And how's it going everybody? Welcome back to another episode of the Minecraft Let's Play. My name, of course, is System Z and today we're not going to be doing that much building. In fact, I'm not sure if we're really going to be doing any building at all. And screenshot! I just took a screenshot... on accident. Um. But yeah - we're gonna be doing redstone, not really much of it, we're just going to be hooking up the sugarcane part of the build which I featured, or explained, last episode. So let's kind of make a full 180 here and turn around and let me show you guys the progress I have made. Which, I'll be honest, is not that much. I've kind of added on these side little wings but I don't know if I'm gonna keep them. I'm just trying to figure out where I want to go with this design but you can see the landscaping is starting to fill out. I've filled in the river here, or the little waterway, and that's where the waterfall is gonna go. We're gonna be working in that area today. Basically just creating a, uh, an automatic sugarcane farm. That way fireworks will be pretty easy to make uh, but in terms of building, not much is gonna happen. So there's a few things we're gonna have to do in order to make this work. So let me fly back here. The only thing I don't like about these fireworks is they are so quick. We're just gonna land here. Well, I guess I don't really have to use that, I'll just fall down here. We're gonna need sugarcane, of course a water source here on the side pistons and observer blocks. This is the first time I'm using those! So I've got a lot of crafting to do, and I think we're just gonna go ahead and go straight for it. So without further ado, let's introduce a new segment... the crafting montage. Alright, I have everything I need for a successful redstone build. And I love that you can slowly see the cabin, like, resolving in the background. Very atmospheric. I love it. I still have to do the landscaping over here, though, which is, you know a bummer. I really wanna get to it, but I wanna livestream it. I just - I haven't had the time. So let's go ahead and grab this sugarcane here, which is EXTREMELY loud. But there we go. We've got 20 out of that, which is all perfect, fine, and dandy. Alright, so I've got the basic set of tools that we need to do this. We have the observers, the pistons, the hoppers, the chests, and the redstone - of course. Now this is a very, very easy redstone build. So please do not judge me. Do not judge me at all. And there is a plane passing by in the background. So if you hear that... that's what it is. Uh, but this is probably not gonna take that long at all, now that I think about it. Uh, it's gonna be a very, very easy build if you ask me. But anyways - let's just get straight into it. Enough babbling! I have a problem with that. I've noticed that, and a few of you have called me out on it. I have a problem with babbling on and just not getting to the point! So let's try and hurry this up. So the idea here... I'm gonna use stone as an example. So let's say you have sugarcane there, right? And the blocks we're doing this on are these 3, plus that one, and then these 3. But these sides? They're not gonna be sugarcane. That's just pathways over into it. But anyways, let's close this. Not for any reason, but just... just because I wanna close it [laughter]. Uh, we're gonna have sugarcane here and then we're gonna have a line of stone. So let's go ahead and place all of this just all the way across. I think 'til about... there. And then we are going to have pistons right here. And then an observer block there. And the idea... is that whenever the sugarcane grows up to 3 the observer block will activate the piston, the piston will then break the sugarcane, launch it forward at this wall, which is why I put this wall here. A lot of people may have assumed that this was just for design purposes but no no no! This was for functionality. Because without this wall, the sugarcane would go flying into the waterfall and the hoppers would never retrieve them. So, anyways, without further ado let's go ahead and get started here. Uh, we're gonna just place the pistons first. Very easy part. Uh, and I'm already over here, so why not? So we've got them all laid out. And like I said, this is gonna be almost too easy. It's an extremely easy farm. VERY easy. Very efficient, though. Uh but we're just gonna start by doing that. And the observer blocks are pretty cool. They just go... that way. So. Whichever way you need the update, you just need to be facing that way, and place it down. So, basically, if I were to place a block here it's not gonna do anything. But if I did on the other side... it would. So, I have a good way of showing that off here in just a second. So, we're gonna place all those. And, uh, then we're going to get this redstone and just place it down on here. This redstone's gonna allow these pistons to activate, because it's powering this block, which is then powering the pistons. Most of you are like... duh. This is extremely easy [laughter]. But some of you may not. So I'm explaining it. Plus! I like looking like I know stuff. Uh, but alright. So let's give this a try. If this face sees a block - that's the way you've gotta remember it - if the face sees a block, then it updates. That's how it works. So as you can kinda see, is, the moment a sugarcane block hits that, is the moment it's gonna update it. So the piston will automatically break up the sugarcane. So, before I get on to placing the water, I'm gonna go ahead and place the hoppers, just because it's a lot easier. I just need to find the center, so we're gonna do it about here. And I'm gonna all the way 'til about there. We're gonna place the chest right out there, and then just have the hoppers all kind of pointing in towards that. Now, I don't have sugarcane right here, obviously, like I said, but I'm sure sugarcane is bound to fall over here so we're just gonna place it there anyways. And as I'm doing this, I'm realizing just how fast this is, and like how easy this is. This is definitely not an entire episode's worth [laughter]. So I'm so sorry if today's episode is very short. Uh, I didn't plan anything else, though so that's sad. But yeah! So now we have the sugarcane er, not sugarcane, we have the, uh blocks placed. So if I just start throwing some sugarcane in, that'll all go to the chest. Which, as you guys know, that's how hoppers work, of course. Let's go ahead and walk around... or... do that. And, uh, I guess we're not in flying mode so I can't quite fly out of that situation. And, by the way, this is not complete. This is landscaping templates [laughter]. I'm just trying to get an idea of where we're gonna take the mountain. But let's go ahead and check the chest. And there it is! We've also got some cobblestone. So I need 7 sugarcane, just to kinda get this thing started so we're gonna grab that. Uh, but I'm gonna go ahead and get started on placing the water. Just because I need to practice a little bit, to see exactly how we're gonna need it. Because If I place a water source here, it might still make the sugarcane go forward. So I've just got a little bit of tampering to do, uh, to see how it's gonna work. But anyways, I'll go ahead and do that, and then I'll catch you guys in just a minute. That is lookin' pretty good, now that we've got a waterfall there. I actually really like the way that looks. It just needs a little bit more leaves I think. Just like, a little bit, just to balance the area off. But. Maybe we could put like plants hanging down from up here. Like right there, or something. I don't know. We'll find out something to do with that area. But anyways, the water has been placed. Now what I ended up doing is... - oh, I wonder if we could go straight through the window... we can't, oh! Well, there we go. I cheated a little bit, though. I used a firework. And almost died, at that! But, uh, anyways, let's go ahead and drop down here. What I did, you guys saw, I put a source block here. But I also ended up putting one right next to it - although it's kinda not visible. You see the water's running. You might very barely, like, can't even really see it, but you can kinda tell the water's running right there. Basically, I did that, to where there was two sources, that way... whenever the sugarcane were to fall here it wouldn't just automatically start falling and flowing off into the water. Now that may not fix it. That may work, it may not. I know I'm bound to lose a few sugarcane to the waterfall eventually. But that's fine. This is gonna be automatic - I'm not really worried about losing any. But anyways, let's go ahead and place these down. And, what' I'm gonna do, just for example's sake, is... break my knees. Just like that [laughter]. We're gonna come up here and take a peek at it. We're gonna climb all the way up here and, uh, and basically just look down here. I'm gonna turn the tick speed up. Just for this example. Just to see it work. Now, yes this is gonna give me sugarcane that grows a lot faster. But this is just for example. And now, this is like forever anyways, and I'll be getting infinite amounts of sugarcane. It's kinda cheating already [laughter]. But what I'm gonna do is just turn it up using this command, so... gamerule randomtickspeed 300 Just for example. So let's go ahead and do that. And you'll see, it might get loud. I might need to do 3000, actually, 'cause this isn't going that fast, now that I think about it. Is it even able to gro- ohp! There it goes. Okay, so as soon as you start to see 'em hitting the third, then it'll automa- yup! There it goes. You can see, so one of them hit the third position so all of 'em are getting hit. And then they fall down there and you can see there's a sugarcane on the side. I'll just have to put some hoppers there but, you can see they all fall down on the hoppers. Let's crank this up to 3000 and you'll see it goin' like crazy. So that way they're always fallin' down. And if we come over here and take a peek, you'll see that none of it is really - and now I'm in water mode. Or swimming mode [laughter] - none of 'em are falling down here. And you can barely see it when you kind of go off into the distance, you can very, very slightly see it. Like, if you're zoomed in. You can kinda see them falling. Well, not really in this case. Maybe it's not working 'cause we're so far away. But. That's what I like about it, is that it's not that visible. So, it's always gonna be running, we're always gonna have sugarcane growing, and always just, you know, be working for us. And by the way, if you didn't know, randomtickspeed is naturally set to 3. So, if you ever change that, you can always just set it back to 3 for the default. Which, I forget to do sometimes. Which you guys pointed out, last episode, grass was growing like CRAZY. So, sorry about that, I just forgot to change it. Um, but anyways, yeah so let's see what that generated just for example's sake. So you can see, because of that, - and yes it was set to go really quickly - I got 62 here. So you can see it's always gonna be filling this up. And we can use that to make paper for fireworks. So that's gonna be fantastic. Now sugarcane isn't that important but, um, yeah, I just wanted to add it. Because why not? Right? I mean you could fill this up with just water, if you like, but why not make it a little bit functional? Um, but yeah, so I've got a few of these hoppers to add. Actually, you know what? Why not just go ahead and do it, 'cause I did it on that side. So, we're gonna break this block, hopefully not die 'cause we're under water. Um. Probably won't, there we go. And I'm just gonna, apparently, throw all these extra sugarcanes... Actually I'm probably just gonna throw all those away, since technically I cheated by changing the, uh, tick speed. But yeah. So just like that we have a functional sugarcane farm. Not really that much redstone involved, I'll admit. Yeah, none at all, in fact, I mean... maybe just a line of it. Uh, but! Still cool, nonetheless. So if you wanna use that design, you can. Uh, but anyways, I am finished a lot earlier than I thought I'd be. so I'm gonna see what else I can do for the remainder of the episode. And, uh, I'll see you guys whenever I've discovered that [laughter]. Alright, time is definitely not a problem at the moment, we are not really that far along in the episode, and we haven't really done that much. So! What we're gonna do, is do a little landscaping. I'm gonna teach you guys how to do that. We're gonna pretty much work on this area. I just started coming up with an idea about how I'd like to incorporate this lower area with the cabin. And I started thinking... it'd be really cool if we use this area as kind of like a, uh, a campfire area. A place to just maybe fish and just chill and relax. Kind of like a backyard. Almost. Or at least one part of a backyard. And I just I really like the idea of having higher level land and then just, a little cliff and a pathway going up to meet this area. So we're not gonna do all of it or anything like that, because I don't have [laughter] that much time. But I am gonna show you guys just with this section of land here, about here to here, and then I'm gonna show you guys kinda exactly how I do this. And like, how you can create your own custom landscapes. So, the first thing we're gonna do is just grab some stone here, and kinda manipulate the land. It's somewhat like this. In the last episode, you guys saw, I ended it off with a solid surface and we started this episode with this. So it's definitely a lot better looking [laughter]. Uh, so basically the first thing you're gonna want to do is just carve the land. Like... simply carve it. And keep in mind there's gonna be a pathway around here, so truth be told, we can tear down some of it. And the way I'd like it to kinda curve out is to kinda come out and in like that. But again, I'm not working on this area on this side. I'm doing all of this. So, we're just gonna kinda carve the land. And, uh, I have it about 3 blocks thickness so that we are able to carve it. Uh. Now this takes a lot of stone, but usually you get it back, because you are kind of - what's the word - sculpting! In a way. So, uh, yeah, that's basically it. Just carve the land out, and kinda get a, like, get a flow going. It's... it's really about just placing random blocks, truth be told. There's really no strategy to it. It's just about getting comfortable with, uh, you know, building in a certain way, and all that kinda stuff. And just kind of getting a shape that you'd like to keep. There is no real way to teach how to landscape, because it is just random. [laughter] So, I'm just kind of breaking and placing. You can kinda see this is already starting to smooth out. But that's actually not something I want, so what I'm gonna do is... kind of bring this area up a bit more. And kind of scratch everything I just did up here. Just because I'd like it to be a bit more sharp than just round. So we're just gonna do that, and then it's gonna kind start to fall into place once we start placing dirt. But I think this is a good enough shape for now. So, the next thing you're gonna want to do, once you've kind of developed the shape - actually, let's break down that - uh, once you've developed the shape, you're gonna want to grab some dirt. And then, obviously grass and whatnot. So, let's grab the, uh, grass, and what you're gonna do - and this is something [inaudible] always actually does - is, uh, kind of make an overhang out of the dirt and the grass on the top, and just mix it in. So, kinda do this. And like, lower it in some cases, and just kinda play with it. It's a very, very weird process, but once you master it, you can make any landscape you want. So we're just gonna kinda do that. And in some places I'm gonna mix it into the land, and just kind of, you know, get a flow going. [laughter] That seems to be the, uh, catchphrase of the, uh, day. We're just gonna do about that. And then you know, you can, uh, raise it up and lower it and do all that kind of stuff. Let's see about where we're at. Yeah. So you'll notice some of these areas are like, you know, specifically hanging over. That's exactly what we want. And you also kinda want to make it so that some of them are a little bit deeper than just one. So just kinda doing all that kind of stuff. And I'm gonna actually make an overhang out of that - maybe bring it down one though. Just to kinda get it going. And it looks very, very rough right now. But don't worry, it's gonna look a lot better once we start placing the grass.