[dog barks] [dog barks again] Whirrly, please stop, thank you [laughs] Never seen that one before, huh Derek? No, [laughs] [group laughter] Ugh, kinda getting a headache Bought to shoot the first scene of the day I think we're just staying in front of a white screen all day... Boring! So I was watching TV for once, in a very long time, and they still play those, I mean the last time I watched TV must've been years ago there's actually a lot of those online dating commercials, and I like, just got inspired so, that's what we're going to be doing MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP! if we're not getting the feeds... [montage-style music plays over various instructions from the director] look, we ALL... does this look like the shirt they used in superman? Yeah! Another one I found in my dad's closet. I just realized that... I got this from someone in Singapore that we met. Thank you again! We have a singapore book that we're just reading through, one day trying to learn all the different words, and our favourite one was (ph) 'BOY-YA'. I don't think we're even saying that right, but insulting a hell load of people. We don't mean to insult you guys, thank you for the sharing! You sure that wasn't the swear word we learnt in Singapore? No! It was because we were downstairs and I said 'Boohyah!' But we learned more in Singapore! Greg do you remember? Yeah remember that Booyah thing. I forget all the bad words, whats the point of going to Singapore when you can't remember the bad words Alright so onto what - 15... We have like how many people. Like 15 people we gotta shoot? All the guests... The guestses Guesteseses You ever shot there? Where? Guess? I guess not. I got some cheese from there once and got some guessle (cheesy laugh SFX) Guessle, I guess. Wanna go get some guessoline? Guessolina, guessolina. Alright so, I'm just going to cut this. Why? I mean like - cut it out. My jokes, going to cut out my jokes I like your jokes. Better that the jokes you had guessterday. Kinda funny Thanks Greg! Support! I have support! Ardie's here! You brought me in today! Theo's here - an hour later [montage-style music plays over various instructions from the director] Hey guys look, Jacob's wearing make-up! [laughing and teasing] Kinda hurt my back. I'd like to thank the rock for being in our video but more importantly thank you to Ardie! That's a wrap on demitree! That's a wrap on Josh Fu and the other Fu! It's a wrap on reallday! It's my birthday! Who are you Shaun? You know what I was trying to copy just then? That family guy episode. Hey c'mon! Oh sorry! Is that really your snake or did you borrow it? That's a prop snake it's an anaconda from Nicki Minaj It's going to be near me? Yeah It's going to be on her, right? It's going to be on you. I really don't know if I could. What that's sick! I'm going to name it Shiesty Just try it - at the very worst it has no venom I'll do my lines first. Yeah. Are you scared Catherine? Yeah but I want a photo with it because it looks gorgeous! The only time it gets scared is if you touch the head. Is this your first time holding a snake? Yeah There we go, that looks cool! Good job Cat! Anyone else want it before I put it away? I'm getting a back rub right now. Oh my gosh. Probably feels hella bomb You should get a picture here Look at this Someone take a picture, I don't have my phone Oh dood! He's looking right at Catherine! Oh my God! Oh my God! (slow) Oh my God! (slower) So Catherine came and it went like this, right to her! I think she likes you! Ok that is a wrap on Catherine and Shiesty! Yay!! Whoo! It just bites the camera! I'm barely in this video I just realised I can't be the people so... We see what you're doing! We're on to you! Trying to weed out on your part! [techno music] Oh dang! The shirt is making it look pretty clean!