0:00:01.000,0:00:02.062 Have you ever noticed 0:00:02.062,0:00:04.804 when you ask someone to talk[br]about a change they're making 0:00:04.804,0:00:06.710 for the better in their personal lives, 0:00:06.710,0:00:08.952 they're often really energetic? 0:00:09.233,0:00:11.796 Whether it's training for a marathon, 0:00:11.796,0:00:13.188 picking up an old hobby, 0:00:13.188,0:00:15.019 or learning a new skill, 0:00:15.019,0:00:16.192 for most people, 0:00:16.192,0:00:21.459 self-transformation projects occupy[br]a very positive emotional space. 0:00:21.951,0:00:24.364 Self-transformation is empowering, 0:00:24.364,0:00:25.412 energizing, 0:00:25.412,0:00:26.863 even exhilirating. 0:00:26.863,0:00:30.691 I mean just take a look at some[br]of the titles of self-help books: 0:00:30.691,0:00:33.326 "Awaken the Giant Within," 0:00:33.326,0:00:35.856 "Practicing the Power of Now," 0:00:35.856,0:00:38.402 or here's a great one[br]we can all relate to, 0:00:38.402,0:00:40.661 "You are a Badass: 0:00:40.661,0:00:45.583 How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness[br]and Start Living an Awesome Life." 0:00:45.583,0:00:46.578 (Laughter) 0:00:48.293,0:00:51.571 When it comes to self-transformation, 0:00:51.571,0:00:55.545 you can't help but get[br]a sense of the excitement. 0:00:57.092,0:01:00.471 But there's another type of transformation 0:01:00.471,0:01:03.708 that occupies a very[br]different emotional space. 0:01:04.288,0:01:07.058 The transformation of organizations. 0:01:07.943,0:01:09.236 If you're like most people, 0:01:09.236,0:01:13.939 when you hear the words "Our organization[br]is going to start a transformation," 0:01:13.939,0:01:15.794 you're thinking, "Uh oh." 0:01:15.794,0:01:16.794 (Laughter) 0:01:16.794,0:01:18.427 "Lay offs." 0:01:19.079,0:01:21.026 The blood drains from your face, 0:01:21.026,0:01:23.942 your mind goes into overdrive, 0:01:23.942,0:01:27.927 frantically searching[br]for some place to run and hide. 0:01:28.357,0:01:29.870 Well you can run, 0:01:29.870,0:01:31.771 but you really can't hide. 0:01:32.265,0:01:36.925 Most of us spend the majority of our[br]waking hours involved in organizations. 0:01:37.219,0:01:40.420 And due to changes in globalization, 0:01:40.420,0:01:43.075 changes due to advances in technology 0:01:43.075,0:01:44.905 and other factors, 0:01:44.905,0:01:46.158 the reality is, 0:01:46.158,0:01:49.726 is our organizations[br]are constantly having to adapt. 0:01:50.496,0:01:51.766 In fact, 0:01:51.766,0:01:56.304 I call this the era[br]of "always-on" transformation. 0:01:57.519,0:02:00.181 When I shared this I idea[br]with my wife Nicola, 0:02:00.181,0:02:03.105 she said, "Always-on transformation? 0:02:03.105,0:02:05.312 That sounds exhausting." 0:02:05.837,0:02:08.273 And that may be[br]exactly what you're thinking -- 0:02:08.273,0:02:09.823 and you would be right. 0:02:09.823,0:02:14.872 Particularly if we continue to approach[br]the transformation of organizations 0:02:14.872,0:02:17.076 the way we always have been. 0:02:17.076,0:02:19.635 But because we can't hide, 0:02:19.635,0:02:21.291 we need to sort out two things. 0:02:21.291,0:02:22.290 First, 0:02:22.290,0:02:24.963 why is transformation so exhausting? 0:02:25.292,0:02:26.286 And second, 0:02:26.286,0:02:27.955 how do we fix it? 0:02:29.443,0:02:30.583 First of all, 0:02:30.583,0:02:33.828 let's acknowledge that change is hard. 0:02:33.828,0:02:35.913 People naturally resist change, 0:02:35.913,0:02:39.136 especially when it's imposed on them. 0:02:39.373,0:02:44.074 But there are things that organizations do[br]that make change even harder 0:02:44.074,0:02:47.231 and more exhausting[br]for people than it needs to be. 0:02:48.007,0:02:49.198 First of all, 0:02:49.198,0:02:52.640 leaders often wait too long to act. 0:02:53.194,0:02:54.307 As a result, 0:02:54.307,0:02:57.306 everything is happening in crisis mode. 0:02:58.617,0:03:01.007 Which of course tends to be exhausting. 0:03:01.787,0:03:04.744 Or, given the urgency, 0:03:04.744,0:03:09.556 what they'll do is they'll just focus[br]on the short-term results, 0:03:09.556,0:03:12.111 but that doesn't give[br]any hope for the future. 0:03:12.709,0:03:17.382 Or they'll just take[br]a superficial, one-off approach, 0:03:17.382,0:03:21.390 hoping that they can return back[br]to business as usual 0:03:21.390,0:03:24.541 as soon as the crisis is over. 0:03:25.728,0:03:26.774 This kind of approach 0:03:26.774,0:03:29.898 is kind of the way some students 0:03:29.898,0:03:33.628 approach preparing for standardized tests. 0:03:34.508,0:03:38.026 In order to get test scores to go up, 0:03:38.026,0:03:40.897 teachers will end up teaching to the test. 0:03:41.361,0:03:42.707 Now that approach can work. 0:03:42.707,0:03:44.876 Test results often do go up, 0:03:44.876,0:03:48.752 but it fails the fundamental[br]goal of education: 0:03:48.752,0:03:53.329 to prepare students to succeed[br]over the long term. 0:03:54.922,0:03:58.387 So given these obstacles, 0:03:58.387,0:04:00.401 what can we do 0:04:00.401,0:04:03.768 to transform the way[br]we transform organizations 0:04:03.768,0:04:06.547 so rather than being exhausting, 0:04:06.547,0:04:09.877 it's actually empowering and energizing? 0:04:10.267,0:04:11.268 To do that, 0:04:11.268,0:04:15.515 we need to focus on five[br]strategic imperatives, 0:04:15.515,0:04:18.112 all of which have one thing in common: 0:04:18.112,0:04:20.922 putting people first. 0:04:21.308,0:04:24.123 The first imperative[br]for putting people first 0:04:24.123,0:04:26.392 is to inspire through purpose. 0:04:26.392,0:04:29.675 Most transformations have[br]financial and operational goals. 0:04:30.092,0:04:34.349 These are important and they[br]can be energizing to leaders, 0:04:34.349,0:04:38.203 but they tend not to be very motivating[br]to most people in the organization. 0:04:38.658,0:04:40.544 To motivate more broadly, 0:04:40.544,0:04:45.285 the transformation needs to connect[br]with a deeper sense of purpose. 0:04:45.960,0:04:47.293 Take LEGO. 0:04:47.953,0:04:52.309 The LEGO Group has become[br]an extraordinary global company. 0:04:52.696,0:04:54.428 Under their very capable leadership, 0:04:54.428,0:04:57.791 they've actually undergone[br]a series of transformations. 0:04:58.072,0:05:01.326 While each of these has had[br]a very specific focus, 0:05:01.326,0:05:02.711 the north star, 0:05:02.711,0:05:04.542 linking and guiding all of them, 0:05:04.542,0:05:07.843 has been Lego's powerful purpose: 0:05:07.843,0:05:12.256 inspire and develop[br]the builders of tomorrow. 0:05:12.593,0:05:14.440 Expanding globally? 0:05:14.440,0:05:16.883 It's not about increasing sales, 0:05:16.883,0:05:21.588 but about giving millions of additional[br]children access to LEGO building bricks. 0:05:22.124,0:05:24.158 Investment and innovation? 0:05:24.159,0:05:26.695 It's not about developing new products, 0:05:26.695,0:05:28.984 but about enabling more children 0:05:28.984,0:05:32.947 to experience the joy[br]of learning through play. 0:05:33.582,0:05:35.367 Not surprisingly, 0:05:35.367,0:05:40.855 that deep sense of purpose tends[br]to be highly motivating to LEGO's people. 0:05:42.384,0:05:45.395 The second imperative[br]for putting people first 0:05:45.395,0:05:47.446 is to go all in. 0:05:48.347,0:05:50.095 Too many transformations 0:05:50.095,0:05:53.861 are nothing more than[br]head-count cutting exercises; 0:05:53.861,0:05:58.009 lay-offs under the guise[br]of transformation. 0:05:58.325,0:06:00.322 In the face of relentless competition, 0:06:00.322,0:06:04.317 it may well be that you will[br]have to take the painful decision 0:06:04.317,0:06:07.096 to downsize the organization, 0:06:07.096,0:06:11.375 just as you may have to lose some weight[br]in order to run a marathon. 0:06:12.095,0:06:13.329 But losing weight alone 0:06:13.329,0:06:16.516 will not get you across[br]the finish line with a winning time. 0:06:16.938,0:06:18.492 To win ... 0:06:18.492,0:06:20.622 you need to go all in. 0:06:21.032,0:06:24.477 You need to go all in. 0:06:25.379,0:06:28.015 Rather than just cutting costs, 0:06:28.015,0:06:30.541 you need to think about initiatives 0:06:30.541,0:06:33.308 that will enable you to win[br]in the medium term, 0:06:33.308,0:06:35.240 initiatives to drive growth, 0:06:35.240,0:06:39.369 actions that will fundamentally change[br]the way the company operates, 0:06:39.369,0:06:41.000 and very importantly, 0:06:41.000,0:06:44.670 investments to develop[br]the leadership and the talent. 0:06:46.992,0:06:50.790 The third imperative[br]for putting people first 0:06:50.790,0:06:53.486 is to enable people with the capabilities 0:06:53.486,0:06:58.441 that they need to succeed during[br]the transformation and beyond. 0:07:00.584,0:07:04.647 Over the years I've competed[br]in a numer of triathalons. 0:07:04.877,0:07:06.883 You know, frankly, I'm not that good, 0:07:07.047,0:07:10.690 but I do have one distinct capability; 0:07:10.911,0:07:14.548 I am remarkably fast at finding my bike. 0:07:15.006,0:07:16.303 (Laughter) 0:07:16.885,0:07:18.625 By the time I finish the swim, 0:07:18.824,0:07:20.734 almost all the bikes are already gone. 0:07:20.944,0:07:22.269 (Laughter) 0:07:24.476,0:07:28.354 Real triathletes know that each leg -- 0:07:28.578,0:07:30.360 the swim, the bike, the run -- 0:07:30.561,0:07:32.775 really requires different capabilities, 0:07:32.953,0:07:33.954 different tools, 0:07:34.149,0:07:35.081 different skills, 0:07:35.286,0:07:36.378 different techniques. 0:07:36.723,0:07:39.230 Likewise when we transform organizations, 0:07:39.455,0:07:41.845 we need to be sure[br]that we're giving our people 0:07:42.098,0:07:45.067 the skills and the tools[br]they need along the way. 0:07:46.338,0:07:47.364 [Cronas], 0:07:47.364,0:07:49.702 a global software company, 0:07:49.702,0:07:54.650 recognized the need to transfer[br]from building products -- 0:07:54.650,0:07:56.383 software products -- 0:07:56.383,0:07:59.487 to building software as a service. 0:08:00.077,0:08:03.330 To enable its people[br]to take that transformation, 0:08:03.330,0:08:06.105 first of all they invested in new tools 0:08:06.105,0:08:11.256 that would enable their employees[br]to monitor the usage of the features, 0:08:11.256,0:08:14.619 as well as customer satisfaction[br]with the new service. 0:08:14.619,0:08:18.290 They also invested in skill development, 0:08:18.290,0:08:20.074 so that their employees would be able 0:08:20.074,0:08:23.017 to resolve customer service[br]problems on the spot. 0:08:23.221,0:08:24.251 And very importantly, 0:08:24.251,0:08:27.996 they also reinforced the collaborative[br]behaviors that would be required 0:08:27.996,0:08:32.560 to deliver an end-to-end seamless[br]customer experience. 0:08:32.977,0:08:34.575 Because of these investments, 0:08:34.575,0:08:37.966 rather than feeling overwhelmed[br]by the transformation, 0:08:37.966,0:08:41.248 [Chronas] employees[br]actually felt energized 0:08:41.248,0:08:43.870 and empowered in their new roles. 0:08:44.604,0:08:46.729 In the era of "always-on" transformation, 0:08:46.729,0:08:48.333 change is a constant. 0:08:48.333,0:08:50.327 My fourth imperative therefore 0:08:50.327,0:08:54.156 is to instill a culture[br]of continuous learning. 0:08:55.185,0:08:58.091 When Satya Nadella became[br]the CEO of Microsoft 0:08:58.091,0:09:00.122 in February 2014, 0:09:00.122,0:09:03.005 he embarked on an ambitious[br]tranformation journey 0:09:03.005,0:09:07.196 to prepare the company to compete[br]in a mobile-first, cloud-first world. 0:09:07.899,0:09:10.231 This included changes to strategy, 0:09:10.231,0:09:11.336 the organization 0:09:11.336,0:09:12.438 and very importantly, 0:09:12.438,0:09:13.880 the culture. 0:09:14.539,0:09:19.755 Microsoft's culture at the time was one[br]of [silos] and internal competition ... 0:09:19.755,0:09:22.189 not exactly conducive to learning. 0:09:22.701,0:09:25.335 Nadella took this head-on. 0:09:25.782,0:09:29.405 He rallied his leadership[br]around his vision 0:09:29.405,0:09:32.544 for a living, learning culture, 0:09:32.544,0:09:35.055 shifting from a fixed mindset, 0:09:35.055,0:09:38.317 where your role was to show up[br]as the smartest person in the room, 0:09:38.317,0:09:40.170 to a growth mindset, 0:09:40.170,0:09:45.855 where your role was to listen, to learn[br]and to bring out the best in people. 0:09:46.960,0:09:48.338 [...early days,] 0:09:48.338,0:09:52.385 Microsoft employees already know[br]to shift in the culture ... 0:09:52.385,0:09:56.462 clear evidence of Microsoft[br]putting people first. 0:09:56.867,0:10:00.580 My fifth and final imperative[br]is specifically for leaders. 0:10:01.468,0:10:03.121 In a transformation, 0:10:03.121,0:10:05.537 a leader needs to have a vision, 0:10:05.537,0:10:08.873 a clear road map with milestones 0:10:08.873,0:10:12.956 and then you need to hold people[br]accountable for results. 0:10:13.229,0:10:14.228 In other words, 0:10:14.228,0:10:15.907 you need to be directive. 0:10:16.553,0:10:19.802 But in order to capture the hearts[br]and minds of people, 0:10:19.802,0:10:22.432 you also need to be inclusive. 0:10:22.904,0:10:26.431 Inclusive leadership is critical[br]to putting people first. 0:10:28.117,0:10:30.270 I live in the San Francisco Bay area. 0:10:30.850,0:10:31.853 And right now, 0:10:31.853,0:10:34.941 our basketball team[br]is the best in the league. 0:10:35.264,0:10:37.925 We won the 2015 championship, 0:10:37.925,0:10:40.409 and we're favored to win again this year. 0:10:40.916,0:10:42.939 And there are many explanations for this. 0:10:42.939,0:10:45.407 They have some fabulous players, 0:10:45.407,0:10:47.318 but one of the key reasons 0:10:47.318,0:10:52.845 is their head coach, Steve Kerr,[br]is an inclusive leader. 0:10:53.642,0:10:56.292 When Kerr came to the Warriors in 2014, 0:10:56.292,0:10:59.170 the Warriors were looking[br]for a major transformation. 0:10:59.691,0:11:03.972 They hadn't won a national[br]championship since 1975. 0:11:05.849,0:11:09.162 Kerr came in and he had a clear vision, 0:11:09.162,0:11:11.824 and he immediately got to work. 0:11:12.630,0:11:14.133 From the outset, 0:11:14.133,0:11:17.779 he reached out and engaged[br]the players and the staff. 0:11:18.256,0:11:22.806 He created an environment of open debate[br]and solicited suggestions. 0:11:23.517,0:11:25.373 During games he would often ask, 0:11:25.373,0:11:27.799 "What are you seeing that I'm missing?" 0:11:28.197,0:11:33.988 One the best examples of this came[br]in game four of the 2015 finals. 0:11:34.844,0:11:38.293 The Warriors wer down two games to one 0:11:38.293,0:11:42.919 when Kerr made the decision[br]to change the starting lineup; 0:11:42.919,0:11:45.950 a bold move by any measure. 0:11:47.574,0:11:50.816 The Warriors won the game[br]and went on to win the championship. 0:11:51.225,0:11:52.500 And it is widely viewed 0:11:52.500,0:11:56.313 that that move was the pivotal[br]move in their victory. 0:11:57.718,0:12:01.508 Interestingly, it wasn't[br]actually Kerr's idea. 0:12:02.806,0:12:06.587 It was the idea of his 28-year-old[br]assistant, Nick U'Ren. 0:12:07.445,0:12:09.619 Because of Kerr's leadership style, 0:12:09.619,0:12:12.825 U'Ren felt comfortable[br]bringing the idea forward. 0:12:13.506,0:12:15.553 And Kerr not only listened, 0:12:15.553,0:12:17.959 but he implemented the idea 0:12:17.959,0:12:19.506 and then afterwards, 0:12:19.506,0:12:22.813 gave U'Ren all the credit ... 0:12:22.813,0:12:28.389 actions all consistent with Kerr's highly[br]inclusive approach to leadership. 0:12:29.536,0:12:32.198 In the era of "always-on" transformation, 0:12:32.198,0:12:35.854 organizations are always[br]going to be transforming. 0:12:37.445,0:12:40.933 But doing so does not[br]have to be exhausting. 0:12:42.322,0:12:44.513 We owe it to ourselves, 0:12:44.513,0:12:46.520 to our organizations 0:12:46.520,0:12:49.407 and to society more broadly 0:12:49.407,0:12:53.310 to boldly transform our[br]approach to transformation. 0:12:54.143,0:12:55.967 To do that ... 0:12:55.967,0:12:59.347 we need to start putting people first. 0:12:59.803,0:13:01.361 Thank you. 0:13:01.361,0:13:03.195 (Applause)