You bet your bottom dollar that I don't like Christmas. But I love dubstep! Cue the beat! (DubStep Beats and Music) (Explosion) Damn its gooooodd It's bigger! I'm Alex Farnham and This is DIG 808 Show Get it? Damn it's good... (90's TV Program Music) Whooo! (Laughs) So we're gonna tape that (Laughs) Yo W'sup you're watching DIG 808 Show The show where we talk about babes, skateboarding, and what's hot in the world Whaaa whaaat (Laughing) (Incoherent mumbling)'s crazaaay ( 90's Young TV Show Music) I'm Rawn I'm Omar I'm Nick Hey, What's up? I'm Artie (Awkwardly) I'm Matt I'm Alex And welcome to the show! (Classical Music) Welcome to another episode of DIG 808 On this episode, we show you how to take an arrow to the knee So, some of you may know going to be putting out a video Monday thru Friday in the month of December It's kinda like my holiday gift -(Incoherent silly voice)- To all you guys for watching my videos -(silly voice) gmails- And coming back (High pitched) Because I love you! So we have Ace Ventura and Friends I've made that because a lot of you have been asking for Ace Ventura videos So I've decided to do one every single week Let's hope that you don't get sick of the guy. (maniacal laughter) Tuesday we have Farnham Films I need help with the title of that. It's basically going to be movie parodies. If you guys have other titles -Farnham Films, 808 Films, 808 Deleted Scenes- If you guys have any suggestions Maybe I'll take the highest rated comment Wednesday - Random Wednesday- It's just totally random. Thursday is today and you're watching it right now. (Spooky music) Friday, Music video. So as you can see, I have my work cut out for me. Am I going to get sick? Am I going to be editing a video and I'm going to pass out in front of my computer screen and wake up and I have radiation poisoning? Who knows!? I'm just going to try my best. (Asks someone off camera) You have to... You have to eat food like every day? (guy off camera) Yeah. Really? (guy of camera) Yup. Huh, that's weird. Let's answer some questions! (silly voice) Hey, @Damitsgood808, How many bits of lego can you fit up your bum? (Silly voice, cont) I don't know. I've never tried. It's probably not healthy. Check your prostate every month. (Different voice) Do you have any fears? (Voice switch) I am definitely afraid of shaauuks (sharks)... (Breathy noise) What's your battle cry? It sounds like this... ahhhhhhhhh (Silly voice) That's what she said. AHA That doesn't make any sense (Silly voice) I know tiddly What does your battle cry sound like? (Screechy Vocalizations) (No sound) That's yours? Silence? Yeah, it's kinda quiet. (Both laugh) (Creepy music builds) Hey, man. Hey how's it going? Merry Christmas Merry Christmas. You been good this year? (shaky breathing, creepy music continues) I think so (Light rock music)