Linked Open Data. What is it? Why is it good for you as a memory organization? Put your self in your users' shoes. Say, you want to find out about that paintings of Venus standing on a shell You probably search on the word 'Venus' You get a lot of results. Venus, Venus, Venus... And after a while, you finally reach the right Venus on the individual website. but what if the web service could help you from the start first, by disambiguating your search and then by connecting all kinds of relevant information update dynamically within the same web space. Well, Linked Open Data makes this possible Here is how. Tim Berners-Lee the inventor of the World Wide Web asked us to put our information as documents on the Web and so we did. Lots of information today is available on lots of individual websites. And then, he saw the next step forward. He asked us to put our information on the Web as raw data because raw data can be linked to other data. Then generates connection for the user, and puts them in touch with a much richer network of information. Let's make that happen. You've got to do four things.