- Who are you? What do you do in the movement? Tell us a bit... - You have to talk a bit louder, because if not, I don't... - Just introduce yourself and... - My name is Ezio Marano and I have been in this movement for about 4 months and I see that I'm getting more and more involved with it because... it was kind of what I had always thought, what I had always intended as a type of society. I've always felt very strongly that there was something wrong in this society. But not because... I don't know... (here I have to cut it...) I always thought there was something wrong with this society due to the fact that everything had a price, everything was exchanged for something else, but in contrast to this, I have seen that there are many people who do volunteer work, I myself feel much more committed when I do something as a favor to someone rather than doing it for a pay, for a remuneration. So I think that to live according to more user friendly rules would be a step much more (don't know how to say it...) widening up for humanity. (I can't manage to get anything right! Oh! I can't manage to get anything right! when I'm at home I'm much more inspired!) - How do you see the political, economic and social issues in Italy? - Ah ... This is quite different! The situation I see here in Italy is quite bad, as I have always seen it: in the sense that, before there were many parties and everyone was looking to further his own cause, now they split into two or three major factions, however, it's very well understood, it is blatant that all they do is staged up to make us... for us to choose from among the things that someone else has probably already chosen for us. And this, after a while clutters your life. It gets bothering! And it is primarily for this reason that I do not see a solution through, nor the politicians, nor the economy, because the economy today is based on money which is a dummy value. Strangely they say it's the most real thing around, while actually we never know how much we have of it, we never know how much we go into debt, we never know with "whom" we get into debt, so... so it becomes increasingly difficult to keep after this pace, to keep after a thought that gets... proposed, but more than that proposed, served up, I would say!... and becomes less and less convincing. While on the other hand, what I have found good in the Zeitgeist Movement is precisely the Resource Based Economy. We have resources on the planet, which we used in a completely desecrated and so immoderate way, without paying attention, nor how much we used of them, nor how and where to dispose of them after using them. There is such a terrible misuse of earthly resources... that makes many alarm bells begins to ring. So, we should make a wise use of resources, recycling everything in order to have abbundance for everyone, as these resources actually exist, and there is no need to make 20 ~ 30,000 people starving every day around the world, just to accumulate money that they will have almost certainly no time to spend. So, I think that the economic approach of the Zeitgeist Movement is the most suitable, at present, to give a concrete answer to the economy today. - What message would you give to the world? - The message that I would give the world is to use any means to be able to disentangle initially from the slavery of today's economic model, based on monetarism. This is the most important first step we need to do. It will... Let's make clear that to many people, this will cost a lot! It will mean completely change their view of life, but in the long run they'll realize that they will have in return much more than they give, like everyone else, for that matter, I think this is what will happen! The shift will be difficult because we do not know if we get something back in return for such a radical change. But actually my thought is that we all will have great benefits from it.