(gulping sound) (piano music plays) Hi, and now another episode of Beaver and friends (children awing) (yelling) Yeah! Wahoo! (gasp!) (rattling) rattle snakes! (gasping in fright) ohh, you're a dick! Why don't you... I totally thought you were a snake hah! (rattling) You're good. You are good. No, you are good my friend. You're good okay, no. Oh my gosh. You scared me half to death. Lemme see it.. Come on, hand it over. woah, hahaha 's quite an arm you got there. haha think fast here you go. (piano music begins playing) Tell me something, Beaver Why do you choose to live out here among the rattle snakes as an outcast? Just makes me sick to see you in this situation makes me sick and angry. You hear? Give me this! No! You're going to listen to me You're going to sit here and listen to this. Cause you need to . You don't need this. (rattlling) Stop it! You don't need this. (whimpering sound) (Clunck sound) Sorry about that! I'll be your friend now. (80's music) Up next, on Cortez Cortez becomes a man Say it again! Say it again! Gingo, hah! HAHAHAH! (booming noise) (choking) Mi hermano! (heavy breathing) Porque! (gunshot) You are a man, Cortez! You are a real man. (children awing)