1 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:02,730 Hello. Today I'd like to talk with you a little bit about how you can make your 2 00:00:02,730 --> 00:00:07,319 term paper look professional. I'm assuming that you already have the basic 3 00:00:07,319 --> 00:00:14,040 body of your term paper filled in, and you can see an example here. The first 4 00:00:14,040 --> 00:00:17,699 thing you'll notice is that this term paper is lacking a cover page. Now, you 5 00:00:17,699 --> 00:00:21,449 could create a cover page completely from scratch, but there's a much quicker 6 00:00:21,449 --> 00:00:27,210 way of creating a cover page -- and as an added bonus, not only is it faster, but it 7 00:00:27,210 --> 00:00:32,098 will also probably result in a much more professional-looking cover page. You'd go 8 00:00:32,098 --> 00:00:38,370 to the insert tab, go to cover page, and you'll see a number of designs already 9 00:00:38,370 --> 00:00:42,840 set up for you. If you don't like any of them, you can go to office.com to see 10 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:48,719 some additional ones. I'm going to choose the Facet design. One thing I noticed 11 00:00:48,719 --> 00:00:54,000 right from the beginning is, my name is here already. How did Word know to put my 12 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:58,020 name there? Well, it knows that that's where the author or the creator of the 13 00:00:58,020 --> 00:01:02,039 document's name should go. and it knows my name because the very first time I went 14 00:01:02,039 --> 00:01:08,430 into Word, it asked me. "What is your name," and I typed it in. So, here it's telling 15 00:01:08,430 --> 00:01:12,020 me I need to have the document's title. 16 00:01:13,070 --> 00:01:17,790 I don't want to have a subtitle for this particular paper so I'm going to right-click 17 00:01:17,790 --> 00:01:24,060 in this control, and I'll choose to remove content control. I'll do the same 18 00:01:24,060 --> 00:01:29,670 thing for the abstract, but that's just actually going to move remove the body 19 00:01:29,670 --> 00:01:33,750 of the abstract, if you will, the main meat of it. It doesn't remove this text 20 00:01:33,750 --> 00:01:38,400 box that contains the word "abstract." To remove that, I'm going to click on the 21 00:01:38,400 --> 00:01:44,369 border and just simply hit the "delete" key. I'll put in my email address as specified 22 00:01:49,159 --> 00:01:58,189 and as quickly and as easily as that, I have a cover page. Now, the next thing I 23 00:01:58,189 --> 00:02:03,649 want to do is add some references to this term paper. Actually, what I should 24 00:02:03,649 --> 00:02:08,720 have done was -- as I was typing out this term paper, as soon as I made use of a 25 00:02:08,720 --> 00:02:13,549 reference in the document, I should have added it to the list of references that 26 00:02:13,549 --> 00:02:19,069 Word knows about -- but I did not do that, so I'm going to rectify the problem 27 00:02:19,069 --> 00:02:23,329 right now. I'm going to go to the references tab in Word. I'm going to go to 28 00:02:23,329 --> 00:02:28,340 "Manage Sources." Now on the left side you'll see my Master Listing. This is my list of all 29 00:02:28,340 --> 00:02:32,269 of the references that I've created before, whether or not they are in this 30 00:02:32,269 --> 00:02:37,549 document. The references that I've told Word I am actually using in this 31 00:02:37,549 --> 00:02:41,599 document are in the current list. So I have one reference that I 32 00:02:41,599 --> 00:02:46,430 already do have in here. I'd like to add some additional ones, so I'm going to click 33 00:02:46,430 --> 00:02:52,609 on the button "New" and I'm going to specify what sort of reference is this: 34 00:02:52,609 --> 00:02:58,609 Is it a book? Is it a journal article? Is it a website? I'm going to leave it at 35 00:02:58,609 --> 00:03:03,459 "website," but you'll notice if I do choose it change it to a journal article or 36 00:03:03,459 --> 00:03:11,900 book, the specific information that Word is requesting will change. So it is 37 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:17,090 asking me the author. I've looked at the website, but I cannot tell who the author is, 38 00:03:17,090 --> 00:03:25,459 so I'll just put down "unknown." The name of the webpage-- and, since I'm just making 39 00:03:25,459 --> 00:03:33,680 this up on the fly, "web page name" the name of the website "website name," (and 40 00:03:33,680 --> 00:03:38,180 again, in real life you'd be putting in the actual names of the web page and the 41 00:03:38,180 --> 00:03:44,359 website if you can find that information) the year, month and, day are when the site 42 00:03:44,359 --> 00:03:49,160 was created -- and again ,if you can find that information fantastic. If not, it's 43 00:03:49,160 --> 00:03:53,329 ok to leave a blank. If nothing else you will definitely be able to find the URL. 44 00:04:06,340 --> 00:04:13,000 These are the fields that are most likely to be needed; however, there are 45 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:18,699 additional fields that are possible and, especially if you cannot find when the 46 00:04:18,699 --> 00:04:22,960 site was created, these are the recommended fields. 47 00:04:22,960 --> 00:04:27,729 You can at least indicate when you accessed the file, 48 00:04:27,729 --> 00:04:41,850 and I access this in the year of 2017, March the third, and I'll say, "OK." 49 00:04:42,690 --> 00:04:48,130 This now lets me know that not only has this reference been added to this paper 50 00:04:48,130 --> 00:04:53,340 itself, you can see it's also been added to the master list. 51 00:04:53,910 --> 00:04:59,860 I'll throw in one additional reference that I typed in at some 52 00:04:59,860 --> 00:05:06,370 previous time. I'll select it from the master list, click on Copy," and then 53 00:05:06,370 --> 00:05:16,389 click, "Close." Now suppose this sentence actually were a quote that I had had 54 00:05:16,389 --> 00:05:23,620 verbatim. I want to have a proper citation for this quote, so I'll put 55 00:05:23,620 --> 00:05:30,370 the sentence in quotation marks. I'll hit a space and I'm going to go to 56 00:05:30,370 --> 00:05:37,000 Insert-->Citation, and I see here listed the three references that we told Word 57 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:44,160 are going to be used in this document. This was a quote from Smith. 58 00:05:47,600 --> 00:05:56,670 Here, I'll have a citation with a quote from Unknown.Now let's go back to Manage Sources. 59 00:05:56,670 --> 00:06:01,260 You'll notice that the "Smith" and "Unknown" references have check marks 60 00:06:01,260 --> 00:06:05,400 beside them; that's letting me know very quickly and easily that I have 61 00:06:05,400 --> 00:06:11,730 actually cited these particular sources somewhere in my document, but I've not 62 00:06:11,730 --> 00:06:19,020 done anything with Joseph Browns' book, so I might decide 63 00:06:19,020 --> 00:06:24,300 at this point that I wish to add a footnote. Footnotes are going to show up 64 00:06:24,300 --> 00:06:29,220 at the bottom of the same page, and endnotes will show up at the end of the 65 00:06:29,220 --> 00:06:35,040 document, but either one can be used. If you use footnotes, generally you use only 66 00:06:35,040 --> 00:06:38,850 footnotes in the paper. or you'll use only endnotes in the paper; you're not 67 00:06:38,850 --> 00:06:41,760 generally going to be mixing and matching them. So I'll throw in a 68 00:06:41,760 --> 00:06:47,840 footnote here. Again on the references tab, I will click on Insert-->Footnote and 69 00:06:47,840 --> 00:06:54,720 you'll see that a little superscript 1 shows up right where it had my insertion 70 00:06:54,720 --> 00:06:58,680 point, and then down at the bottom of the page, I have a corresponding number 1. And 71 00:06:58,680 --> 00:07:08,130 I could say something like, "See" and I'll put in this citation of Joseph Brown "for 72 00:07:08,130 --> 00:07:20,100 more information." So I now have my paper with the proper citations in it. Now I 73 00:07:20,100 --> 00:07:26,460 have to create my bibliography. I'll go to the end of 74 00:07:26,460 --> 00:07:33,210 the paper. Again on the references tab, I'll go into Bibliography, and I can see 75 00:07:33,210 --> 00:07:35,520 there are a few different styles that are available. 76 00:07:35,520 --> 00:07:41,160 I'll choose "Bibliography," and as quickly and as easily as that, the bibliography 77 00:07:41,160 --> 00:07:48,750 gets generated. But now I have a problem. I realize, "Oh no! I've been using APA 78 00:07:48,750 --> 00:07:55,200 format. My teacher told me that I need to use MLA format. Okay this is going to mean a 79 00:07:55,200 --> 00:08:00,870 lot of changes in here." I can see I've got this is in the old APA 80 00:08:00,870 --> 00:08:06,720 format with the author's name and the year of publication. The bibliography is 81 00:08:06,720 --> 00:08:09,750 in APA format. All the work that I'm gonna have to do 82 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:16,400 to change it to MLA! I come to the Styles drop down list and change this to MLA. 83 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:21,750 As quickly and as easily as that, everything's changed: the bibliography is 84 00:08:21,750 --> 00:08:30,360 now in MLA format, and you can see that the citations have also been 85 00:08:30,360 --> 00:08:36,570 changed. No longer does it say "Smith 2016"; it just says "Smith." It's as quick and as easy as that. 86 00:08:36,570 --> 00:08:43,820 I'll change it back to APA, and again you can see how quickly the change is made. 87 00:08:43,820 --> 00:08:48,480 So the really nice thing -- there are several nice things about using the 88 00:08:48,480 --> 00:08:52,560 Source Manager in Word (which you get to by clicking on Manage Sources) and 89 00:08:52,560 --> 00:08:58,040 putting in the citations in this way -- first of all, you only have to type in a 90 00:08:58,040 --> 00:09:02,430 reference one time you'll then be able to use it not only in the current 91 00:09:02,430 --> 00:09:07,320 document, but all subsequent documents. If you wind up in the current document 92 00:09:07,320 --> 00:09:11,460 needing MLA format and subsequent documents need APA format, that's not a 93 00:09:11,460 --> 00:09:18,630 problem. You don't have to worry about all the nitty-gritty details of the 94 00:09:18,630 --> 00:09:22,950 style -- Where do I put parentheses, underlines, italicizations, periods 95 00:09:22,950 --> 00:09:25,620 verses commas ... you don't have to deal with all of that -- 96 00:09:25,620 --> 00:09:35,570 that's Word's headache. So you can see that if you know how to use Word's 97 00:09:35,570 --> 00:09:40,710 References tab and the Insert-->Cover Page, you can very quickly and easily make a 98 00:09:40,710 --> 00:09:46,130 professional-looking term paper. Thank you.