I’m really happy that John Reynolds is here. Come on up, John, and he’s going to announce a brand new social media platform called twirlr. Please welcome John Reynolds. We are very excited to launch our new platform, I do have to ask you to turn off all your mobile devices. It that’s okay, news of this won’t break until 6pm and we’ll like to keep it quiet. It would be really great if there was no sharing of information at all, until- You want us to turn our devices off? I'm sorry sir. I can't comply. I have got to be online all the tiiiiiiime. Let me tell you how my life works! At breakfast I'm tweeting. I'm tweeting while I'm eating. Cause everything I ever do I want the world to see it too. I'm surfing. I'm typing, and also I am Skyping. So who are you to tell us no? I'm putting this on Vimeo (ooooo) (ooooo) Gotta Share! Gotta Share! Don't you dare try to tell us not to share. No we're not bitter. (share) We just need twitter. (to share) Oh my God I have to put this on Facebook! It's so great. I can't wait. To write my status update. Wish I could share this with my cat. There's gotta be an app for that. I spend all my Fridays uploading pics to MySpace. Is anyone else here still on MySpace? No! Gotta Share. Gotta Share. On FourSquare, I'm the mayor of this room. Share all of your mysteries. Share your purchase histories. (share) I never knew that all of you were so interconnected. I expected some Facebook friending, but now I see this song is trending. Wow, our song is getting big! Now it's reached the top of Digg. YouTube, Tumblr, also Reddit. Looks like BoingBoing also spread it. Tons of people just ReTweeted. All those people must have seen it. Gotta share. Gotta share. Gotta share. Life's not worth living if you're not online. Gotta share. Gotta share. Gotta share. To try to stop us is completely asinine. Gotta share. Gotta share. We gotta share! Unfortunately, that's the end of my time. Thank you.