0:00:09.367,0:00:12.197 So, you're thinking of moving to Mars. 0:00:12.197,0:00:15.978 Have you picked out a spot [br]for your new home? 0:00:15.978,0:00:19.164 No? Well, I'm here to help. 0:00:19.164,0:00:20.488 First things first, 0:00:20.488,0:00:23.883 here are some of the things[br]you'll need to bring to The Red Planet: 0:00:23.883,0:00:29.320 a high tolerance for cold, [br]loneliness, and radiation, 0:00:29.320,0:00:32.938 a lifetime supply [br]of breathable air and food, 0:00:32.938,0:00:35.321 a multibillion dollar spaceship, 0:00:35.321,0:00:37.927 a desire to just get away from it all, 0:00:37.927,0:00:39.367 and water. 0:00:39.367,0:00:43.642 You're definitely going to need water. 0:00:43.642,0:00:46.182 So what sort of real estate[br]are you looking for? 0:00:46.182,0:00:50.051 How about a mansion in the maze-like[br]Noctis Labyrinthus? 0:00:50.051,0:00:52.687 A hide away in the Happy Face Crater? 0:00:52.687,0:00:56.225 A fortress on the Face Mesa? 0:00:56.225,0:00:57.958 An oceanview? 0:00:57.958,0:01:00.788 Uh, bad news on the last one. 0:01:00.788,0:01:04.311 You're about 4 billion years late. 0:01:04.311,0:01:07.948 We're pretty sure that Mars[br]used to have oceans, lakes, rivers, 0:01:07.948,0:01:09.970 the whole package. 0:01:09.970,0:01:13.695 But over time, almost all of it[br]froze beneath the surface, 0:01:13.695,0:01:16.582 or evaporated off into space. 0:01:16.582,0:01:19.182 There's probably still some[br]trapped beneath 0:01:19.182,0:01:25.062 the seasonally expanding and contracting[br]carbon dioxide ice caps, though. 0:01:25.062,0:01:29.337 So what might Mars look like today[br]if it had surface water? 0:01:29.337,0:01:32.131 That of course depends[br]on how much we're talking about, 0:01:32.131,0:01:34.573 but maybe something like this. 0:01:34.573,0:01:39.064 The relatively flat northern hemisphere[br]is below the average elevation, 0:01:39.064,0:01:41.666 so it would become one giant ocean, 0:01:41.666,0:01:43.562 while the crater-ridden [br]southern hemisphere 0:01:43.562,0:01:47.089 would stay mostly high and dry. 0:01:47.089,0:01:50.497 That difference between hemispheres[br]is a bit bizarre, 0:01:50.497,0:01:52.650 and we don't know why it's like that. 0:01:52.650,0:01:55.101 The southern half is probably[br]much older, 0:01:55.101,0:01:57.432 judging by features [br]like the number of craters, 0:01:57.432,0:02:02.756 and the evidence of increased[br]volcanic activity in the north. 0:02:02.756,0:02:04.140 Okay, so who knows. 0:02:04.140,0:02:06.842 Maybe one day Mars will have oceans again, 0:02:06.842,0:02:11.749 but for now, what we've got is essentially[br]one giant dusty desert. 0:02:11.749,0:02:14.611 In fact, it's similar enough [br]to deserts on Earth, 0:02:14.611,0:02:19.239 that we've been able to learn a great deal[br]about Mars on our home planet. 0:02:19.239,0:02:22.321 For instance, Maritan sand dunes[br]form and behave 0:02:22.321,0:02:24.663 similarly to our sand dunes, 0:02:24.663,0:02:28.007 though the Martian versions [br]often grow twice as large 0:02:28.007,0:02:33.306 thanks to a gravitational pull[br]that's about a third as strong as ours. 0:02:33.306,0:02:36.227 And Mars has some features[br]you won't see on Earth, 0:02:36.227,0:02:41.363 like tars, which are crestless[br]sand dunes up to fifteen meters tall, 0:02:41.363,0:02:44.803 whose formations [br]we have yet to understand. 0:02:44.803,0:02:46.057 You're probably wondering, 0:02:46.057,0:02:48.819 "What do you get when you[br]combine a planet-wide desert 0:02:48.819,0:02:51.064 with an atmosphere that, like ours, 0:02:51.064,0:02:56.493 is subject to wind-generating[br]pressure differentials, dust storms?" 0:02:56.493,0:02:59.422 These will be your main weather hazards[br]on the Red Planet. 0:02:59.422,0:03:02.240 They play a large part [br]in making the planet red 0:03:02.240,0:03:07.644 by distributing rusted iron particles[br]across the surface and into the air. 0:03:07.644,0:03:09.920 Thanks to the low gravity[br]and lack of moisture, 0:03:09.920,0:03:14.964 these dust storms can last for months[br]and cover the planet. 0:03:14.964,0:03:19.779 So, you might want to build your home[br]as high as possible. 0:03:19.779,0:03:21.481 Well, look no further. 0:03:21.481,0:03:27.195 This is Olympus Mons,[br]the largest volcano in the Solar System. 0:03:27.195,0:03:29.323 Even if Mars had a breathable atmosphere, 0:03:29.323,0:03:34.556 you'd find the views from [br]the 25 kilometer summit breathtaking. 0:03:34.556,0:03:36.163 Or are volcanos not your thing? 0:03:36.163,0:03:41.919 Then how about Valles Marineris,[br]the largest canyon in the Solar System? 0:03:41.919,0:03:44.061 It's so wide that from one side, 0:03:44.061,0:03:48.182 the opposite rim would be below[br]the curve of the horizon. 0:03:48.182,0:03:53.694 Still, you catch som spectacular[br]blue sunsets in the normally red sky, 0:03:53.694,0:03:57.136 which gets its color from the dust[br]absorbing most of the blue light, 0:03:57.136,0:04:01.630 and the way sunlight is scattered[br]by the atmosphere. 0:04:01.630,0:04:06.482 Have you got spirit, curiosity,[br]or are you just looking for opportunity? 0:04:06.482,0:04:10.908 Then stop stalling[br]and make the move to Mars today. 0:04:10.908,0:04:14.215 Mars: Redder than Ever.