I have worked at companies that provide innovative technology for the... horticulture sector. About 14 years in seed breeding, a couple of years in automation and... in biological pest control. The use of biobased materials and the inclusion of food production processes... is crucial within the circular economy. The horticulture can fulfill that role within the sustainable urban delta. So the role of the horticulture is not the cherry on the cake, but is essential in closing the chain, that is called the circular city. We have a series of challenges. The first that keeps me awake at night, is attracting talent. How do we get young and bright people, who would like to learn, willing to search... for work within the horticulture sector? The second challenge in the sector is collaboration. The sector has innovated and has grown by competing with each other in this small... country called The Netherlands. But it is now time to scale up what we have here, into the world. This involves cooperation, also under one brand. The third challenge is to attract enough capital and search for collaboration... to accelerate innovations to the market and to hook on to force fields like... Amazon, Alibaba and the digitalisation. For the Hub, I see a kind of market place where companies, governments, research... students and talents can find each other, and work together, hands-on, on projects. Researching, developing, creating startups Bringing together all the knowledge there is and doing fun stuff with that. That is the Hub for me.