0:00:00.785,0:00:03.840 So on my way here, 0:00:03.840,0:00:07.542 the passenger next to me and I[br]had a very interesting conversation 0:00:07.542,0:00:09.585 during my flight. 0:00:09.585,0:00:14.113 He told me, "It seems like[br]the United States has run out of jobs, 0:00:14.113,0:00:16.481 because they're just making some up: 0:00:16.481,0:00:22.743 cat psychologist, dog whisperer,[br]tornado chaser." 0:00:22.743,0:00:25.560 A couple of seconds later, he asked me, 0:00:25.560,0:00:27.812 "So what do you do?" 0:00:27.812,0:00:30.505 And I was like, "Peacebuilder?" 0:00:30.505,0:00:32.985 (Laughter) 0:00:34.925,0:00:39.352 Every day, I work to amplify[br]the voices of women 0:00:39.352,0:00:42.450 and to highlight their experiences 0:00:42.450,0:00:47.509 and their participation in peace[br]processes and conflict resolution, 0:00:47.509,0:00:50.288 and because of my work, 0:00:50.288,0:00:56.464 I recognize that the only way to ensure[br]the full participation of women globally 0:00:56.464,0:00:59.330 is by reclaiming religion. 0:00:59.330,0:01:03.394 Now, this matter is vitally[br]important to me. 0:01:03.394,0:01:07.805 As a young Muslim woman,[br]I am very proud of my faith. 0:01:07.805,0:01:12.540 It gives me the strength and conviction[br]to do my work every day. 0:01:12.540,0:01:15.299 It's the reason I can be here[br]in front of you. 0:01:15.909,0:01:21.133 But I can't overlook the damage that has[br]been done in the name of religion, 0:01:21.133,0:01:25.661 not just my own, but all[br]of the world's major faiths. 0:01:25.661,0:01:30.165 The misrepresentation and misuse[br]and manipulation of religious Scripture 0:01:30.165,0:01:33.694 has influenced our social[br]and cultural norms, 0:01:33.694,0:01:36.620 our laws, our daily lives, 0:01:36.620,0:01:40.474 to a point where we sometimes[br]don't recognize it. 0:01:40.804,0:01:45.490 My parents moved from Libya,[br]North Africa, to Canada 0:01:45.490,0:01:47.254 in the early 1980s, 0:01:47.254,0:01:51.620 and I am the middle child of 11 children. 0:01:51.620,0:01:53.431 Yes, 11. 0:01:53.431,0:01:55.589 But growing up, I saw my parents, 0:01:55.589,0:01:59.165 both religiously devout[br]and spiritual people, 0:01:59.165,0:02:01.905 pray and praise God for their blessings, 0:02:01.905,0:02:06.664 namely me of course, but among others. 0:02:06.664,0:02:09.822 They were kind and funny and patient, 0:02:09.822,0:02:16.161 limitlessly patient, the kind of patience[br]that having 11 kids forces you to have. 0:02:16.161,0:02:18.181 And they were fair. 0:02:18.181,0:02:22.895 I was never subjected to religion[br]through a cultural lens. 0:02:22.895,0:02:24.961 I was treated the same, 0:02:24.961,0:02:27.410 the same was expected of me. 0:02:27.740,0:02:32.177 I was never taught that God[br]judged differently based on gender. 0:02:32.647,0:02:38.289 And my parents' understanding of God[br]as a merciful and beneficial friend 0:02:38.289,0:02:42.143 and provider shaped the way[br]I looked at the world. 0:02:42.143,0:02:47.890 Now, of course, my upbringing[br]had additional benefits. 0:02:47.890,0:02:51.722 Being one of 11 children is Diplomacy 101. 0:02:52.592,0:02:55.169 To this day, I am asked[br]where I went to school, 0:02:55.169,0:02:57.652 like, "Did you go to[br]Kennedy School of Government?" 0:02:57.652,0:02:59.558 and I look at them and I'm like, "No, 0:02:59.558,0:03:02.367 I went to the Murabit School[br]of International Affairs." 0:03:02.367,0:03:08.195 It's extremely exclusive. You would have[br]to talk to my mum to get in. 0:03:08.195,0:03:10.331 Lucky for you, she's here. 0:03:11.879,0:03:16.368 But being one of 11 children[br]and having 10 siblings 0:03:16.368,0:03:20.600 teaches you a lot about[br]power structures and alliances. 0:03:20.600,0:03:23.403 It teaches you focus: you have[br]to talk fast or say less, 0:03:23.403,0:03:25.911 because you will always get cut off. 0:03:25.911,0:03:28.767 It teaches you the importance[br]of messaging. 0:03:28.767,0:03:32.993 You have to ask questions in the right way[br]to get the answers you know you want, 0:03:32.993,0:03:37.172 and you have to say no[br]in the right way to keep the peace. 0:03:37.172,0:03:41.444 But the most important lesson[br]I learned growing up 0:03:41.444,0:03:44.974 was the importance of being at the table. 0:03:44.974,0:03:48.805 When my mum's favorite lamp broke,[br]I had to be there when she was trying 0:03:48.805,0:03:53.334 to find out how and by who,[br]because I had to defend myself, 0:03:53.334,0:03:57.117 because if you're not,[br]then the finger is pointed at you, 0:03:57.117,0:03:59.741 and before you know it,[br]you will be grounded. 0:03:59.741,0:04:04.338 I am not speaking[br]from experience, of course. 0:04:04.338,0:04:09.750 When I was 15 in 2005,[br]I completed high school and I moved 0:04:09.750,0:04:12.240 from Canada -- Saskatoon -- 0:04:12.240,0:04:16.319 to Zawiya, my parents' hometown in Libya, 0:04:16.319,0:04:18.711 a very traditional city. 0:04:18.711,0:04:23.530 Mind you, I had only ever been[br]to Libya before on vacation, 0:04:23.530,0:04:27.906 and as a seven-year old girl,[br]it was magic. 0:04:27.906,0:04:32.898 It was ice cream and trips to the beach[br]and really excited relatives. 0:04:34.248,0:04:38.470 Turns out it's not the same[br]as a 15-year old young lady. 0:04:38.470,0:04:44.438 I very quickly became introduced[br]to the cultural aspect of religion. 0:04:44.438,0:04:48.896 The words "Haram"[br]-- meaning religiously prohibited -- 0:04:48.896,0:04:52.402 and "Aib" -- meaning[br]culturally inappropriate -- 0:04:52.402,0:04:55.118 were exchanged carelessly, 0:04:55.118,0:04:59.437 as if they meant the same thing[br]and had the same consequences. 0:04:59.437,0:05:04.174 And I found myself in conversation[br]after conversation with classmates 0:05:04.174,0:05:07.610 and colleagues, professors,[br]friends, even relatives, 0:05:07.610,0:05:12.393 beginning to question my own rule[br]and my own aspirations. 0:05:12.393,0:05:15.923 And even with the foundation[br]my parents had provided for me, 0:05:15.923,0:05:20.218 I found myself questioning[br]the role of women in my faith. 0:05:20.218,0:05:24.397 So at the Murabit School[br]of International Affairs, 0:05:24.397,0:05:27.137 we go very heavy on the debate, 0:05:27.137,0:05:32.632 and rule number one is do your research,[br]so that's what I did, 0:05:32.640,0:05:36.425 and it surprised me how easy it was 0:05:36.425,0:05:40.442 to find women in my faith[br]who were leaders, 0:05:40.442,0:05:43.994 who were innovative, who were strong: 0:05:43.994,0:05:47.360 politically, economically,[br]even militarily. 0:05:47.360,0:05:50.751 Khadija, [???][br]financed the Islamic movement 0:05:50.751,0:05:52.412 in its infancy. 0:05:52.562,0:05:55.007 We wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. 0:05:55.627,0:05:58.274 So why weren't we learning about her? 0:05:58.274,0:06:01.195 Why weren't we learning about these women? 0:06:01.195,0:06:03.986 Why were women being relegated[br]to positions which predated 0:06:03.986,0:06:06.656 the teachings of our faith? 0:06:06.656,0:06:08.931 And why, if we are equal[br]in the eyes of God, 0:06:08.931,0:06:12.033 are we not equal in the eyes of men? 0:06:12.623,0:06:17.690 To me, it all came back to the lessons[br]I had learned as a child. 0:06:18.800,0:06:22.022 The decision maker, the person[br]who gets to control the message, 0:06:22.022,0:06:24.604 is sitting at the table, 0:06:24.604,0:06:29.504 and unfortunately,[br]in every single world faith, 0:06:29.504,0:06:32.150 they are not women. 0:06:32.150,0:06:35.192 Religious institutions[br]are dominated by men 0:06:35.192,0:06:37.143 and driven by male leadership, 0:06:37.143,0:06:40.579 and they create policies[br]in their likeness, 0:06:40.579,0:06:44.672 and until we can change[br]the system entirely, 0:06:44.672,0:06:47.939 then we can't realistically[br]expect to have full economic 0:06:47.939,0:06:51.515 and political participation of women. 0:06:51.515,0:06:54.626 Our foundation is broken. 0:06:55.786,0:07:00.778 My mum actually says, you can't build[br]a straight house on a crooked foundation. 0:07:02.521,0:07:09.130 In 2011, the Libyan revolution broke out,[br]and my family was on the front lines. 0:07:09.580,0:07:12.644 And there's this amazing thing[br]that happens in war, 0:07:12.644,0:07:15.773 a cultural shift almost, very temporary. 0:07:15.773,0:07:18.844 And it was the first time that I felt[br]it was not only acceptable 0:07:18.844,0:07:21.816 for me to be involved,[br]but it was encouraged. 0:07:21.816,0:07:24.161 It was demanded. 0:07:24.161,0:07:27.170 Myself and other women[br]had a seat at the table. 0:07:27.170,0:07:30.569 We weren't holding hands or a medium. 0:07:30.569,0:07:32.427 We were part of decision making. 0:07:32.427,0:07:35.840 We were information sharing.[br]We were crucial. 0:07:35.840,0:07:40.890 And I wanted and needed[br]for that change to be permanent. 0:07:42.342,0:07:45.128 Turns out, that's not that easy. 0:07:45.128,0:07:49.500 It only took a few weeks before the women[br]that I had previously worked with 0:07:49.500,0:07:52.470 were returning back[br]to their previous roles, 0:07:52.470,0:07:55.275 and most of them were driven[br]by words of encouragement 0:07:55.275,0:07:58.177 from religious and political leaders, 0:07:58.177,0:08:02.171 most of whom cited religious Scripture[br]as their defense. 0:08:02.449,0:08:07.700 It's how they gained popular support[br]for their opinions. 0:08:07.700,0:08:12.317 So initially, I focused on the economic[br]and political empowerment of women. 0:08:12.317,0:08:15.823 I thought that would lead[br]to cultural and social change. 0:08:15.823,0:08:20.165 It turns out, it does a little,[br]but not a lot. 0:08:20.165,0:08:24.530 I decided to use[br]their defense as my offense, 0:08:24.530,0:08:29.174 and I began to cite and highlight[br]Islamic Scripture as well. 0:08:29.174,0:08:33.736 In 2012 and 2013, my organization[br]led the single largest 0:08:33.736,0:08:36.221 and most widespread[br]campaign in Libya. 0:08:36.221,0:08:40.997 We entered homes and schools[br]and universities, even mosques. 0:08:40.997,0:08:43.279 We spoke to 50,000 people directly, 0:08:43.279,0:08:47.343 and hundreds of thousands more through[br]billboards and television commercials, 0:08:47.343,0:08:50.130 radio commercials and posters. 0:08:50.130,0:08:53.194 And you're probably wondering how[br]a woman's rights organization 0:08:53.194,0:08:56.166 was able to do this in communities[br]which had previously opposed 0:08:56.166,0:08:59.161 our sheer existence. 0:09:00.041,0:09:02.170 I used Scripture. 0:09:02.170,0:09:07.560 I used verses from the Quran[br]and sayings of the Prophet, 0:09:07.560,0:09:11.525 Haddis, his sayings which[br]are, for example, 0:09:11.525,0:09:14.961 "The best of you is the best[br]to their family." 0:09:14.961,0:09:18.978 "Do not let your brother oppress another." 0:09:18.978,0:09:23.993 For the first time, Friday sermons[br]led by local community imams 0:09:23.993,0:09:26.478 promoted the rights of women. 0:09:26.478,0:09:30.076 They discussed taboo issues,[br]like domestic violence. 0:09:30.866,0:09:33.620 Policies were changed. 0:09:34.700,0:09:37.205 In certain communities,[br]we actually had to go as far 0:09:37.205,0:09:41.106 as saying the International[br]Human Rights Declaration, 0:09:41.106,0:09:45.192 which you opposed because it wasn't[br]written by religious scholars, 0:09:45.192,0:09:49.975 well, those same principles[br]are in our book. 0:09:49.975,0:09:53.746 So really, the United Nations[br]just copied us. 0:09:55.931,0:09:58.774 By changing the message,[br]we were able to provide 0:09:58.774,0:10:02.899 an alternative narrative which promoted[br]the rights of women in Libya. 0:10:03.349,0:10:08.201 It's something that has now[br]been replicated internationally, 0:10:08.201,0:10:12.590 and while I am not saying it's easy[br]-- Believe me, it's not. 0:10:12.590,0:10:16.421 Liberals will say you're using religion[br]and call you a bad conservative. 0:10:16.421,0:10:19.904 Conservatives will call you[br]a lot of colorful things. 0:10:19.904,0:10:23.990 I've heard everything from, "Your parents[br]must be extremely ashamed of you" 0:10:23.990,0:10:26.100 -- False. They're my biggest fans. -- 0:10:26.100,0:10:28.611 to "You will not make it[br]to your next birthday" 0:10:28.611,0:10:32.304 -- again wrong, because I did. 0:10:32.674,0:10:34.810 And I remain 0:10:34.810,0:10:41.231 a very strong believer that women's rights[br]and religion are not mutually exclusive. 0:10:42.291,0:10:45.033 But we have to be at the table. 0:10:45.723,0:10:49.856 We have to stop giving up our position,[br]because by remaining silent, 0:10:49.856,0:10:55.387 we allow for the continued persecution[br]and abuse of women worldwide. 0:10:55.837,0:10:58.842 By saying that we're going[br]to fight for women's rights 0:10:58.842,0:11:02.627 and fight extremism[br]with bombs and warfare, 0:11:02.627,0:11:06.876 we completely cripple local societies[br]which need to address these issues 0:11:06.876,0:11:09.105 so that they're sustainable. 0:11:11.496,0:11:16.570 It is not easy, challenging[br]distorted religious messaging. 0:11:16.930,0:11:21.770 You will have your fair share[br]of insults and ridicule and threats. 0:11:22.380,0:11:25.776 But we have to do it.[br]We have no other option 0:11:25.776,0:11:28.957 than to reclaim the message[br]of human rights, 0:11:28.957,0:11:31.604 the principles of our faith, 0:11:31.604,0:11:34.367 not for us, not for[br]the women in your families, 0:11:34.367,0:11:36.317 not for the women in this room, 0:11:36.317,0:11:39.491 not even for the women out there, 0:11:39.491,0:11:42.997 but for societies[br]that would be transformed 0:11:42.997,0:11:45.314 with the participation of women. 0:11:45.884,0:11:48.391 And the only way we can do that, 0:11:48.391,0:11:50.179 our only option, 0:11:50.179,0:11:53.709 is to be, and remain, at the table. 0:11:53.709,0:11:56.332 Thank you. 0:11:56.332,0:11:59.911 (Applause)