Hello. Please take a moment to watch this video and learn about the technologies I use that help me communicate. I promise I will only take a few minutes of your time. [MUSIC PLAYING] I communicate using a high tech voice output communication device called the ECO-14, manufactured by the Prentke Romich Company. This is my primary means of communication. I also use a low tech lap tray communication board as a backup to ensure I always have a way to communicate. In high school I learn how to use a voice helpful communication device called The Liberator, also manufactured by the Prentke Romich Company. But after graduation, I did not have the support I needed to keep using my Liberator. I was unable to use my communication device, and that meant I had to rely on other people to ask me yes and no questions. I can answer yes and no questions by opening my eyes to answer yes and closing my eyes to answer no. The only other way I could communicate was to use my low tech communication board on my lap tray. Because I cannot point to the pictures myself, I must rely on other people to help me using an access method called partner assisted scanning. I will now demonstrate partner assisted scanning. You. Me. Finished. Bathroom. You need to use the bathroom? No? Am I finished going to the bathroom? Am I finished with the bathroom? In my house? Oh, you're asking, am I finished with the bathrooms in my house? Oh, my gosh, yes. We're finished. It's a story. It was-- it was a story. But yes, we are finished with them. Partner assisted scanning is very difficult for people who don't know how to use the board with me. It can be frustrating for me and the people who are trying to use my board to communicate with me. After about five years of being dependent on other people to help me communicate, I began to receive speech therapy. Through speech therapy, I learned to use the ECO-14, and now I have the support I need to keep using my communication device. I am now able to communicate independently using my ECO-14. I cannot use my hands to point to the device, so I must use a switch positioned at my head to access my ECO-14. I use my switch to make choices through a method of selection called "scanning." Another obstacle I face that affects my ability to communicate is not being able to read and spell. I was not taught to read as a child so now I am trying to learn to read as an adult because I cannot spell out my messages. I choose pictures of my ECO-14 that represent words and put them together to make sentences. I will show you how I do this now. Want to hear a knock-knock joke? Yes, I would love to hear a knock-knock joke. Knock-knock. Knock-knock. Who's there? Nose. Nose who? I knows plenty more knock-knock jokes. Oh, good. You know knows plenty more knock-knock jokes. Tell me one more. Knock-knock. Who's there? Pencil. Pencil who? Your pants will fall down when you wear them so low. [LAUGHING] That's great. All right, that was awesome. That was a good one. Good, good. OK. That was a good example of scanning. Is there anything else you wanted to say? I love my ECO-14. I love my ECO-14. As you can see, it takes some time for me to write a sentence. I need people to be patient and wait for me to select the words I want to say. I understand everything that is said to me, but it takes time for me to respond. The ECO-14 has made a big change in my life because I am no longer dependent on others to be able to communicate. People can see I am intelligent and I have important things to say. Thank you for taking the time to watch this video. [MUSIC PLAYING]