I'm really sad to say that in some ways I think the world has become a little harder and has become faster. The changes in the world, like all challenges, have forced us to become more creative, have given us no alternative but to become braver, so more articulate about our feelings, have made things like assertiveness absolutely obligatory, calling out what you want absolutely a must, and really making sure that you in some way make your talents known because those days of kind of people going out and hunting for talent, yes, I'm sure on some level that still happens, but it's hard, you really got to hold up a big sign and say, "I am really good at what I do, and I'm really, really rather wonderful. You should look at me because I'll be great for your team." That is, I think, in a nutshell, how the world has changed. Click any of these fortune cookies to see your questions and follow-up questions explored. Click this cookie to return to the intro video and see what this series is all about, or click this cookie to suggest alternative questions, participants, or career paths for future videos.