0:00:01.135,0:00:04.151 Every year of every day, each month of the week 0:00:04.151,0:00:10.222 thousands, millions even hundreds of people continue to fall victim to FWP's 0:00:10.222,0:00:11.525 I'm so sick 0:00:11.525,0:00:13.067 I have no place to sleep tonight 0:00:13.067,0:00:15.003 I'm so hungry and there's nothing to eat 0:00:15.003,0:00:17.606 Also known as first world problems 0:00:17.606,0:00:22.613 I'm so sick of these routine doctors check ups. There's never anything wrong with me. 0:00:22.613,0:00:26.330 I have no place to sleep tonight. My friends took the bed and the couch. 0:00:26.330,0:00:35.377 So hungry and there's nothing to eat. I mean on this low carb diet, sure I can have all the steak I want, but steak without the potatoes... 0:00:35.377,0:00:40.014 Hi I'm Ryan Higa. You may remember me from the first FWP campaign. 0:00:40.014,0:00:45.014 Well now not only are FWP's still around, but they're getting much, much worse. 0:00:45.014,0:00:49.190 My phone always dies at my friends house, and all he has is the old iphone charger. 0:00:49.190,0:00:51.996 Too much clothes, the drawers won't close. 0:00:51.996,0:00:57.692 It's like having a mountain in my way, and every time I get over it, there's always another. Why did god have to make speed bumps? 0:00:57.692,0:00:59.992 Ignoring the problem, does not make it go away. 0:00:59.992,0:01:04.662 My hands are so big, I can never reach the bottom half of the pringles can. 0:01:04.662,0:01:07.967 These people are continuing to suffer every single day. 0:01:07.967,0:01:12.337 I just bought this dress yesterday, and now it's on sale. 0:01:12.337,0:01:18.359 These FWP's, first world problems, whatever you want to call them, they aren't going anywhere, unless you do something about them. 0:01:18.359,0:01:21.702 My boyfriend didn't text me back, but he just tweeted. 0:01:21.702,0:01:24.683 It's like every thing I built, just came crashing down all at once. 0:01:24.683,0:01:28.323 The poop already began. Phone not in hand. 0:01:28.323,0:01:31.223 I'm so hungry, but I already brushed my teeth. 0:01:31.223,0:01:33.928 The pools too cold, but the Jacuzzi's too hot. 0:01:33.928,0:01:36.676 I ordered the salad, but now I'll never taste the soup. 0:01:36.676,0:01:42.834 My owner got me bacon treats, but their not even bbq flavour. 0:01:42.834,0:01:56.189 But now there's a way you can help, by calling the number 1-800-www.FWP@gmail.org/ :) / :( /dancing lady in red dress/slash 0:01:56.189,0:02:00.533 We'll send you the FWP helper kit, which includes an open book 0:02:00.533,0:02:03.523 Here's an open book, now shut it. 0:02:03.523,0:02:09.305 A miniature batch of wine. Here's a mini batch of wine, now you can stop being such a little winey batch. 0:02:09.305,0:02:15.905 And a complete poker set including a case, chips, cards and not to mention poker sunglasses. 0:02:15.905,0:02:19.687 I don't mean to be heartless, but welcome to the club. 0:02:19.687,0:02:25.594 In case you didn't notice, there's no one here, who give a chip. So if you could just cut it out. 0:02:25.594,0:02:31.550 Grow a four king pair, and deal with it. That would just be amazing (I'm Aceing). 0:02:31.550,0:02:36.093 With your help, we can put an end to FWP's for good, and focus on the real problems, like 0:02:36.093,0:02:42.011 violence or drugs or people who don't know which your (you're) to use, the beibs, crocs and yellow starburst. 0:02:42.011,0:02:43.372 The real issues at hand. 0:02:43.372,0:02:50.796 So please join me, help a soul and help us all. 0:02:50.796,0:02:57.448 What the heck is that...? Oh! 0:02:57.448,0:03:02.888 My internet's so slow it always has to buffer first. Tee Hee! 0:03:02.888,0:03:04.129 So thank you guys so much for watching. 0:03:04.129,0:03:06.332 If you want to see bloopers and behind the scenes click the one on the left. 0:03:06.332,0:03:08.832 If you want to see the previous FWP video, click the one on the right. 0:03:08.832,0:03:14.782 And if you don't want to click any of them of them at all, then that's kind of a problem, that will be really sad for me.