0:00:00.824,0:00:03.784 I want to give you a new perspective. 0:00:03.784,0:00:07.645 That sounds grandiose, and it is. 0:00:07.645,0:00:10.172 I left Ireland yesterday morning. 0:00:10.172,0:00:12.625 I traveled from Dublin to New York 0:00:12.625,0:00:14.253 independently. 0:00:14.253,0:00:16.096 But the design of an airport, 0:00:16.096,0:00:18.546 plane, and terminal 0:00:18.546,0:00:23.452 offers little independence when[br]you're 105 and a half centimeters tall. 0:00:23.452,0:00:27.240 For Americans, that's 3'5". 0:00:27.240,0:00:32.292 I was whisked through the airport[br]by airline assistants in a wheelchair. 0:00:32.292,0:00:35.772 Now, I don't need to use a wheelchair, 0:00:35.772,0:00:37.944 but the design of an airport 0:00:37.944,0:00:40.330 and its lack of accessibility 0:00:40.330,0:00:43.488 means that it's my own way to get through. 0:00:43.488,0:00:46.156 With my carry-on bag between my feet, 0:00:46.156,0:00:49.488 I was wheeled through[br]security, pre-clearance, 0:00:49.488,0:00:53.008 and I arrived at my boarding gate. 0:00:53.008,0:00:56.002 I use the accessibility services[br]in the airport 0:00:56.002,0:00:59.787 because most of the terminal[br]is just not designed with me in mind. 0:00:59.787,0:01:02.424 Take security, for example. 0:01:02.424,0:01:05.702 I'm not strong enough[br]to lift my carry-on bag 0:01:05.702,0:01:08.670 from the ground to the carousel. 0:01:08.670,0:01:10.817 I stand at eye level with it. 0:01:10.817,0:01:13.767 And those who work in that space[br]for safety purposes 0:01:13.767,0:01:15.746 cannot help me 0:01:15.746,0:01:18.555 and cannot do it for me. 0:01:18.555,0:01:22.822 Design inhibits my autonomy[br]and my independence. 0:01:22.822,0:01:27.193 But traveling at this size,[br]it isn't all bad. 0:01:27.193,0:01:30.137 The leg room in economy[br]is like business class. 0:01:30.137,0:01:32.561 (Laughter) 0:01:32.561,0:01:35.576 I often forget that I'm a little person. 0:01:35.576,0:01:40.397 It's the physical environment[br]and society that remind me. 0:01:40.397,0:01:45.148 Using a public bathroom[br]is an excruciating experience. 0:01:45.148,0:01:48.099 I walk into the cubicle 0:01:48.099,0:01:50.098 but I can't reach the lock on the door. 0:01:50.098,0:01:53.105 I'm creative and resilient. 0:01:53.105,0:01:57.629 I look around and see if there's[br]a bin that I can turn upside down. 0:01:57.629,0:02:00.934 Is it safe? Not really. 0:02:00.934,0:02:03.742 Is it hygienic and sanitary? 0:02:03.742,0:02:05.768 Definitely not. 0:02:05.768,0:02:08.477 But the alternative is much worse. 0:02:08.477,0:02:10.977 If that doesn't work, I use my phone. 0:02:10.977,0:02:14.577 It gives me an additional[br]four to six inch reach, 0:02:14.577,0:02:17.935 and I try to jam the lock closed[br]with my iPhone. 0:02:17.935,0:02:22.472 Now, I imagine that's not what Jony Ive[br]had in mind when he designed the iPhone, 0:02:22.472,0:02:24.571 but it works. 0:02:24.571,0:02:28.734 The alternative is that[br]I approach a stranger. 0:02:28.734,0:02:30.955 I apologize profusely, 0:02:30.955,0:02:35.274 and I ask them to stand guard[br]outside my cubicle door. 0:02:35.274,0:02:36.768 They do, 0:02:36.768,0:02:39.371 and I emerge grateful 0:02:39.371,0:02:42.281 but absolutely mortified, 0:02:42.281,0:02:45.116 and hope that they didn't notice[br]that I left the bathroom 0:02:45.116,0:02:47.235 without washing my hands. 0:02:47.235,0:02:51.419 I carry hand sanitizer with me[br]every single day 0:02:51.419,0:02:56.890 because the sink, soap dispenser,[br]hand dryer, and mirror 0:02:56.890,0:02:59.323 are all out of my reach. 0:02:59.323,0:03:02.117 Now, the accessible bathroom[br]is somewhat of an option. 0:03:02.117,0:03:05.258 In this space, I can reach[br]the lock on the door, 0:03:05.258,0:03:10.649 the sink, the soap dispenser,[br]the hand dryer, and the mirror. 0:03:10.649,0:03:14.798 Yet, I cannot use the toilet. 0:03:14.798,0:03:17.096 It is deliberately designed higher 0:03:17.096,0:03:21.288 so that wheelchair users[br]can transfer across with ease. 0:03:21.288,0:03:25.564 This is a wonderful[br]and necessary innovation, 0:03:25.564,0:03:28.968 but in the design world,[br]when we describe a new project or idea 0:03:28.968,0:03:30.925 as accessible, 0:03:30.925,0:03:33.358 what does that mean? 0:03:33.358,0:03:36.123 Who is it accessible to? 0:03:36.123,0:03:40.297 And whose needs are not[br]being accommodated for? 0:03:40.297,0:03:43.420 Now, the bathroom is an example[br]of where design impinges 0:03:43.420,0:03:45.377 upon my dignity, 0:03:45.377,0:03:49.471 but the physical environment impacts[br]upon me in much more casual ways too, 0:03:49.471,0:03:52.578 something as simple[br]as ordering a cup of coffee. 0:03:52.578,0:03:54.355 Now, I'll admit it. 0:03:54.355,0:03:56.817 I drink far too much coffee. 0:03:56.817,0:03:59.408 My order is a skinny vanilla latte, 0:03:59.408,0:04:02.725 but I'm trying to wean[br]myself off the syrup. 0:04:02.725,0:04:05.818 But the coffee shop,[br]it's not designed well, 0:04:05.818,0:04:07.826 at least not for me. 0:04:07.826,0:04:10.514 Queuing, I'm standing beside[br]the pastry cabinet, 0:04:10.514,0:04:13.444 and the barista calls[br]for the next order. 0:04:13.444,0:04:14.975 "Next, please!" they shout. 0:04:14.975,0:04:18.657 They can't see me. 0:04:18.657,0:04:21.781 The person next to me in the queue[br]points to my existence 0:04:21.781,0:04:24.283 and everyone is embarrassed. 0:04:24.283,0:04:28.751 I order as quick as I can,[br]and I move along to collect my coffee. 0:04:28.751,0:04:31.805 Now, think just for a second. 0:04:31.805,0:04:34.142 Where do they put it? 0:04:34.142,0:04:36.616 Up high and without a lid. 0:04:36.616,0:04:39.409 Reaching up to collect a coffee[br]that I have paid for 0:04:39.409,0:04:42.872 is an incredibly dangerous experience. 0:04:42.872,0:04:46.083 But design also impinges[br]on the clothes that I want to wear. 0:04:46.083,0:04:49.112 I want garments that reflect[br]my personality. 0:04:49.112,0:04:52.908 It's difficult to find in[br]the childrenswear department. 0:04:52.908,0:04:56.689 And often womenswear requires[br]far too many alterations. 0:04:56.689,0:05:02.527 I want shoes that affect my maturity,[br]professionalism, and sophistication. 0:05:02.527,0:05:07.447 Instead, I'm offered sneakers[br]with velcro straps and light-up shoes. 0:05:07.447,0:05:13.263 Now, I'm not totally opposed[br]to light-up shoes. 0:05:13.263,0:05:17.135 But design also impacts[br]on such simple things, 0:05:17.135,0:05:19.298 like sitting on a chair. 0:05:19.298,0:05:23.590 I cannot go from a standing[br]to a seating position with grace. 0:05:23.590,0:05:26.882 Due to the standards[br]of design heights of chairs, 0:05:26.882,0:05:29.557 I have to crawl on my hands a knees 0:05:29.557,0:05:31.136 just to get on top of it, 0:05:31.136,0:05:36.149 whilst also being conscious[br]that it might tip over at any stage. 0:05:36.149,0:05:39.673 But whilst design impacts on me[br]whether it's a chair, 0:05:39.673,0:05:43.095 a bathroom, a coffee shop, or clothes, 0:05:43.095,0:05:46.708 I rely on and benefit 0:05:46.708,0:05:49.389 from the kindness of strangers. 0:05:49.389,0:05:52.660 But not everybody is so nice. 0:05:52.660,0:05:54.476 I'm reminded that I'm a little person 0:05:54.476,0:05:57.986 when a stranger points, 0:05:57.986,0:05:59.545 stares, 0:05:59.545,0:06:01.590 laughs, 0:06:01.590,0:06:03.442 calls me a name, 0:06:03.442,0:06:05.722 or takes a photograph of me. 0:06:05.722,0:06:08.989 This happens almost every day. 0:06:08.989,0:06:11.978 With the rise of social media,[br]it has given me an opportunity 0:06:11.978,0:06:16.719 and a platform to have a voice[br]as a blogger and as an activist, 0:06:16.719,0:06:19.018 but it has also made me nervous 0:06:19.018,0:06:21.287 that I might become a meme 0:06:21.287,0:06:23.687 or a viral sensation, 0:06:23.687,0:06:26.543 all without my consent. 0:06:26.543,0:06:29.273 So let's take a moment right now 0:06:29.273,0:06:31.918 to make something very clear. 0:06:31.918,0:06:35.744 The word "midget" is a slur. 0:06:35.744,0:06:40.920 It evolved from PT Barnum's era[br]of circuses and freak shows. 0:06:40.920,0:06:43.742 Society has evolved. 0:06:43.742,0:06:46.082 So should our vocabulary. 0:06:46.082,0:06:48.383 Language is a powerful tool. 0:06:48.383,0:06:50.799 It does not just name our society. 0:06:50.799,0:06:53.889 It shapes it. 0:06:53.889,0:06:56.591 I am incredibly proud[br]to be a littler person, 0:06:56.591,0:06:59.745 to have inherited the condition[br]of achondroplasia. 0:06:59.745,0:07:03.051 But I am most proud to be Sinead. 0:07:03.051,0:07:06.669 Achondroplasia is the most[br]common form of dwarfism. 0:07:06.669,0:07:10.913 Achondroplasia translates as[br]"without cartilage formation." 0:07:10.913,0:07:14.636 I have short limbs[br]and achondroplastic facial features, 0:07:14.636,0:07:17.716 my forehead and my nose. 0:07:17.716,0:07:20.477 My arms do not straighten fully, 0:07:20.477,0:07:23.160 but I can lift my elbow. 0:07:23.160,0:07:25.593 I'm not showing you that one. 0:07:25.593,0:07:30.580 Achondroplasia occurs in approximately[br]one in every 20,000 births. 0:07:30.580,0:07:35.277 80 percent of little people are born[br]to two average height parents. 0:07:35.277,0:07:37.583 That means that anybody in this room 0:07:37.583,0:07:40.207 could have a child with achondroplasia. 0:07:40.207,0:07:44.161 Yet, I inherited my condition from my dad. 0:07:44.161,0:07:47.184 I'd like to show you a photo of my family. 0:07:47.184,0:07:49.601 My mother is average height, 0:07:49.601,0:07:51.854 my father is a little person 0:07:51.854,0:07:54.544 and I am the eldest of five children. 0:07:54.544,0:07:57.427 I have three sisters and one brother. 0:07:57.427,0:08:00.452 They are all average height. 0:08:00.452,0:08:03.790 I am incredibly fortunate[br]to have been born into a family 0:08:03.790,0:08:08.033 that cultivated my curiosity[br]and my tenacity, 0:08:08.033,0:08:13.723 that protected me from the unkindness[br]and ignorance of strangers, 0:08:13.723,0:08:17.062 and that armed me with the resilience,[br]creativity, and confidence 0:08:17.062,0:08:22.831 that I needed to survive and manipulate[br]the physical environment and society. 0:08:22.831,0:08:26.679 If I was to pinpoint any reason[br]why I am successful, 0:08:26.679,0:08:28.414 it is because I was 0:08:28.414,0:08:31.841 and I am a loved child, 0:08:31.841,0:08:35.458 now, a loved child with a lot[br]of sass and sarcasm, 0:08:35.458,0:08:38.583 but a loved child nonetheless. 0:08:38.583,0:08:42.477 In giving you an insight[br]into who I am today 0:08:42.477,0:08:45.438 I wanted to offer you a new perspective. 0:08:45.438,0:08:48.432 I wanted to challenge the idea[br]that design is but a tool 0:08:48.432,0:08:51.375 to create function and beauty. 0:08:51.375,0:08:55.616 Design greatly impacts[br]upon people's lives, 0:08:55.616,0:08:57.558 all lives. 0:08:57.558,0:09:00.976 Design is a way in which we can feel[br]included in the world, 0:09:00.976,0:09:05.450 but it is also a way in which[br]we can uphold a person's dignity 0:09:05.450,0:09:07.820 and their human rights. 0:09:07.820,0:09:10.920 Design can also inflict vulnerability 0:09:10.920,0:09:14.686 on a group whose needs aren't considered. 0:09:14.686,0:09:19.081 So today, I want[br]your perceptions challenged. 0:09:19.081,0:09:21.282 Who are we not designing for? 0:09:21.282,0:09:24.040 How can we amplify their voices 0:09:24.040,0:09:26.496 and their experiences? 0:09:26.496,0:09:28.652 What is the next step? 0:09:28.652,0:09:31.273 Design is an enormous privilege, 0:09:31.273,0:09:33.843 but it is a bigger responsibility. 0:09:33.843,0:09:36.922 I want you to open your eyes. 0:09:36.922,0:09:41.332 Thank you so much. 0:09:41.332,0:09:44.073 (Applause)