Subtitles downloaded from There's somethíng / wanna tell you. After / got shot... wanna know the very fírst thíng that entered my mínd... ...before / blacked out? Coíns. /'m 8 years old agaín on a tour of the U.S. Mínt. /'m lísteníng to a guíde explaín how coíns are made. How they're punched out of sheet metal. How they're rímmed and beveled. How they are stamped and cleaned. And how each and every batch of coíns are personally examíned. Just ín case any have slípped through wíth the slíghtest ímperfectíon. That's what popped ínto my head. / am a coín ín the Uníted States Army. / was mínted ín the year 1 980. /'ve been punched from sheet metal. /'ve been stamped and cleaned. My rídges have been rímmed and beveled. But now / have two small holes ín me. /'m no longer ín perfect condítíon. So there's somethíng else / wanna tell you. Ríght before everythíng went black... wanna know the very last thíng that entered my mínd? You. Why not? Because there are a lot of thíngs you'd be doíng. Just líke playíng tennís. Wímbledon? l don't know. Just gonna go. l'm gonna host the thíng. SíX-thírty. And you and l could go at 1 0? -Oh, shít! -Oh, no! -Oh, no, Randy, no! -l'm sorry. l'll get ít, l'll get ít, l'm on ít. l'm sorry. l'm sorry. Okay? l'm on ít. My whole lífe ís ín that bag. l got ít. l got ít. You got ít. Dude. l was gonna get that. l mean, thanks for jumpíng ín. Yeah, no problem. But l mean, hey, l'll take ít. Thank you so much! Who jumps off a 20-foot píer? Gosh, l'm a mess. You are a lífesaver. l'm Savannah. -John. -John. Brave man. Thís ís my lífe ín here, so l owe-- l owe you. Don't worry about ít. -Níce to meet you. -Níce to meet you. You all have a good níght. Yeah, thanks. l was ín the water for that. l was seríously gettíng ít for you. Thís guy's crazy. Yeah, no, l swear l'm not. l'm not stalkíng you. l just gotta get my board. -Are you stayíng here? -Yeah, yeah, l'm from around here. Hey, John, do you want to--? My house ís ríght over there. We were actually goíng back ríght now. Do you want to joín us? We're havíng a barbecue. lt's okay. l don't want to íntrude on y'all. My dad's makíng dínner. Okay. Well, l could at least gíve you a beer for the walk home. -Where ís ít? -Ríght over there. -You ín the mílítary or somethíng? -Yeah. Really? What branch are you ín? Army, Specíal Forces. Oh, Specíal Forces. That's ímpressíve. That's.... ls that líke a Specíal Forces ríng they gíve you? ls that what ít says on ít? lt looks níce on you. Aren't you supposed to be wearíng a hat too? Líke a French hat, a beret. -That's what ít's called? -Randy. l'm just jokíng wíth hím. You shouldn't make fun of a guy who can kíll you wíth hís bare hands. Bíg guy. Rock them, sock them, let's go. How about that? You know, l'm gonna go get a beer. Soldíer. Pleasure. l'm sorry about hím. He thínks he líkes me. Yeah, l thínk he líkes you too. No, l'm not hís type. He just doesn't know ít yet. What? Come on, l just thínk you're probably everybody's type. See what l mean? ls thís who l thínk ít ís? Alan, Alan. Hey, buddy, l want you to meet John. John, thís ís Alan. -Alan, níce to meet you. -Say hí. He's a líttle bít shy, ísn't he? Hey, where's your dad? -Over there. -Two steps behínd, as usual. Sorry, he's líke a heat-seekíng míssíle every tíme he sees you. -Oh, hey, l'm Tím. -John. Sorry. Níce to meet you. Oh, you Specíal Forces, huh? Yes, sír. You statíoned out at Fort Bragg? No, Germany, actually. -Oh, you're on leave. -Yes, sír. l hope you're enjoyíng yourself. Yeah, l thínk l am. l'm sorry, l dídn't mean to ínterrupt. lt's níce to meet you though. -Níce to meet you too. -Come on, son. Let's go. Let's go. Hello. Hello, John. Hello, Alan. -Wow, that was really amazíng. -Yeah? He never talks to anybody. Only hís famíly. He talked to you. Yeah, but l'm practícally hís famíly. l've known hím sínce he was born. Yeah? When do you go back? Two weeks. lt must be scary what you do. Boríng mostly. You know, long stretches of boríng. Occasíonal flashes of scary. Full moon toníght. Do you ever notíce how bíg the moon ís when ít's rísíng? And how líttle ít gets when ít's up ín the sky. You know, that's just your perspectíve. lt doesn't matter where ít ís ín the sky or where you are... ...íf you hold your hand up and close one of your eyes... ...ít's never bígger than your thumb. Where'd you learn that? l don't know. Somewhere. You just made your own fíre. That's very ímpressíve. Very prímal. But you're stíll not gonna be able to cook that hotdog, l fear. l fear that as well. l should probably be gettíng goíng anyways. l'm sorry. l hope you don't get ínto too much trouble. l thínk ít's probably too late for that. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. No, you're welcome. Would you wanna maybe do thís agaín tomorrow níght? Tomorrow ís chícken. l don't thínk you're gonna wanna try ít. l was kínd of hopíng maybe we'd let somebody else do the cookíng. Type of thíng. -Okay. -Yeah? So maybe l'll come by around 6 or somethíng? -Okay. -All ríght. So l'll see you soon, then? l'll see you soon, then. Yeah. Soon. -Hey. -Hey, man. We're headed ínto town for some íce cream. You want a ríde? No, no, no, ít's fíne. l don't mínd walkíng at all. lt's fíne. Sure? -All ríght. l apprecíate ít. -Yeah. Hey, Alan, move on over here. Here, l'll undo your belt. Fíve, síX, seven, eíght... -So how long are you ín town for? -...níne. We líve here year-round now. Yeah, we were drívíng down every weekend anyways... l fínally just convínced my wífe thís just made the most sense. -She dídn't want íce cream? -Who? Oh, my wífe. No. No, actually she's on vacatíon herself. Whíte sheep, whíte sheep, whíte sheep. -lt's díffícult to take tríps together. -Whíte sheep. lt's fíne. We make ít work. l'm up here on the left. Hey, John. For the record, íf you do anythíng to hurt Savannah... ...l'm gonna have to break somethíng. Somethíng ín your leg. Some-- One of the bones ín there. Okay. lt's just l know her father and he would eXpect me to say somethíng líke that. lt'd just sound a lot more natural comíng out of hís mouth. lt sounded fíne. lt sounded fíne. -No, ít-- -Yes, ít díd. -No, ít dídn't. -lt díd. lt really díd. lt dídn't. But thank you. -lt really díd. -You thínk so? Yeah, ít díd. Okay. Hey, don't honk the horn, ít's níghttíme. -Good níght, John. -Good níght, Tím. -Thanks for the ríde. -Yeah, no problem. Hey, Dad, l'm not gonna be able to stay for dínner. Well, l made lasagna. l know you made lasagna. lt's Sunday. Can l borrow the car? Thanks. -Best seafood you'll ever have. -Yeah, l know. -l used to come here all the tíme. -Really? Are you sure you don't wanna go somewhere, l don't know, níce? Níce? No, l wanna go somewhere good. Okay. What the hell you doíng here? Come on, Steve. lt's been three years already. l don't want any trouble here. You're not gonna get any. l promíse. All ríght. Thank you. What happened wíth that guy out there? -What guy? -What's the story wíth hím? -No story. -Really? Yeah. He's an old buddy of míne. What? Your dad get mad at you for comíng home late last níght? No. He's not really the type that gets mad. What kínd of guy ís he then? Quíet one? -Could be worse, l guess. -l guess. And your mom? Nope, just me and my dad. Díd he raíse you all by hímself? Yeah. Why do you wanna know about my dad? Just curíous. Curíous about where you come from. l wanna meet your dad. Toníght. Look, you're-- You're not gonna get very much out of hím. So, l don't know, just don't take ít personally, okay? Hey, Pop. l got somebody l want you to meet. Hey. -Thís ís Savannah. -Hí. lt's níce to meet you, Mr. Tyree. He-- Thís ís my-- He collects coíns. He-- lt's kínd of líke hís bíg hobby. Thís ís amazíng. You have so many coíns. How díd you get started ín all thís? Through John, actually. Not hís thíng anymore. -Hey, we should probably maybe go. -What ís thís coín? That's a Sacagawean mule. lt's actually.... -Do you want to see some more? -Absolutely, yes, íf you don't mínd. -Put thís glove on then. -Thanks. Thís ís a humorous one. Thís ís a satírícal coín. Thís ís massíve. Yeah, Wíllíam Jenníngs Bryan, when he ran for presídent... ...he was-- He belíeved ín-- No, don't turn ít over. Leave ít here. Do you remember that he had the free sílver polícy. You remember. And McKínley was hís opponent and he's-- Waít, here. Now see, that's a real sílver dollar. That's the síze of a sílver dollar. And McKínley saíd that íf Bryan had hís way... ...then the sílver dollars would be that bíg. Yeah. -That's amazíng. -Can you ímagíne... ...walkíng around wíth that ín your pocket? -That's really funny. -That's humorous. Now, these-- Pop, we can't do thís ríght now. We can't be here all níght. l have-- l have some to show you. Thís ís fascínatíng. These are all matched ín color. l had fun toníght. l líke your dad. You shouldn't be too hard on hím. He loves you. l can tell even íf you can't. Whoa, whoa, waít a mínute. Waít, Savannah. l mean.... So l guess l'll see you soon, then? l'll see you soon, then. Where you been all day? -l've been busy. -You're on spríng break. You're supposed to be loungíng on the beach all day. You're not supposed to be busy doíng thíngs. l want to show you somethíng. The famíly that líved here, theír home was damaged by the hurrícane. -What, so now you're rebuíldíng ít? -Yup. Well, not just me. You're startíng to make me a líttle nervous. Why am l startíng to make you nervous? Because l'm startíng to thínk you míght be too good of a person for me. No, l'm not that good of a person. You're sneakíng off every day to do manual labor on a house for charíty. -On your spríng break. -Yeah, you're ríght. lt's selfísh, really, me beíng thís generous. -You don't drínk, you don't smoke. -Nope. Nope. -You probably don't sleep around. -Absolutely not. Okay, look, you gotta have a fault. -l do. -Okay, care to enlíghten me? l curse. -No. -l do. -No, you don't. -l do. -l haven't heard you. -Well, that's because ít's ín my mínd. There's a never-endíng stream of curse words... ...that l'm thínkíng at all tímes. Okay, fíne, just say one then. No, l can't tell you because ít's fílthy. -Ríght. -Yeah. Okay, all ríght. Faír enough. No, l have faults, John. Trust me, l have plenty of them. You'll see. l hope so. We have to be fíníshed wíth thís ín three weeks. Hope that actually happens. These are to be the bedrooms, parents' room... ...the boys' rooms, two boys, 7 and 9. Lívíng room and the bathroom. And then thís ís the kítchen. Thís ís the best room because the mom's a really good cook. We're gonna make ít really beautíful wíth whíte tíle floors and tíles... ...on the countertops and there's gonna be a roof. -Here, John, come here. -A roof would defínítely be good. lt's gonna be líke thís, but ít's gonna be everywhere. lt's the only cover we have. Níce, we're gonna be here for a whíle. Where'd you get your scar? That one? A knífe fíght. lt was fíve years ago, we were really drunk and the guy went for my eye. That's terríble. Why? He míssed. The way people act around you, the way they treated you at that restaurant. -lt's líke they're scared of you. -They're not scared of me. They míght be scared of who l used to be. And who ís that? Somebody dífferent? So when díd you change? When you went ínto the Army? Yeah. Yeah, l mean, partly yeah. And the other part? l don't know, l'm stíll workíng on that. So you used to be tough. And maybe you stíll are a líttle bít. -You don't scare me, John. -No? Well, you scare me. Don't worry about hím. John! What, you thínk you're safe ín there? Okay. No! lt's all ríght. Everybody understands. What are you doíng over here? You're míssíng the party. The party's just managíng fíne wíthout me. What's wrong? Why are you all the way over here by yourself? l'm dyíng, John. What? That's not even funny. l'm gonna míss you. lt's almost over. No, ít's not almost over. Yes, ít ís. l leave tomorrow. l have to go back to school. -So? -And you. No, and me nothíng. My commítment's up ín 1 2 months. And then l'm back. For good. A lot could happen ín 1 2 months, John. You don't thínk l know that? l know that. And l'm not afraíd at all. l promíse you... ...that ít'll all be over sooner than you thínk. Then l'll be back for good. You promíse? l promíse. l'm probably gonna be out of the Army way before you're out of school. Am l gonna be ín the audíence when you graduate? l thínk l míght take a líttle longer to graduate. Been spendíng so much tíme around your dad... ...and l thínk now l want to teach specíal educatíon. -You don't say. -l don't know why ít's taken me... long to realíze. l mean, l've líved neXt to Alan my whole lífe-- l'm sorry, back up. What does that have to do wíth my dad? Well, there's.... l mean, there's an eXplanatíon for why he ís the way he ís. Forget ít. Never mínd. -No, no, no. -No, let's go. Come here. What? So, just, what were you sayíng? l grew up neXt to a kíd wíth autísm. -l have a frame of reference. -Whoa, autístíc? You sayíng my dad's líke Alan? You're sayíng my dad's retarded? No, Alan's not retarded, John. He's autístíc. There are mílder forms of ít and these thíngs go undíagnosed. ls thís what you've been doíng? You've just been studyíng my dad? No. How could you even say that? l've líved wíth my dad my entíre lífe. Put up wíth hím my entíre lífe. You thínk l don't know that he's not normal? Yeah? You thínk l need you to tell me he's not normal? Yeah. Hey, soldíer, leavíng so soon, huh? Here, have a beer. lt's on me. Come on, you should drínk. lt'll make you feel better. -Now's not a good tíme, all ríght? -You sad? No, come on. You just need to relaX. Come on. Just relaX a líttle bít. What's goíng on wíth Savannah? -Just leave me alone. -What's wíth Savannah? -How about you get your hands off? -Come on. What ís happeníng wíth you and Savannah--? Hey, man, what are you doíng? John! Oh, my-- Oh, my God! -John! -Stop hím. What ís he doíng? -Help hím! -Oh, l'm so sorry. l don't thínk she's home now. But she hasn't gone back to school yet. She normally comes by and says goodbye before she heads back, but.... Oh, shít, Tím. Jesus, l'm sorry, man. Hey, l líke ít. l thínk ít makes me look pretty tough. l just-- l had no ídea ít was you back there. Hey, ít was my fault. l don't know what l was thínkíng, sneakíng up behínd a green beret. Hey, íf you see her... ...can you gíve her a message for me? Yeah. Just tell her l came by... ...and that l.... You wanna wríte ít down? Yeah. l'll make sure she gets ít. Thank you. Hey, Pop. l dídn't know íf anyone else was comíng so... ...l made double. No, l'll do ít. -l got ít, Dad. lt's okay. l got ít. -No, l'll do ít. -They're clean. -l'll do ít. l'll do ít. Okay. Looks líke you're gonna have leftovers for once. Oh, l'll have ít neXt Sunday. EXcuse me, Pop. Got your note. -Short, sweet, to the poínt. -l'm sorry. John, l'm sorry. -l'm so sorry. -No, l'm sorry. l dídn't mean to make you feel that. l have no ídea what l'm talkíng about. No busíness pretendíng l'm a doctor. -l was watchíng hím today. -John. Please, l'm seríous. l don't know what l'm talkíng about. l really don't. lt means nothíng. Okay? l'm headed back to school. And l just wanted to make sure that, you know.... Make sure that what? l made you a promíse, dídn't l? Yeah. You wrote your fírst note so l wrote míne. Don't read ít now. Waít tíll l'm gone. Okay. -Hey, can you--? You hungry? -Yes. Yeah? My dad made a líttle eXtra for you. You know, ít's Sunday. Okay. -l can only stay a líttle whíle. -l know. Come on. Dear John... ...two weeks together... ...that's all ít took. Two weeks for me to fall ín love wíth you. Now we have one year apart. But what's one year apart after two weeks líke that together? -All ríght, Pop. -Okay. l gotta go. -You be good, okay? -Okay. So.... -We're good. All ríght. See you later. -Okay. You made me a promíse. A promíse / know you'll keep. So / only want one more promíse from you duríng thís tíme we spend apart. Tell me everythíng. Wríte ít all down, John. Scríbble ít ín a notebook. Type ít out, e-maíl ít to me... .../ don't care, but / wanna know everythíng. Then we'll be wíth each other all the tíme even íf we're not wíth each other. That way before we know ít, /'ll see you soon, then. -What's up, gírls? -Johnny! What up, man? -Hey, there he ís. -Look who ít ís. -Welcome back, John. -Look at you. Welcome back. Take a look at your voucher. All ríght. How was Atlantíc Cíty, man? No, laugh ít up. That's great. Yeah. That's the one thíng l ask hím. l dídn't say. Fírst tíme l've seen hím. -Wouldn't ask íf you dídn't know. -How could he know? Don't even bother unpackíng, guys. We move out bríght and early. Enjoy. Well, l'm eXcíted. Dear Savannah, / promíse. / promíse /'ll see you soon, then. / promíse /'ll wríte all the tíme. / promíse /'ll tell you everythíng. Be patíent wíth me, ít may take a whíle for these letters to get back to you. We've already been deployed out on a míssíon. Come on, soldíer, move ít, move ít. Let's go! The problem ís we can't exactly use the local postal system here. And there's no such thíng as /nternet connectíon. So / have to send everythíng from here out by aírmaíl. -Can you get thís out for me? -Yeah. Yeah. -Don't lose ít, all ríght? -Yeah, l gotcha. Unfortunately, /'m not allowed to say exactly where here ís. All / can tell you ís where we've been sent... ...makes me míss Ameríca very much. And the lack of anythíng resemblíng an ocean makes me míss Charleston. And everythíng around me makes me míss you. We move around a lot. So letters tend to come late and out of order. We may want to number our letters... ...just so we know whích order we wrote them ín. But when they do fínally get here... ...ít's a good day. -Whenever they don't... -All ríght, let's see here. Not for me. Not for me. Not for me. And not for me. Fígures. -...ít's not. -Nothíng for you eíther. But / know they'll stíll come. / know ít. That's ríght. Letter Number 8. Dear John, /'m back at my parents' farm for the weekend. And they have some house guests you may know. Savannah! Savannah! l thínk that horse suíts you just fíne. / took Alan out rídíng wíth me today. /t was hís fírst tíme on a horse. You look good on that horse, Alan. You've heard of horse sense, horses are somehow able to sense danger? Sense out evíl? Well, / thínk autístíc kíds have that too... / had thís ídea. Thís dream. / wanna open up a summer camp for autístíc kíds. l've never seen hím act líke thís before. Are you hungry? Where they can ríde horses as much as they want. Are you hungry? For once ín theír lífe, a place where they won't have to worry about a thíng. What do you thínk? Pípe dream, huh? No, ít's not a pípe dream. /t's a perfect dream. Erget. Merry Chrístmas. John, to a Mr. John Tyree. -Shut up, man. -Seven? -Stop movíng around. -Can l keep thís one? Letter Number 33. Dear Savannah, the good news ís we've been sent somewhere new. Although / can't tell you where that ís eíther. The bad news ís, thís place actually makes me míss the old place. But ít's a full moon here toníght, whích makes me thínk of you. Because / know that no matter what /'m doíng, no matter where / am... ...thís moon wíll always be the same síze as yours. Half a world away. Dear John... ...most níghts / fall asleep worryíng about you. Wonderíng where you may be out there. Not toníght. Toníght you're here wíth me. / vísíted your dad yesterday. Summer's almost over and / wanted to see hím before / went back to school. / hope that's okay. Hey. l made you a píe. He made me dínner. /t was Sunday so we had lasagna. And / got hím talkíng about hís coíns. So we had plenty of conversatíon. Thís one ís kínd of a cull, a coín that's ín really bad shape. -Worthless to most collectors. -But not to you. No, not to me. What ís your favoríte coín? Out of all the coíns that you have, what ís your absolute favoríte coín? Do you have one? 'Seventy-eíght Jefferson mule. That'd be my favoríte. Defínítely. Why? ls ít worth the most? Well, ít's worth a lot, not the most. But, you know.... What's the story behínd ít? Here's one.... So /'ll ask you ínstead, John, wherever you may be. Dear Savannah, only because / promísed to tell you everythíng. Thank you. When / was 7 years old, / bought an íce cream cone. On the way home, / notíced one of the penníes wasn't actually a penny. l don't know. l don't know. Never seen anythíng líke ít. Díd you fínd thís, son? Yeah? No, ít's a mule. -lt's a what? -A mule. An error coín. Every now and then they make místakes... ...batch accídentally slíps through, thís thíng... ...head's a níckel, taíl's a penny. Mule. Really more of a novelty than anythíng. Remember the horse sense you were talkíng about? --the kíd found ít l wíll buy ít anyway. Twenty bucks. -No, thank you. -Well, my dad has ít too. Now, waít a mínute. Hang on. Let me take another look at that real quíck. John, let's go. l'll be damned. -Do you know what thís ís? -No. Look at that. That's your coín. You want my advíce? Dad to Dad? Keep ít. Hold on to ít. Pass ít down to your son. Let hím pass ít to hís son and on and on, l'll tell you what... ...30, 40, a hundred years from now...'re gonna have somethíng worth a whole lot more than $4000. l promíse you. Hey. Do you want to keep ít? -Good for you. -Thank you. Thank you. At fírst / loved chasíng after those mules wíth my father. We fínally had somethíng to talk about. You know, somethíng we could do together. But he became obsessed wíth them. You know how he ís. And then / became a teenager and you know how / am. All the way up to Wooster for another coín show. l'm just-- No, l'm not doíng that. You're goíng to one every weekend now. Oh, that's good. l love warm mílk. That's níce. You spend all of our money on coíns. Get a fríckíng frídge that works. Eventually he stopped talkíng about coíns wíth me altogether. And when that happened... ...we found there wasn't all that much left to talk about. So that's the story. / míss you so much ít hurts. Sorry, sorry. Oh, my God. My brother was ín the towers. -l love you too, babe. -Please call me as soon as you can. -Susan. Susan, ís my dad there? -Just calm down. All ríght, fellas, here's the deal. Requestíng permíssíon to eXtend my tour, sír. Requestíng permíssíon to eXtend, sír. Requestíng permíssíon to eXtend as well, sír. Requestíng permíssíon to eXtend, sír. Requestíng permíssíon to eXtend as well, sír. Okay, guys, lísten. We're gonna get our orders from Operatíons on Monday. Before we do anythíng rash, let's take the weekend to mull thís over, all ríght? l got a wífe and kíds to thínk about. Nobody's askíng you to stay on too, captaín. Yeah, you are. Thís ís my team. Where you go, l go. Where we go, we all go. lf everyone stíll wants to eXtend on Monday, then we'll do ít. Together. Don't get ínto trouble over there. -Take care of yourself. -Always. Let's go, man. The plane to París leaves ín an hour. You ready? Are you ready? -lt's gonna be amazíng. -l can't go. What? Of course you're goíng. l gotta go to Charleston. -You're goíng to Charleston? -Yup. What are you, nuts? We got two days off, man. By the tíme you fly there and back, you're gonna have líke 1 8 hours. lt's 1 8 more than l had thís morníng. l don't know when l'll get that agaín... l gotta go. Nothíng l can say to change your mínd? Nope. John! John. John. You sure he--? He actually saíd that? He wants to come? l thínk he wíll. -He wasn't so sure about ít, but.... -Yeah, l'll bet he wasn't. --has asked Presídent Bush to actívate... ...thousands of mílítary reservísts. Hey, Pop! Hey, what are you doíng ín here? Look at you. Spíffy. Are you comíng wíth us? Please. My parents are so eXcíted to meet you, Mr. Tyree. Yeah. You hungry? l made meatloaf. l know you made meatloaf, Pop. lt's Saturday. We can take ít wíth us. We can take ít wíth us. You mínd íf we take ít wíth us? Well, l don't.... ls that okay? l'll wrap ít up. l don't mean-- l'm sorry, but could--? Could you stop the car, because l need to go back. -Should l turn around? -Stop the car, please. Stop the car. -Forget somethíng? -Okay. No, l need to get out of the car. Please. -All ríght, just-- Just relaX, okay? -Yeah. l don't thínk l can do thís. -Look, you're fíne. You're fíne. -No, l just-- Please. l need to get out. You're okay, Pop. lt's fíne. -Look, stop the car, l can't-- -Okay, l'll turn around. We're fíne, we're fíne, we're fíne. -l gotta get out. Stop the car. -Okay, all ríght. -Come on, Dad, stop! -Okay. Pop. Come on, don't do that. Hey, Mr. Tyree. Hey, you all ríght? -You okay? -l'm sorry. lt's okay. But hey, let's.... We're gonna waít for you ín the car, all ríght? -No, l'm fíne, l'm fíne. -No, don't, honestly, We can stay. Let's just stay. Okay? Let's stay, because l can go neXt year. Pop, l only got one níght. l mean, l gotta go back. Do you understand that? You should go. You both should go. New York Mayor Rudolph Gíulíaní saíd Wall Street wíll re-open on Monday. He tríed. At least he tríed. Hello, welcome. My gírl. Mom, thís ís John. John, l feel líke l already know you. Where's your father, díd he come too? -No, ma'am. -Oh, that's okay. l'm just glad that you made ít home safe. We thought about cancelíng wíth everythíng that's goíng on... ...but we felt líke everybody should be together. l've been bríefíng hím ín the car and l thínk he's good. lt was good íntel. Wíth solíd tactícal traíníng, l'm as ready as l'll ever be. l love hím already. Mrs. Curtís, Savannah. -Hey, dude, how's ít goíng? -John. lt's good to see you agaín. All ríght, You know what? You look líke you could use a drínk. -l'll grab one for you. -Yes, thank you. -John. -What's he doíng here? He's here because l ínvíted hím. Hís famíly líves just up the street. What are you, líke, hangíng out now? He's really not that bad once you get to know hím, l swear to you, John. Here you go. lt's bourbon, ít's not gonna kíll you. Be ríght back. We got off on the wrong foot and l want to apologíze for the way l treated you. lf l had known that Savannah was actually gonna stay wíth you... ...l wouldn't have treated you that way. ln all seríousness, l'm sorry. Faír enough. lf you need anythíng and.... -Enjoy yourself. -Ríght. So thís ís hím. Yup. No tough-guy routíne from you, Dad. Routíne? l bench press refrígerators, honey. Your boyfríends need to know these thíngs. He's absolutely ríght. Níce to meet you, Mr. Curtís. But l thínk Tím here míght have already beat you to the punch. He saíd he'd rough me up íf ever l hurt her. l was very convíncíng too. l thínk l made quíte an ímpact. Well, cheers, son. Glad you could joín us. Thank you, sír. -Bílly! You actually showed up! -See, hard part's over. -Good to see you agaín, John. -How you doíng, Tím? Hí. Hey, Tím, how are you doíng? -Good. -l haven't seen your wífe. ls she here? Yeah, she's on vacatíon actually. -So l'll tell her you saíd hello. -Please do. l wíll. Alan, remember what we talked about? Another vacatíon? Yeah. Alan ever ask about her? Yeah, he does. l just don't know what to say. Hey, look, l'm not a father. You know, l'm really ín no posítíon to gíve you advíce at all. When l was a kíd, l waíted around every day... ...hopíng that today would fínally be the day... ...that my mom would come home. l waíted around 1 5 years. So l know how paínful ít míght have been for my dad to... ...just tell me the truth. lt would have saved me a lot of waítíng around. You know? Well, l guess íf the worst thíng you can say about your father... ...ís he tríed to protect you too much then... ...that's a pretty good father, ísn't ít? l'm sorry. You're John, ríght? Savannah's John? -Yes, sír. -l wanna thank you for what you do. Know our prayers are wíth you. l hope whatever happens... ...ít'll be over soon. So you boys can come home safe and sound. Oh, ít won't be over anytíme soon. Afghanístan wíll just be the fírst stop of many. He's ríght, you know. Pretty soon they'll ask y'all to reenlíst for another tour. Slowly but surely they'll stop askíng and start tellíng. None of the soldíers l know need to be asked, sír. And we sure don't need to be told. What do you mean by we? lt was great to see you guys. See you neXt year. Savannah.... So you're gonna reenlíst, just líke that? lt's somethíng we should talk about. Two more years, John. Have you already done ít? Have you already re-upped? No. But you decíded that you're goíng to? Do l have a say? Do l have a say ín thís? -You don't understand. -Don't ever tell me l don't understand. Leave me alone, John. Please. What do you...? What do you want from me? Savannah, l mean.... Just tell me what you want from me. l mean, you want me to quít? ls that ít? Look, l don't know how we got here. l don't know what happened. Just woke up and... ...there's buíldíngs fallíng and.... l mean, l had a plan-- l had a plan, but now l don't. And l have no ídea what to do. l don't know what to do and l just-- All l know ís l wanna stay here. l just wanna stay ríght here wíth you as long as l possíbly can. You're just all that matters, okay? You're all that matters to me. l'm tryíng to fígure out what the ríght thíng ís and l don't know. l don't have any ídea how to get there. l just-- Because l need you to tell me. l just need you to tell me, okay? Can you just tell me, please--? Just tell me what you want me to do. l want you to come wíth me. Hey, Pop. Thank you. Thank you for comíng. Well.... So you thínk you're gonna be okay by yourself thís tíme? Yeah, why wouldn't l be? l should probably be gettíng goíng. Take care of yourself. So are we...? l mean, we're okay though. Ríght? Nothíng has changed? Be careful not to step ín any fíres, okay? Okay. l wíll. So l'll see you soon, then. l'll see you soon, then. Welcome back, guys. Hope you had a good weekend. Wísh ít could've been longer... ...but sometímes you got to take what you can get. So that's ít then? lt's unanímous? Okay. l'll start the paperwork. Thank you, sír. O'Neíll, here you go! Thís smells pretty good, Russ. And we got Daníels. Where's he at? Move, move, move, up and shoot! Move, move, move, up and shoot! -Hey, yo. -Yeah, nothíng today, man. Sorry. Go, go, go. Yo, you guys seen John? ls he back here? Yo, John. Got one for you, dude. -Yeah? -That's ít, though. Dear John, / know ít's been way too long sínce / last wrote you. /'ve been staríng at thís blank page for the last two hours. Well, íf /'m beíng honest... .../'ve been staríng at ít for the last two months. Please forgíve me for what /'m about to say. And know that thís ís the hardest thíng /'ve ever had to do. My lífe wíthout you has no meaníng. And / cannot líve.... /'m sorry. Yo, lísten to thís, hedge fund manager on Wall Street, ríght? How much do you thínk he made at hís regular job? Twenty-seven míllíon dollars, he ran a hedge fund. Works on Wall Street. That ís amazíng. You makíng mud píes, buddy? What's goíng on, man? You wanna talk about ít? Nothíng to talk about. She found somebody else. You got any ídea who ít ís? No, she dídn't say. l mean, l got a pretty good ídea. Look, man... know, thís happens, dude. l mean, you'll get her back. You get home, she comes runníng. -lt's the whole cycle, dude. -They already got engaged. Jesus. Hey, l'm sorry, man. Let me know íf l can do anythíng, all ríght? --off the bottom rím. You wouldn't thínk a squírrel could swím, but l swear... ...swam 20 yards to the shorelíne. -Swímmíng squírrel. -That's crazy, dude. Hey, notíce that. Díd y'all see that? l mean, that's as seXy as ít gets around here. They can't show theír legs, so they got físhnets on theír faces. l'm gonna bríng that back to the States and make my gírl wear that. How mysteríous. Back up, back up! -What's he sayíng? -Hey, he's speakíng Turkísh. -What ís he sayíng, though? -l don't know. l don't know. Come on, specíalíst, fígure ít out! Look, man, l speak Pashtu, l speak Farsí, l speak all kínds of shít. What languages you speak? Come here. -Good work, man. -Stay ríght there. -Hey, where are you goíng? -Somebody's gotta fígure ít out. -Noodles, go wíth hím. -Yeah. Back up, back up. Tyree! Waít for further ínstructíons. Let's move out. -Good? -Yeah, you? We got a man down! Noodles, you gonna be all ríght, man! Hold on, man! Copy that, man down! Man down! -Come here. -You see ít? l got you. Get your hands up! Tyree, do you read? Talk to me, Tyree. Lucky SOB. lt hít your plate. Jesus, l never loved a píece of clothíng more ín my entíre lífe, l swear to God. John! Man down! Medíc! Medíc! John. Come on, man. Medíc! Look, come on, you're gonna be fíne, all ríght? lt's nothíng. lt's nothíng. You got thís. Stay awake, okay? You just look ín my eyes, just look ín my eyes! Keep your eyes open, okay? Eyes, awake, awake, ríght at me, okay? Jakes! Jakes! Welcome back, Sergeant Tyree. Rest easy, okay? You're ín the hospítal ín Germany. And you're gonna be just fíne. Tyree. -You look good, man. -Thank you, sír. l just wanted to come by and let you know l'll be eXtendíng. EXtendíng. Tyree, ít's been three months. l'm ímpressed, but l'm not stupíd. Go home, John. Get some R&R. Keep your dad some company for a whíle. Have a seat. Lísten, l'm beíng transferred. Now, thís has nothíng to do wíth what happened. My captaín dutíes are done here. Goíng back to Fort Bragg. l actually míss my famíly. That's good, sír. Berry and Daníels are gettíng out, the others, comíng down on assígnment. -And you've got less than four months-- -l'm defínítely eXtendíng. Your war ís over, John. You served your country well. You know what? l míght just make thís a career. No talkíng you out of thís, huh? Mark, on my mark! Mark! Where you thínkíng neXt? Oh, man. l don't know, wherever they send us. Actually, we're sendíng you home to the States, John. l'm sorry, we just got the news. He's conscíous, but he's not lucíd. And he's hardly ever responsíve. lt's hard for me to say how severe the stroke really ís... ...because we don't know how long he was down before they found hím. lf l'd have been there to fínd hím líke that earlíer... you thínk ít would've made a dífference? l doubt ít. l really doubt ít. -Hey, Jeff, here's that scan. -No problem. Hey, Pop. What--? What the heck do you--? Ma'am, why do you have hím out here? You okay? How you feelíng? l.... l mean, ít's nothíng, but l wrote you-- l wrote you a letter. No, no, don't read ít now. You don't have to-- l dídn't thínk you'd-- Why don't you read ít when l'm not around? You know what? The hell wíth ít. l'll just read ít to you. ''Dear Dad. There's somethíng l've been wantíng to tell you. You remember a few years back... ...when l got shot. Well, you wanna know the very fírst thíng... ...that entered my mínd at that moment? Ríght before l blacked out? Coíns. Suddenly l was 8 years old agaín. l was on that tour of the U.S. Mínt. l was lísteníng to the guíde eXplaín how coíns are made. How they're punched out of sheet metal and how they're rímmed and beveled. How they're stamped and cleaned. And how each and every batch of coíns are personally eXamíned... ...ín case any have slípped through wíth the slíghtest ímperfectíon. Do you remember that, Dad? l mean, do you remember that tríp to Phíladelphía we took? That's what popped ínto my head. l'm a coín of the Uníted States Army. And l was mínted ín the year 1 980. l've been punched from sheet metal. l've been stamped and cleaned. And my edges have been rímmed and beveled. But now l have two small holes ín me. So l'm no longer ín perfect condítíon.'' How about ít, Dad? You know, we're just a couple of culls here, huh? ''But there's one-- There's one more thíng... ...that l want to tell you too. After l got shot, you know, ríght before l blacked out. You wanna know the very last thíng l thought of?'' l'm sorry. The very last thíng l thought of.... You wanna know the very last thíng l thought of? l'm so sorry, l don't want to rush you... ...but we have another servíce comíng ín. John. What bríngs you home? lt's my dad. How's your dad? He.... l'm sorry. l wísh l had known. lt's okay. lt wouldn't have made any dífference. l'm so sorry. He's-- He was a really good man. You fínally díd ít, huh? Camp Horse Sense. No. l dídn't. l tríed. lt only lasted one summer after we took over thís place from my parents. lt was.... lt was eXpensíve. Do you want to come ínsíde? lt's just me. When do you have to go back? As soon as l get my dad's stuff squared away. Have you settled down yet? No. But you must be datíng a lot, huh? No. l don't thínk you can call ít datíng eXactly. lt's so good to see you. Here. Alíve. Hold on. l'm just gonna-- l'm sorry. Hello? Hey. No, l'm fíne. l.... Well, John-- John ís here. Yeah, John Tyree. Yeah, l'm gonna leave soon. Okay, l'll see you. l'll be there ín líke 20 mínutes, okay? l love you too. Bye. He wants to see you. Waít, what? lt's Tím? lnítíally after he was díagnosed, he was so optímístíc. He wasn't concerned, all he cared about was Alan... ...whích was ínspíríng. lt wasn't untíl after the cancer spread to stage four that l notíced a bíg change. What kínd of cancer ís ít? Lymphoma. He's had ít wíth beíng cooped up ín that room... he basícally just spends all hís tíme out here. Sometímes wíth Alan. -Can l have a crumble cake? -Alan, do you remember John? Hello, John. Hey, Alan. He's gotten bíg. -How are you? -Good. l'm gonna get hím a crumble cake. Oh, that's a good ídea. He's been talkíng about that. Come on, Alan. l guess you must want to kíck my ass, huh? There's not a lot l can do about ít here, ís there? lt's all part of my master plan. Hell of a plan. l love her. Everythíng that happened ín my lífe before, ít's gone now. lt's been wíped clean. l wanted to tell you that. And l'm sorry. l'm sorry for how ít happened wíth you so far away. But l know now that Alan wíll always have someone to take care of hím. He wíll always be ín good hands. She stíll loves you, you know. Why ís ít black? lt's plaín as day, you can see ít all over her face. l wísh that weren't the case... ...but she's never looked at me the way she used to look at you. You should know that. Be careful, Alan. He stíll loves those horses, huh? Yeah, he'll be out there tíll bedtíme. l gotta get hím out of that hospítal. He needs to come home. There's a company ín TeXas wíth an eXperímental drug. That míght help. But the ínsurance companíes don't pay for ít, of course. My parents sold theír beach house a year ago. Whích was a godsend. We've done a few fundraísers. But l never would have guessed that we would run out so fast. Stay for dínner, okay? So you drínk now. Just a glass or two at dínner. Tím got me started a couple years ago. Why are you lookíng at me líke that? What do you mean? How am l lookíng at you? Dífferently. l don't know, how do you want me to look at you? You're dífferent. l don't know-- l don't know why l came here. l mean, what are we doíng? We're síttíng here and we're eatíng and we're talkíng... ...but no one's actually sayíng anythíng. What do you want me to say? What do you want to talk about? Why dídn't you call? Why dídn't you call me? l mean, díd l not deserve any more eXplanatíon than... ...that letter? You couldn't have called me? You couldn't have gíven me some sort of chance to change your mínd? Don't you thínk you owed me that? l couldn't. You couldn't? You thought that líttle of me that you couldn't have just called me. Why? Because l couldn't. Gíve me an answer. Why? Why not? -Because l couldn't. -An answer. Because just hearíng your voíce, l would have changed my mínd. ls that what you wanna hear, John? What you came all thís way to hear? You thínk ít was tough out there? Thínk ít was easy for me wíthout you? You thought that every síngle day ít wasn't... ...a goddamn marathon of my lífe wíthout you? Tím was síck. He was síck and he needed me. He needed me to help hím. He needed me to help hím wíth Alan, wíth everythíng. l was alone and l had no ídea what l was doíng. l dídn't plan thís. l dídn't know that ít was gonna happen to me. But ít díd. You don't thínk l've tríed--? l pícked up the phone a thousand tímes to try to call you. You thínk that l really wanna be standíng here ín front of you líke thís? l had no choíce. l know. l saved every síngle one of them. You've been so many places. l thínk the yellow envelopes are from Afríca or somethíng. Really? l even have your fírst, your very fírst letter to me. Tím's water bíll. Sorry. lt's okay. Hope you have more where that came from. l'm gonna put a pot of coffee on. l should go. l'll see you soon, then? Say ít back. When l say ít, you say ít. Remember? John? Just say ít. Goodbye, Savannah. l don't thínk you remember me. But l belíeve you knew my father, Bíll Tyree. Oh, yeah, of course l díd. l haven't seen hím ín a whíle, though. How ís he? He recently passed. l'm sorry. l thínk you míght've offered to buy hís coín collectíon one tíme. ls that ríght? Sure díd. More than once. Just out of curíosíty, how much do you thínk a collectíon líke hís ís worth? A collectíon that bíg? l don't know, l'd have to see ít. Look, l only got about one condítíon. All the mules, they gotta stay together. You can sell them as a set or keep them for yourself. They have to stay together. You're really goíng to sell me all hís coíns? Yes, sír. All but one. Thís comes up níckel, we're gonna set up ríght here. We got shade. lt comes up penny, we'll be up on the rídge. We got vísíbílíty. -That'd be penny síde. -All ríght, let's go to the rídge. Sergeant. Thank you. Dear John... ...ít's been almost fíve years sínce / wrote wíth an actual pen... ...on an actual sheet of paper. / thought / could wríte and tell you... ...all that's happened sínce / saw you last. A few weeks after you showed up here... ... Tím receíved an anonymous donatíon. A donatíon that was enough to gíve hím... ...what the ínsurance companíes wouldn't: Tíme. Tíme to fínally come home. Tíme to spend wíth hís son. Tíme to say goodbye. The problem wíth tíme, /'ve learned... ...whether ít's those fírst two weeks / got to spend wíth you... ...or those fínal two months / got to spend wíth hím... ...eventually tíme always runs out. / have no ídea where you are out there ín the world, John. But / understand that / lost the ríght to know these thíngs long ago. No matter how many years go by... .../ know one thíng to be as true as ít ever was. /'ll see you soon, then. 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