..this tests was done in our facility in Ferrara, where we moved after the one in Bologna had become too small... ...and the tests were done in a "clean room"... ...that is a space made available to the professors and completely indipendent... with a wall socket that they could check... the reactor was standing isolated, they placed and weighted it... they connected it with wires... tools and control instruments they choose. The people who made the tests were... I try to remember... prof Hanno Essen of Stockholm university and prof Bjorman Lander (?) , Hartman Torbjörn, Lars Tegnér, Bo Höistad and others... [Interviewer] I think also Roland Petterson... [Rossi] ...of course Roland Petterson, they were all from the university of Uppsala. Then there was prof Levi from the university of Bologna. The test lasted 130... 120 hours continuous... from 18 to 23 march of 2013... then... the publication was done only recently, a couple of weeks ago... This means that in practice all discussions between the 7 professors who made the test and the professors who made the peer review... ...as prof Bonetti of Bologna university, Ferrari of Bologna university, prof Ikegami of Osaka university in Japan... and prof Pierre Cluzon (?) of the CEA... "Commissariat à l'énergie atomique" of Paris and others I can't remember... They made a long peer review... a discussion that lasted 2 months and the text was elaborated... and at the end they made the publication on arxiv... arxiv that is a magazine... of physics at Cornell university... So the text was much corrected... mainly the measurements done during the 130 hours were always calculated on a large margin of error on the conservative side... that is.. since the measurements have always a margin of error... they always choose the less favourable one... because this was the aim of such work... ...to understand beyond any reasonable doubt if there was an excess of energy in comparison to input energy. [Interviewer] Eng. Rossi, please could you explain us what was the result of this report? [Rossi] The result of the report... that being published anyone can read... was very good... because the final result was this: an anoumalous source energy exists beyond doubt since the quantity of energy produced is largely superior to the quantity of energy consumed. This fact became apparent with incontrovertible evidence. They tried in all ways to... and rightly so... to demonstrate that it didn't work... that in the past there were some errors... in the past measurements. [Interviewer] Sorry... by memory it is the first time that scientists who work in universities had not only the possibility to do such work in indipendent manner... without your presence... it was also the first time that they put their name on it... that they gave a precise opinion... [Rossi] It is the first time that a group of international scientists has a device to test in a completely independent way. The only limitation was that they couldn't look into how the reactor worked. This was only a study of the performance for general research... if there was any excess energy... apart from the actual knowledge of the internal technology. [Interviewer] So with this report... the scientists can't understand much more about the theory but they validated... from their point of view... that there is an excess of energy. [Rossi] I absolutely agree with you. [Interviewer] Now what do you expect after... the publication of the report? Since the story... from the first time of your announcement... ...there were many critics... some said there were hidden cables... and so on... what do you expect that will happen after this publication? [Rossi] Well, first... I want to repeat that both the switchboard and the reactor were wired and placed over... respectively... the switchboard on a wooden work bench... ...the iron frame.. the reactor was placed where it had a 2 square millimeters area of contact with the frame itself... just the two pieces the cylinder was placed upon. Moreover they cheked the frame had no hidden caves, that the system was... completely isolated... they checked it. They were not only 7 scientists of international fame but also other 5 came during the test to watch... to verify... to give suggestions. Prof Hessen was also member of the international skeptic society that... was created by some of the better physicists in the world, just for calling into question... [Interviewer] The hoaxes.... [Rossi] ...all the new things that could change a well estabilished system. In order to verify... if something could be true... not necessarily a hoax, a theory can be wrong without being a hoax... [Interviewer] In the case of industrial applications there are many other aspects... [Rossi] Of couse... so the professor Hessen... beside being a professor of Stockholm university... is ...member of the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm, that is a very important institution and the other professors were at the same level... granted that... your question about what will happen... ... we must do a precise distinction between an industrial work... that is... our work to produce plants, working plants... and a scientific work... that is... the professors work to demonstrate if the phenomenon was real or not... I don't think that this test... done on purely scientific bases... could have consequences on the commercial aspects... we have found none. The test was done in march, then we shipped the plant on april 30... may 1... a test on a 1MW plant that was sold to an american company that sent its own technicians to test it. The two things were done separately... they didn't care at all for the test... that was done in march by the scientists. They only cared if the device worked as guaranteed from the contract we signed. [Interviewer] Was such commercialization... about the 1st generation Ecat for the production of thermal energy or was it an Hot-Cat ? [Rossi] No, it was the same plant, tough modified a lot, that you saw when you visited us... [Interviewer] Yes, the 1 MW plant... [Rossi] You came here... if I remember well... in october 2012... the plant was always the same externally, but in two years we worked... to improve the technology, inside it was completely different. So to answer you question, the industrial and scientific aspects have for sure a little connection... the scientific side helps indirectly... it takes time to have consequences on the technology... at the present there are no repercussions.... [Interviewer] Well, I ask you a specific question about the production and commercial side... you have confirmed to have shipped a 1MW plant a few weeks ago... I ask you at what stage is the commercialization of such plants... ...if you can tell... if there are many order, and mainly if the Hot-Cat... that is the plant that should produce high temperates, is already ready for commercialization... or when will it ? [Rossi] Well the main thins is that we signed an agreement with a big american company that bought the license to manufacture and distribute our plants in the world. Such agreement boosted our productive capacities. A factory with robotized lines is being built and we foresee a large expansion in about a year. The fact is that until visitable plants are not ready... we absolutely don't want publicity... [interviewer] In your opinion when there will be visitable plants ? [Rossi] It is a matter of few months... [interviewer] Within 2013? [Rossy] Maybe... [Interviewer.] In the States or Europe too? [Rossi] In the USA first, then it will be expanded to Europe... now ...the focus is in the USA. [Interviewer] Well... and about the Hot-Cat ? [Rossi] The Hot-Cat is not yet commerciable... we are still making certifications... the technology is very advanced and will enter sales within 2013 for sure. [Interviewer] And about Italy... when will we be able to see a working plant ? [Rossi] Well, this doesn't depend on me... in Italy we have distributors and this depends on... [Interviewer] On the requests? [Rossi] ...requests and issues of authorization... you know in Italy it is very easy to speak but very hard to act... the burocratic hurdles in Italy are still borbonic... unlike what we find in other countries... This is a techonology that... once the pioneering phase... that all products experience... is over... it will have an international expansion... Italy included... [Interviewer] You mean this tech will follow a slow curve at first and then... will become exponential... [Rossi] Yes I do an example... you remember what happened with the mobile phones... when they appeared in the 80' they cost thousands and only managers used them... for sure they were not used by the common man... today there's no one who... between 15 and 90... hasn't a mobile phone with them... and they cost a few hundred euros. [Interviewer] a good example... I woul say... thinking about the large dimensions of these plants... I remember what happened at the beginning of the last century with Marconi radio...