Remember the three steps of making an animation? We start out by making some variables outside the draw loop, and then inside the draw loop we use those variables in our drawing code. So we've got a variable for the x position, one for the y position, one for the ballWidth, and one for the ballHeight. And then, at the very end, we change those variables a little bit every time, so x is going to be the old value of x, plus 1, so it's going to be increasing every time; y is going be the old value of y, minus 2, so y will be decreasing every time; ballWidth is going to get the old value of ballWidth times 0.99. So since 0.99 is less than 1, we're going to see ballWidth decreasing. And ballHeight is going to be the old value of ballHeight divided by 1.01, which is greater than 1, and so we're also going to see ballHeight decreasing. So if I press Restart, you can see all of these attributes of the ball changing. So if you look at these four lines of code, you'll notice that they all follow a similar pattern. We've got a variable, then an equals sign, then the same variable, some operator -- plus, minus, times, divide -- and some number, okay? And this pattern is so common in programming, and programmers are so lazy, that they decided, "Hey! Since we use this pattern so much, "Shouldn't there be an easier way to type it?" And so they made a shortcut, and the shortcut goes like this: Instead of saying "x gets x plus 1", I could say "x plus equals 1." Got it? And instead of saying y gets y minus 2, I could say "y minus equals 2." And instead of saying ballWidth gets ballWidth times 0.99, I can say -- you guessed it -- "ballWidth times equals 0.99" Finally, instead of saying ballHeight gets ballHeight divided by 1.01 we can say "ballHeight divides equals 1.01." So for all of these, what it does is it takes the value of the variables, so ballWidth, and then this operator, and then multiplies it by 0.99. So it's going to say, "ballWidth times 0.99" and then store it back in the variable, ballWidth. And if I press Restart you can see our animation looks the same as before. And now you get to be lazy too!