Lentelefilm The magical adventures of Mister Bilbo Bagins, the Hobbit Through wild land, black forest, for misty mountains. There and back again. The fairy tale of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien: "Hobbit" Translation : N.Rachmanovoy There once lived In his hole in the ground A Hobbit Not in a damp dirty hole This hole was for Hobbits There are no magical things about Hobbits There dress in bright clothing, and don't wear shoes, as they naturally grow warm furry soles on their feet They have good natured faces, and they often laugh, especially after lunch And they lunch twice a day, if they can afford the luxury Our Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, was certain that he would never encounter adventure in his life And that he would not permit the unexpected to occur to him But I will tell you a story on how he was pulled into these adventures, the very same ones he was trying to avoid And to his great surprise, he was commiting the very same adventuerous acts that he was trying so hard to avoid On a quiet, early morning A long time ago, when the world was more rich and green Bilbo Baggins, after breakfeast, sat on his doorstep and smoked his wooden pipe Good morning What are you trying to imply? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is morning to be good on? The first, the second, and the third And a very very morning to be outdoors and breath the fresh air Please sit down and join me, we have nowhere to rush to, and the whole day is before us >> Gandalf: Very pretty! But I have no time today. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it's very difficult to find anyone. >> Bilbo Baggins: I should think so - in these parts! We are Hobbits! We are a simple, quiet and peaceful people, and we don't like adventures From adventures come only nasty things, and only uneasiness If you wish to find someone else to partake in your adventures May I advise you to check over there by the lake, or over there over the hills Good morning! Oh, the many meanings one encounters upon hearing the phrase "Good Morning" That only could that it is time for me to leave! >> Bilbo Baggins: Not at all, not at all, my dear sir! Regrettably I do not even know your name Oh but you do know if it, dear sir! And I know yours, Mister Bilbo Baggins And you do know my name, though you don't remember that I belong to it. I am Gandalf. and Gandalf means me! >>Bilbo Baggins: How? You are Gandalf? Who would've known, eh? Could it really be, that you are the very Gandalf the travelling magician Who is credited to sending off countless young boys and girls on adventures, whom all dissapeared in locations unbeknownst to anyone? Well... I am truly sorry I did not consider that you may still be in buisness And what else is there for me to do? My mother, Belladona, she talked much of you and your adventures with Goblins, Giants, Princesses... Well, I must say it is pleasant that you do in fact remember some details of me This means that you are not completely useless And for the sake of your mother, I'll grant you that which you have asked of me Forgive me sir, but I have not asked you of any favours No, this is already the second time you have asked for my departure I'll be on my way Ah, thank you And go elsewhere I will certainly send you on my little adventure It will entertain me, and for you, it will be put you to good use Thank you, Mister Gandalf But I truly do not feel like going I am sorry, but perhaps... another time Don't misunderstand, you are of course welcome here at any time, say tomorrow Drink a cup of tea But regretfully not today, I am sorry Bilbo darted for his hole, to ease himself from such a outlandish conversation And immediately set on regaining his sanity with a few pastries and a glass of something warm On another day, right as Bilbo was enjoying some tea Someone disturbed his peace, loudly rining the doorbell Dwalin, at your service, greetings How do you do... Bilbo Baggins, at yours I uh... was right about to drink my tea at this very moment, care to join my table? Please, enter