(Narrator): As a public defender, Judge Karen fought for her client's rights. She was elected to the bench because she believed in doing the right thing. (Judge Karen): I'm very passionate about helping people, period (Karen): Sometimes, life pulls you from up here to down here to teach you a lesson and you're in a valley right now, and there's lessons in this valley. I hope you learn that. (narrator): Objective, Independent Justice (Karen): You can always turn your life around if you keep walking you can overcome whatever circumstances you are facing. (narrator): This is Supreme Justice With Judge Karen (narrator): Co-Plaintiffs Kyle and Sue Daniels are suing Co-Defendants Tyler and Kendra Jones in the amount of one thousand two hundred dollars (narrator): The Plaintiffs claim the defendants damaged their property. The defendants say "they're not responsible" (Karen) Uhh, so Mrs. Daniels (Sue) Yes? (Karen) You're suing Mrs. Jones You're here on behalf of your son. (Sue) Yes (Karen) Mrs. Jones you're here on behalf of your son? (Kendra) Yes ma'am (Karen) These are for some, damaged, uhh, personal items Is that why you're suing, right? (Sue) Yes (Karen) OK, So how old are these boys? (Karen) You're Kyle? (Kyle) Yes, I am. (Karen) How old are you Kyle? (Kyle) I'm 14 years old. (Karen) Fourteen and-and what's your name? (Tyler) Tyler (Karen) OK, How old are you Tyler? (Tyler) I'm 14 years old. (Karen) Well you seem so shy. Are you OK? (Tyler) Yes (Karen) You nervous? (Tyler) No, your honor. (Karen) OK, OK. So, uhh, are you friends? (Kyle) We had not been friends but it had been progressed to bullying. (Karen) You're telling me that Tyler was bullying you? (Kyle) Yes--- (Karen) What grade are you in? (Kyle) 8th grade. (Karen) So you're in middle school? (Kyle) Yes (Karen) OK and, When did you first meet him? I mean, has he been with you through elementy school, througn middle school?