38.000 어떻게 사람들이 그 상태에 있도록[br]놔두는 지를 모르겠어요. 0:01:38.060,0:01:39.569 그가 내게 1년 전에 내게 얘기해 줬던 이야기지만 0:01:39.569,0:01:43.240 처음 이얘기를 들었을 때 귀에 들어오지 않았지만 이번에는 들었죠. 0:01:43.240,0:01:46.240 재미난 것은 봄방학에 가족과 함께 떠난 휴가에서 0:01:46.240,0:01:49.700 책 한권을 가져갔고[br]노아 St. John 이라는 작가가 쓴 책이고 0:01:49.700,0:01:52.000 제목은 성공의 비밀코드이었고요[br]of success know what goes into this 0:01:52.000,0:01:54.380 노아는 이 개념을 말하기를 0:01:54.380,0:01:57.000 의식의 다른 단계들이라고 했고 0:01:57.000,0:01:59.090 의식의 기초 단계는 0:01:59.630,0:02:03.350 무의식적 불확신이라고 불렀어요[br]다음은 의식적 불확신 0:02:03.350,0:02:06.580 다음은 의식적 확신[br]4번째는무의식적 확신 0:02:06.580,0:02:10.139 예를 들어 차를 운전 할때 만약 2살 짜리 애가 0:02:10.139,0:02:16.000 당신은 무의식적 불확신을 갖고 있습니다.[br]운전을 할 수 없고요. 할 줄 모르지요. 0:02:16.000,0:02:19.000 12살이 되었을 때는 의식적 불확신을 갖고 있습니다. 0:02:19.000,0:02:25.000 사람들이 운전하는 지를 알고 보겠지만[br]개인적으로 운전을 할 확신은 없지요 0:02:25.000,0:02:28.000 15살이 되었을 때는 예비운전자 허가를 받고 0:02:28.000,0:02:31.200 15세에 우리집에 허가를 받은 애가 있었고[br]나는 이를 지켜봐야 하였는데요. 0:02:31.200,0:02:34.340 그녀는 어떻게 운전하는 지를 배우고[br]엄청 집중해서 운전하게 됩니다. 0:02:34.340,0:02:36.070 모든 운전하는 법이 머리 속에 가득차 있고 0:02:36.070,0:02:39.500 그녀는 그렇게 해야만 하기 때문에[br]나는 이 한가지 한가지를 제대로 알고 있어야해 0:02:39.500,0:02:42.730 왜냐하면 그녀는 의식적 확신을 가지고 운전해야 하닌까요. 0:02:42.730,0:02:46.470 그러다가 어른이 되고[br]여러분도 나처럼 그렇겠지만 0:02:46.470,0:02:47.840 운전하면서 통화를 하고 0:02:47.840,0:02:51.700 나는 운전하면서 마스카라를 칠하고,[br]운전하면서 별 것을 다하지요. 0:02:51.700,0:02:55.000 생각하지 않으면서도 뭔가를 할 수 있으니까요.[br]thinking about it and so what came to be 0:02:55.000,0:02:59.530 with the second witness to how I was[br]doing my daughter business was from 0:02:59.530,0:03:03.870 unconscious competence and because of[br]that I really didn't know how to explain 0:03:03.870,0:03:05.069 what I was doing 0:03:05.069,0:03:09.090 and well but it kinda made it hard for[br]me to meet people where they were 0:03:09.090,0:03:13.000 so I developed a new philosophy and math[br]has just worked so well for me 0:03:13.000,0:03:18.000 this leaves for me from animal out[br]an initial offer people an entirely different way 0:03:18.120,0:03:21.250 and that is my philosophy is to meet people[br]where they are 0:03:21.250,0:03:25.640 mean we're meeting where are they where[br]they in their life they wanna be them 0:03:25.640,0:03:28.950 they want to be on their path with they[br]want to do their thing 0:03:28.950,0:03:32.260 their way and sometimes people and is[br]ready to be 0:03:32.260,0:03:35.610 who they are yet because in them to be[br]there 0:03:35.610,0:03:40.500 and so they need skill set they need[br]to discover some attributes they have 0:03:40.500,0:03:43.079 you do some self[br]discovery near the place to do it 0:03:43.079,0:03:47.579 so as we leave and we'll bring people[br]people on one plate with environment 0:03:47.579,0:03:48.629 where 0:03:48.629,0:03:52.670 well save it has some boundaries have[br]some rules I have some guidelines but 0:03:52.670,0:03:54.030 it's not so strict 0:03:54.030,0:03:57.260 and so mechanical but it becomes[br]inauthentic 0:03:57.260,0:04:01.049 so if we can bring these two worlds[br]together we have certain skills and 0:04:01.049,0:04:03.150 certain things that we do with[br]regularity 0:04:03.150,0:04:07.500 duplication it's predictable killers a[br]lot of pieces to what we're doing that 0:04:07.500,0:04:08.319 are predictable 0:04:08.319,0:04:12.359 but allow that personal ailments for[br]each of us to be who we are 0:04:12.359,0:04:15.620 and to be authentic because we rob[br]somebody about 0:04:15.620,0:04:18.680 he will love for them it just becomes[br]mechanical there's just something 0:04:18.680,0:04:19.410 they're doing 0:04:19.410,0:04:22.990 not who they are so when you bring this[br]to pieces together 0:04:22.990,0:04:27.360 this growth you know begins inside of a[br]person might 0:04:27.360,0:04:32.240 begin to discover who they are on home level and the more[br]they live on Monday put energy into it 0:04:32.240,0:04:33.320 the more they trusted 0:04:33.320,0:04:35.330 the greater the results an hour 0:04:35.330,0:04:38.460 but that had on the triangle wanna both[br]corners with the level every thought was 0:04:38.460,0:04:39.270 a good result 0:04:39.270,0:04:43.090 with great results or was it[br]miraculously results you know my 0:04:43.090,0:04:45.909 personal mission is to put a healer in[br]every home 0:04:45.909,0:04:50.110 perfect the plan in a big way and 21[br]healer in every home 0:04:50.110,0:04:53.240 continue to feel in my heart because if[br]the home environment say 0:04:53.240,0:04:56.810 and nurturing hand to buy welfare and 0:04:56.810,0:04:59.840 and they before I come back well to grow 0:04:59.840,0:05:04.560 may thrive and when people are thriving[br]they literally blossom and grow into 0:05:04.560,0:05:08.300 the full measure their creation so when[br]working in space for them 0:05:08.300,0:05:12.699 in this opportunity wanna make sure the[br]soil is just as written 0:05:12.699,0:05:16.960 here as we would want to be in a home[br]environment so that they can discover 0:05:16.960,0:05:21.159 Who Am I how do I want to express that[br]tapping that personal power 0:05:21.159,0:05:25.870 and that was what laptop with the[br]outcome was the more you move the cycle 0:05:25.870,0:05:30.020 have trust in the process showing up for[br]mean creating results 0:05:30.020,0:05:33.889 the more powerful and miraculously[br]become and that 0:05:33.889,0:05:37.150 so내 철학은 사람들이 있는 상태 그대로 만 again just meet people[br]where they are 0:05:37.150,0:05:40.449 wow them give them permission to be[br]right where there are 0:05:40.449,0:05:43.580 pick up with them from their hold each[br]other's hand 0:05:43.580,0:05:47.310 and roll with it from there your email[br]not on what will happen in their lives 0:05:47.310,0:05:50.150 but what will happen in your life[br]because you're right along with them