Beautiful day out there. Thank you for joining us here today. This gives me great pleasure to introduce you to 2 thought leaders who actually inform inspire and shape my own thinking about relationships between technology and society on at least a weekly basis. And I'm not kidding It's really fantastic to have for an hour and a bit to talk about a big topid: AI and society. Jot is an associate professor at MIT media lab where he leads the scaleable corporations group among other things. He has done really amazing work over the last couple of years looking at the interplay between autonomous systems and society. How these systems should interact with eachother. He recently published a study in science that got a lot of press coverage. addessing the question whether we can program moral principles into autonomous vehicles. and maybe he will talk a bit more about that and then of course Joe Director of MIT media lab professor of practice. Aperson who doesn't really need an intro , so I'll keep it extremely brief. Just by highlighting two of the must reads from recent months. It's an interview he had, a conversation actually with President Obama in the Wired Magazine. on the future of the world, addressing AI issues among other topics. And his book, Whiplash, which is somehow a survival guide for the faster future that we're all struggling with. I highly recommend it as a reading I greatly benefited fromi it. So, these are not only 2 amazing thought leaders. They're also wonderful collaborators and colleagues and I have the great privilege through Berkley and Kline team to work with b bothof them as part of our recently launched joint venture. The AI Ethics and Governance Initiative. It's just wonderful to have you here and spend some time with all of us and share your thoughts so thank you very much and welcome. (applause) Thank you, first of all some of you may be here thinking "wait, this isn't the talk that I signed up for. So to just give you some of the prominence of this originally I think there was a book talk that I was going to do with Merckman and then I said "oh, well, why don't we bring somebody else interesting in and Josh joined. We were going to have a dialoge about his book and my book. And he had a family emeregency and coudln't make it. I grabbed Jot and also realized just as Ers was saying, we're doing a lot of work with the Berkman Center on AI and society and I thought this would be a sufficiently relevant topic to what we were going to talk about anyway so it wouldn't be that much false advertising. and It was sort of an idea that I think relates to my book as well. One, I can't remember who it was but a well known author told me when you give book talks, don't explain your whole book because then no one will have to buy it. So this book actually started about 4 years ago. And we were just wrapping it up as we saw a lot of this AI, society,controversy/interests start. So the book actually sort of ends where our exploration of AI and society begins. So in a way, it overlaps what the book is about but is sufficently different that you have to read the book in order to understand the whole story But, let me. I'll just start a few remarks We'll have .... present some of his work and then we'll have a converstaion with all of you and feel free to interrupt and ask questions or disagree. I think the(stammers) I co-taught a class with Jonathan in January in the winter semester. His tradtional course he teaches is called internet and society it's a politics and technology of control. .... was there others were there, it was a fun class. But one of the sort of framing pieces of how we talked about this was this sort of framing pieces of how we talked about this. Was this sort of lesigian? picture that many of you may have seen in his book where you have law at the top, and then you have markets on one side. and you have norms on the other and you have technology underneath and you have you in the middle and some how what you are able to do is sort of determine by this relationship between law. technology - I think technology is on top and law is down here. But anyway, somehow these all effect eachother. so you can create technologies that effect the law, you can create laws that effect norms, youcan create norms that effect technology so some realtionship between norms, markets, law and technology is how we need to be thinking in order to design all of these systems so they work well in th future. I think one of the key reasons why the collaboration between MIT and Harper Law School Medialab and Berkman so important is that you kind of have to get all of the pieces and the people in the same room because the problem is once everyone has a solution and they're trying to convince eachother of the solution it's, I call them, people selling doll houses. rather than legos . What you want is a whole pile of legos with lawyers and business people and technologists and policy makers playing with the legos rather than trying to sell eachother thier own dollhouses. That's what was sort of fun with the class is that I think a lot of lawyers realized that actually infact, whether you're talking about bit coin or differential privacy or AI we still have a lot of choices to make on the technology side and in fact those can be informed by policy and law and conversly, I think a lot of the technologists thought that law was something like laws of physics that just are. But in fact laws are the result of lawyers and policy makers taking to technologists. Imagining what society wants. So we're sort of in the process right now of struggling through how we think about this. But Importantly, it's already happening so it's not like we have that much time. I think it was Pedro Demingo in his book says in master algorithm and this isn't the exact I'm paraphrasing the quote it's something like I'm less afraid of a super intelligence coming to take over the world and more worried about a stupid intelligence that's taken over already. You know? I think that's very close to where we are. I think if you see Julie A's paper , article in Propublic, I guess it was a little over a year ago. where she happens to find a district where they're forced to disclose court records. So she was specifically going after the fact that machine learning AI is now used by the judiciary to set bail to do parole and even sentencing. And they have this thing called the risk score where the machine sort of pops up after it does an assesment of a person's history looks at thier interviews and she found, and this is great, cause she's a math matician in a data sense. She crunched all these numbers and it shows that for many cases for white people is't sort of nearly random in some cases. So, it's a number but it's still almost random. and then for black people it's biased against them and what's interesting is when I talked to ... a prosecuter the other day he said well I love, they love these numbers because you get a risk score that says okay, this person has a risk rating of 8 and so then the court can say 'okay, we'll give you this bail because the last thing that they want is for them to give them some bail and then the person goes out and murders somebody, it's sort of thier fault. If they're taken the risk score they can say, "I just looked at the risk score it absolves them of this responsibility and so there's this really interesting question that even at random it's still, there' s this wierd moral hazard that even though you have agency, you're able to push off this responsibility to the machine, right? And then you can sort of say, well it was math. and the problem right now is these algorithms are running on data sets and rating systems that are closed. We see this happening in a variety of fields . I think we see this happening in the judiciary, Which is a scary place for it to be happening And so part of this initiative with AI fund that we're doing we're going to try and look at whether we can create more transparency and auditability we're also seeing it in medicine. There's a study that I heard that when a doctor overrulled the machine in diagnostics the doctor was wrong 70 % of the time. So what does that mean? So if you're a doctor and you know for a fact that you're 70% likely on average to be wrong are you ever going to overrule the machine? And what about that 30% where the doctors are right? So, it creates a very difficult situation. You look at... Imagine war We talk about autonomous weapons and there's this whole fight about it, but what if all of the data and not what if, In fact, all of the data that's driving intellegence the way that you get on to the termination list as a target, a lot of it involves statistical analysis of your activity your emotions, your calls and there's this great interview I think it was in the Independent or it was Indpendent. There was this guy who I think he was in Pakistan I'm gonna get this wrong I'll um, but it's close. But he had been attacked a number of times where the collateral damage was family members being dead so he knew he was on the kill list but he didn't know how to get off so he goes to London to kind of fight for 'wait, look at me, talk to me I'm on this kill list but I'm not a bad guy. Somehow you got the wrong person. But there's no interface in which he can sort of lobby and petition for getting off this kill list. So even though the person controlling the drone strike and pushing the button maybe a human being, If all of the data that's feeding into, or a substantial amount of data that's feeding into the decision to put the person on the kill list is from a machine, I don't know how that's that different from the machine actually being charged. So we talk about sort of these future autonomous systems and robots running around and killing people as a sort of scary thing. But if we are just pushing a button that the robot just tells us to do ABC or D but robot says it's C, you're going to push C. Apparently that was how Kisenger controlled Nixon was through his elbow. The anwer was always C. But anyway, the.... that actually is when we think about practice. We may already be in autonomous mode in many things. And then I'm going to T up to Y? which is one of the first places where the rubber meets the road is with autonomous vehicles. and a lot of the people that I talk to say that while the real soul searching around this is going to happen when the next big autonmous vehicle accident happens where it's clearly the machine's fault, How is that going to play out? So that may be one of the things But the last thing that I'll say is that I think this is where the media lab is excited. I think it's kind of an interface design problem because part of what the problem is is that you may think that by pushing , the button, the right to overrule the computer the right to launch the missle may be your finger if you have no choice, morally or statistically other than to push the button you're not in charge anymore. Right? So what I think we need to think about is how to we bring society and humans into the decision making process so that the answer that we derive involves human beings and how does that interface hapen? what is the right way to do it Because I think what we are going to end up with is collective decision making. machines. and what we want to not be in is human agency with no real decision making ability. And then we can talk more about some of the ideas. but I'll hand it over to Jot, Thank you. So I'll just give a short overview of the research we' ve been doing on autonomous vehicles I'm not a driverless car expert. I don't build driverless cars. But I'm interested in them as as kind of a social phenomenon and the reason has to do with this dilema that Steve will keep discussing. You know, what if it's an autonomous car that is going to for some reason harm a bunch of pedestrians crossing the street because the brakes are broken or because they jumped in front of it or whatever. But the car can swerve and kill one bystander on the other side. in order to minimize harm in order to save 5 or 10 people should the car do this? And who should decide? And more interestingly, what if the car could swerve and hit a wall harming the passenger or killing the passenger.? In order to save these people? Should the car do this as well? What does the car have a duty towards.? Minimizing harm?utilitarian principle? Protection of the owner or passengers in the car? Duty toward them? Or something else? A sort of negotiation inbetween? Do we ignore this problem? do we just say well let the car deal with this problem and it seems to be a very controversial topic because there are lots of people who love this, and lots of people who hate this. and people who hate this say, Well this is never going to happen it's just so statistically unlikely and I think that kind of misses the point because this is a invitro e xploration of a principle so you strip away all of the things that don't matter in the real world so you can isolate the factor you know, does drug x cause this particular reation in a cell for example? You know, you don't do this in the forest you do it in a petridish. And this is the petri dish for studying human perception of machine ethics and what other factors do people seem to be ticked off by? I think when we started studying this we used the techniques from social psychology, we framed these problems to people, we varied things, the number of people who are being sacrified or otherwise, whether there's an active omission vs act of comission and things like this. And we're sort of interested in how to people want to resolve this dilemma? What's fascinating is that there was somthing that was so obvious that we missed initially, and that was : it's not really an ethical question, it's more of a social dilemma. So it's a question about how you negotiate the interests of different people. And this was the sort of strongest finding that we found. Which was, no one wants to be in a self sacrificing car but they want to whole world to drive one. And it's really fascinating that the fact is so strong. You know, if you look at the morality of sacrifice and this is if you kill a pedestrian to save ten kill a passenger to save ten and so forth. so you can see that I think it's moral and desirable in both my car and other cars to sacrifice other people for the greater good. So I'm happy to kill pedestrians to save ten that's great but as soon as you tell me, 'well would you sacrifice yourself? would you sacrifice your passenger?' Well I think it's moral , I think it's great, but I would never want this in my car. Not in other cars and defininately not in my car. This is where you see these things split. Now this is the tragedy at the commons right? I want public safety to be maximized. I would like the world to be a safer place where the cars might make the decisions that minimize harm, but I don't want to contribute to this public good. I woudln't want to pay the personal cost needed to do this. So we thought maybe regulation? You know that's how public goods, problems are solved. Let's set a quota on the number of sheep that can graze so we don't have to overrrun the pasture. Or let's set a quota on the number of fish you can catch so you don't over fish and kill all the fish and basically everybody loses out. And we ask people whether they would support this and we found that people think it's moral , but they don't want it to be legally enforced. At least for now. Right? This is the PR problem and maybe it's a.. maybe we need to double up the law so that people can feel comfortable with what this means. (audience)-I'd just like to ask a question ? because we talk a lot about the evolution of cultural things and I assume all of these are people, or I guess you don't know but most of these are people who have never been in a self driving car right? And I think one of the things we found , again, this is not my work but some of our colleagues They do this self driving car, Uber type thing where you can map and it was actually for normal sort of, the public. And they're impression of the safety of self drving cars changed substantially after they had expereinced it for a little while and they sort of anticdotally felt safer than with dad. So I think once you're in a self driving car, and see how much control it has your view on the safety as well as it's, and the other thing that happens and this may happen more in Japan than the US In Japenese culture your sort of identify with machines and tools like that they start to feel trust with the machine which I think unless you expereince it you don't, you can't imagine it. Anyway. I agree. I think there's all sorts of things . We're now interested in studying, for example, agency perception. You know, do people see these things to have minds, and if not, why not? what's the missing component? Which becomes really interesting with drones for example. So the other thing is when we ask people, well again, people think it's moral to sacrifice but they don't want it to be regulated and definately not buy it if it's regulated but they're much more likely to purchase those cars if they were regulated. I think this is really a really important question. If people don't purchase those cars you will not save lives. I mean people estimate, scientists estimate that 90 % of accidents today are due to human error. So if we can , the sooner, assuming the technology get's there assuming we have wide adoption the sooner we save more lives. but if the people are so worried about edge cases or that their own safety is not paramount they may not purchase the cars and we may not therefor have wide adoption and as a result - we can map this onto the quadrants this is clearly one that you can't just leave up to the market. If people aren't buying the thing that they believe has a common good. -Exactly, and if you regulate it you can, there's a backfire effect which is well fine, that's great, that's a good social contract for other people but I will continue to drive my own car and probably be more likely to kill myself as a result. So people are not rational in they way they assess risk of getting on a plane or will I be eaten by a shark? You know people over estimate those risks and there's a good chance that if we don't trust those systems then we will overestimate those risks too and prefer to drive ourselves. so we have an ethical dilemma we strarted from then we realized it's a social dilemma but now we're realizing there's a meta ethical dilemma which is if you solve the social dilemma by using regualtions you may actually create a bigger dilemma a bigger trolley problem which is do we continue to drive cars or sell or do we lead to wide adoption? of autonomous vehicles. so we want to collect more data. we want to understand this issue in more nuanced ways and we started, I'm gonna move fast on this we started collecting data, these things have made it to transoportation regulations now or guidelines which is good but we've created a website called moral machine in which we randomly generate scenarios so in this case it's not just one vs ten or one vs five it's there's a dog in there and we've varied the ages, sometimes they're children sometimes they're pregnant woman sometimes people are crossing at red lights and so do they deserve the same level of protection as -isn't that interesting? This group here, what if they're children? Do they, should they, are they expected to know not to cross the red light? and so it get's really hairy really quickly. You know these are some cartoons very simplified scenarios but i think they still bring out lots of interesting questions and we show people the resulfs (audience groaning at result) We show people results. This is a former of mine who has a cat he's happy to kill babies to save cats we also show people, we show people how much they care about different factors and how that compared to with others. So people love this cause it's kind of metal to thier own morality. You know, do I care about the law a lot and how do I compare with other people on this matter? Do I protect passengers more than other people or less,? and so on. We also have this design mode where people can create thier own scenarios and they get a link to them and and a lot of people have been using them to teach ethics in highschools and universities. And we have all sorts of you know, species preferences should social value be taken into account should age be taken into account and so forth. And we also evaluate if there is an omission or comission distinction. which action, is the action that minimizes harm should it be an omission or commision and there is definitely a bias. WE're now analyses. So far we've translated this into 10 languages we've recieved 3 million uses that have completed more than 28 million decisions binary choices a and we have 300000 fulll surveys and this is still growing fast These full serveys allow us to tease out whether these people have cars themselves, which age bracket, which income bracket they come from and so on. This is really interesting because then you can start saying well people how have cars maybe more or less likely to support this particular ethical framework. We have a lot of global coverage and so far we've been looking it cross cultural differences and because this is recorded I don't want to talk about it yet but basically we're observing some very interesting cross cultural differences in terms of the degree to which people are utilitarian or to which thy would prioritize the passengers to which they're willing to take an action so omission vs comission and so forth I think it's really facinating and it would be very important precondition to any sort of public relations effort to make the cars more acceptable but also potentially to the legal differenes in the legal frameworks as well. Also beginning to look at partial autonomy, so whether it's autonomous cars or drones or jujges making bail decisions again, you can have a machine to everything or you can have a human do everything. so and in the car you have things where the driver assitance so the person is in control and the machine sort of watches over them so tpyota has been promoting this model and other car makers as well but also there s auto pilot where the machine does the things and thehuman kind of has to keep an eye on whether it's a car or anything else and then you have full autonomy. The question here we're interested in is we're comparing these models and we're investigating empirically whether people assign differnt degrees of blame and responsibility depending on the control architecture, we can call it If a person overrriding a decision made by a machine is differnt from a machine overriding a decision made by a human and it happens again this is now in submission, But it happens to really matter. It really matters who you think is ultimately responsible and who is liable and I think this is a sort of psychological imput to potential legistations that could come up. to deal with these scenarios so this is a broader picture that I like. wich I think Joey eluded to initially. which is that there is a gap in between and on one side we have engineers who think everything is an engeneering problem, you know, ev everythin can be enginerred away and you have people from the humanities and social sciences study the nuances of human behavior but also who know how rules can get sort of abused and have a good sort of knack for this. You know, how do you ensure you have coherent system of ethics and values and checks and balances and so on I think that these sides often don't talk to each other so I think there is a sizable community of people who complain about who are very good identifying a problem and violations of fairness and rights. and so on but we don't have the tools to express these objections in a way that computer scientists can operationalize likewise, we have machine learning and there are scientist who feel that this is problamatic I can see that this has, can cause problems this can violate people's rights but again they don't have the intellectual framework to raise these issues in a way that humans as a society can evaluate so we're hoping to do and this is part of the partnership between the media lab and the berkman center Berkman center are from this side and they understand us, and we come from this side from technology and we work on interfaces` and we hope through this we will make some interesting famework this is , I think, where many of the interesting questions are. So I think we're ready for a discussion and taking some questions. "I guess the one other part I would add to this is that just one other acess is going back to judiciary but we can have this in cars as well. Is in the one hand I don't think anybody thinks that speeding tickets issues by speed cameras on the highway are , I mean some people may not like them but that's inappropriate use of machine because it's really a fact. There's a speed that you're allowed to go. and the machine is more likely to measure your s speed than a human eye balling it, and probably more fair. on the other hand I don't think anyone believes that the supreme court decisions at least for now should have really that much substantial role with the machines at least in the deliberation part so there's a spectrum there's this thing where on the one end where you're just establishing a fact which is sort of impemation of the law which we're not even disputing the justice of it to the supreme court which is supposed to try and reflect the norms of the day making determinations about laws. but then there's a continum between somewhere in the middle there you have this uncanny place where it feels like the machines have some infulence and I think whats kind of interesting is just about all of these hypotheticals we have there's one extreme where you do want the machines in charge, there's another extreme where you do want humans in charge. Those are actually not that difficult. Ther's a space inbetween them and I thikn that's why it's kind of an interface problem is that it's very unclear how the human and machine peices whether it's a societal thing or an individual get together so that's again, it's related to the autonomy question but I think it's a .. and I think it's sort of technology and is it ethics or morality there's some sort of stack as well. And maybe everything to an internet person looks like a stack. Maybe that's my proble. I there's sort of an intereting thought experiment which was you know, suppose that we I think we need tools too, it's not just a legal question. New kinds of tools and new kinds of data can make a big difference. So let's assume that we invented the cars and they started going on high speed but we didn't invent radar. that can accurately measure speeds. so we relied on human guestimation of speeds of your speed driving. So there's a police man standing sort of eyeballing cars and (thinks) that sort of looks like 120 right? You can very well imagine that under this scenario , if policemen were discriminating one particular group maybe over estimate the speed of people driving cars from that particular ethinic group. and underestimate the speed of other people. But somehow the tool solves this question because it makes the final youknow, it's recorded and somehow it becomes objective. It becomes a fact. And we haven't, you know, It's not disputeable so can we do something similar here and we say -But I think that's where it hits a slippery slope. So if you're doing speed of a car it's a very small number of data points the machine is getting ot guess your speed but the risk rating to some people may seem very scientific especially if they don't understand math and statistics and so they may say the machine rating said they have a risk of this and actually in the forms, they never ask you your race. It just turns out that when you collect the data and you collect the questions the result is biased against race and so one of the questions of what's difficult is if you don'ot understand how these algorithms convert data inot result and this is the problem with the black box thing. A lot of the machines and again there's progress on making machines that can explain how they got to the decision but a lot of the machines we currently use are unable to describe how they got the number, they just give you the number. So if I may pick up on that and ask a first question? So., this question of the normatitvity of the autonomous system and who makes where's the sorce of the norm that seems to be a key question. And I'm wondering picking up on your earlier description whether we're on a particular trajectory by what you described. I think there'are roughly 3 phases I've heard. 1 Is okay, we have these autonomous vehicles and now it's a question for law makers and regulators Do we apply existing norms to these new technologies ?. Sometimes you need to update the regualations which we see happening you made reference to that. But there is also a second phase it seems where it, is can we somehow program some of the values and laws and rules into the systems themselves so the behavior is closer to what we have normative constance around the society and as law makers and policy makers? And then there' s a potential third phase I'm particulary interested in your views whether that is indeed a trajectory in the area you study or more broadly potentially that as you could envision a future where more and more data accumulates in systems like autonomous vehicles based on the rules we program then how to behave and how they learn how these rules are obeyed or not what the compliance rate is and the like where suddenly the norm itsself becomes computer or machine generated and how to do we feel about that because that may be an advertantly get us to the other end of the spectrum that you're decribing that the norms are no longer developed here and then somehow programmed into the system but at least evolution of the norm happens in the automated system. I think you would have to tease apart the norms and the laws One of my -says the engeneer to the law student - (laughing) My favorite one is a chart that Jot gave me but I did this in japan so I can do this here. Imagine you have a car and on oyur left there's two motor cycles one the left and on the right the one on the left has no helmet, the one on the right is wearing a helmet. And there's a helmet law. The guy on the left is clearly breaking the law completely disrespecting the law so you have to sweve. Someone jumps in front of your car. You have to swerve. Do you hit the guy iwthout the helmet or do you hit the guy with the helmet?? The guy with the helmet is more likely to survive, but he's following the law. So who hits the guy without the helmet. I did this at a Japenese car company and half of them in the room raised their hand said well, of course you go after the guy who broke the law right? But this is a very interesting normative question so there's all these versions of it