Ok, here is our SinkScience set-up we've got the CD Turbine and the magnetic coupler coupled onto the turbine with a connecting rod here so they both move together the shake-flashlight guts and a little magnetic holding magnet, and you can see how it goes in and out, holding the connecting rod in place. when i turn the coupler, and so on. Ok we're going to rev up a bit and see what happens with that Ok, the shake-flashlight is lighting up. And it's working quite wel, hehe, back and forth... this is strictky experimental... but it's interesting that... the turbine very easily runs the shake flash-light in fact, we can rev it up quite a bit... wow, everything's shaking pretty good now! Ok, slow that down again, and let's try... I haven't tried this yet...I'm going to see if I can make another flash-light to, ah, make kind of a symbionic relationship you might say, and see if the one flash-light will make the other one work. so, we'll have a true Shake-Flashlight Shaker Ok, let's try...might need some fine-tuning here, let's try it out! Welll, it's working! It is actually working! Look at that.... the light on the second shake-flashlight is lighting I'm going to dim the lights so you can see that well oops, ah, the magnetic coupler came disconnected... I think they might have made contact, or something... Try that again, a little less hecticly, (thunka, thunka, thunka sound) Allright, ok! Let's speed it up a little...can't go too fast, oops, I see I'm going to have to put a cap on the magnetic coupler to keep it from popping off. Ok, we'll try that and be right back... k, we are back again with the Shake Flashlight Shaker, and I would just like to show that I put a little pin in here to keep the disc ...the magnetic coupling disc here from popping off the spindle, and we are alll set to try it again and see what kind of performance we can get from it running on faucet water pressure... for this demonstraton. Ok, let me just get things fired up here...(gurgle, gurgle sound) Ok, as we can see, it's able to go around quite readily, rev it up quite smooth, well, relatively smooth, a little bit of vibration. Ok, that's at full rpm there now... moves along quite nicely... The beauty of this set-up is that it' not even attached the turbine is going around here and I can shuut down the turbine, hook this back on and turn on the turbine and away it goes magnetically driven ok, I just want to show the other shake flash-light in place here let's see how that works (chug, chug, sound)) Appears to be working ok...let's turn the lights off. That's pretty cool. I'll rev it up and see if it still holds together (Thumpa, thumpa, thumpa, noise) It's making a bit of noise... Fulll speed there now! It's giving that additional shake-flashlight a pretty good charge. It's working quite welll; you can see here. Allright! thumpa, thumpa, thumpa (slows down) That is the Shake Flashlght Shaker! Yet another crazy invention by mrfixitrick!