WEBVTT 00:00:00.480 --> 00:00:01.710 Hey. Rio's gone, 00:00:01.710 --> 00:00:03.840 and I have stolen windows weekly. 00:00:04.479 --> 00:00:07.012 And I promise not to use you my mac once. 00:00:07.012 --> 00:00:09.362 Mary Jo Foley and Paul Thurrott are here. 00:00:09.362 --> 00:00:11.708 We're gotta talk about a Rio's we're gotta talk 00:00:11.708 --> 00:00:14.372 first ring second rings updates anniversary updates Merida Gates 00:00:14.682 --> 00:00:17.652 Melinda Gates new flint her in mission for women 00:00:17.662 --> 00:00:21.782 intake hold up more and come on light up on windows weekly. 00:00:24.052 --> 00:00:25.572 NET CASTS YOU LOVE 00:00:26.360 --> 00:00:28.090 From People You Trust This is TWIT. 00:00:33.787 --> 00:00:38.027 Band with for windows weekly is provided by CacheFLY at C A C H E F L Y .com. 00:00:44.797 --> 00:00:50.227 This is windows weekly episode 486 for October 5, 2016. 00:00:50.227 --> 00:00:52.827 "Women Who Love First-Person shooters" 00:00:55.313 --> 00:00:55.563 This episode windows weekly has brought to you by the ring video doorbell with the rainy can see in talk to 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 anyone in your door for your anywhere in the world using a smartphone it's like called ID 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 for your house go to in.com/ww and get up to $150 off our ring off security kit with our limited time offer. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 And by truckR