0:00:01.359,0:00:06.456 Our ability to create[br]and sustain economic growth 0:00:06.480,0:00:09.216 is the defining challenge of our time. 0:00:09.240,0:00:11.776 Of course there are other challenges -- 0:00:11.800,0:00:14.936 health care, disease burdens[br]and pandemics, 0:00:14.960,0:00:16.760 environmental challenges 0:00:17.400,0:00:20.080 and, of course, radicalized terrorism. 0:00:20.800,0:00:22.016 However, 0:00:22.040,0:00:26.616 to the extent that we can actually[br]solve the economic growth challenge, 0:00:26.640,0:00:27.976 it will take us a long way 0:00:28.000,0:00:30.600 to solving the challenges[br]that I've just elucidated. 0:00:31.400,0:00:33.056 More importantly, 0:00:33.080,0:00:37.576 unless and until we solve economic growth 0:00:37.600,0:00:41.616 and create sustainable,[br]long-term economic growth, 0:00:41.640,0:00:44.056 we'll be unable to address 0:00:44.080,0:00:49.416 the seemingly intractable challenges[br]that continue to pervade the globe today, 0:00:49.440,0:00:53.840 whether it's health care,[br]education or economic development. 0:00:54.680,0:00:56.880 The fundamental question is this: 0:00:57.520,0:01:00.136 How are we going to create economic growth 0:01:00.160,0:01:04.736 in advanced and developed economies[br]like the United States and across Europe 0:01:04.760,0:01:06.816 at a time when they continue to struggle 0:01:06.840,0:01:09.640 to create economic growth[br]after the financial crisis? 0:01:10.480,0:01:13.256 They continue to underperform 0:01:13.280,0:01:17.400 and to see an erosion in the three[br]key drivers of economic growth: 0:01:18.040,0:01:21.360 capital, labor and productivity. 0:01:22.120,0:01:23.576 In particular, 0:01:23.600,0:01:28.536 these developed economies[br]continue to see debts and deficits, 0:01:28.560,0:01:33.416 the decline and erosion[br]of both the quality and quantity of labor 0:01:33.440,0:01:35.720 and they also see productivity stalling. 0:01:36.600,0:01:38.296 In a similar vein, 0:01:38.320,0:01:41.736 how are we going to create[br]economic growth in the emerging markets, 0:01:41.760,0:01:45.016 where 90 percent[br]of the world's population lives 0:01:45.040,0:01:46.576 and where, on average, 0:01:46.600,0:01:50.120 70 percent of the population[br]is under the age of 25? 0:01:50.640,0:01:52.096 In these countries, 0:01:52.120,0:01:56.296 it is essential that they grow[br]at a minimum of seven percent a year 0:01:56.320,0:01:58.416 in order to put a dent in poverty 0:01:58.440,0:02:01.640 and to double per capita incomes[br]in one generation. 0:02:02.520,0:02:04.576 And yet today, 0:02:04.600,0:02:06.696 the largest emerging economies -- 0:02:06.720,0:02:09.416 countries with at least[br]50 million people -- 0:02:09.440,0:02:12.920 continue to struggle to reach[br]that seven percent magic mark. 0:02:13.760,0:02:14.976 Worse than that, 0:02:15.000,0:02:19.616 countries like India, Russia,[br]South Africa, Brazil and even China 0:02:19.640,0:02:22.136 are falling below[br]that seven percent number 0:02:22.160,0:02:25.000 and, in many cases, actually regressing. 0:02:25.800,0:02:27.720 Economic growth matters. 0:02:28.440,0:02:29.896 With economic growth, 0:02:29.920,0:02:34.096 countries and societies[br]enter into a virtuous cycle 0:02:34.120,0:02:38.720 of upward mobility, opportunity[br]and improved living standards. 0:02:39.240,0:02:43.056 Without growth,[br]countries contract and atrophy, 0:02:43.080,0:02:46.296 not just in the annals[br]of economic statistics 0:02:46.320,0:02:49.840 but also in the meaning of life[br]and how lives are lived. 0:02:50.600,0:02:54.320 Economic growth matters[br]powerfully for the individual. 0:02:55.120,0:02:56.736 If growth wanes, 0:02:56.760,0:02:58.776 the risk to human progress 0:02:58.800,0:03:03.216 and the risk of political[br]and social instability rises, 0:03:03.240,0:03:07.800 and societies become dimmer,[br]coarser and smaller. 0:03:08.600,0:03:10.296 The context matters. 0:03:10.320,0:03:11.936 And countries in emerging markets 0:03:11.960,0:03:15.800 do not need to grow at the same[br]rates as developed countries. 0:03:17.240,0:03:21.680 Now, I know some of you in this room[br]find this to be a risky proposition. 0:03:22.680,0:03:24.536 There are some people here 0:03:24.560,0:03:27.096 who will turn around[br]and be quite disillusioned 0:03:27.120,0:03:28.896 by what's happened around the world 0:03:28.920,0:03:31.520 and basically ascribe that[br]to economic growth. 0:03:32.240,0:03:35.736 You worry about the[br]overpopulation of the planet. 0:03:35.760,0:03:38.656 And looking at the UN's[br]recent statistics and projections 0:03:38.680,0:03:41.376 that the world will have[br]11 billion people on the planet 0:03:41.400,0:03:43.976 before it plateaus in 2100, 0:03:44.000,0:03:47.816 you're concerned about what that does[br]to natural resources -- 0:03:47.840,0:03:51.960 arable land, potable water,[br]energy and minerals. 0:03:52.800,0:03:56.120 You are also concerned about[br]the degradation of the environment. 0:03:56.760,0:03:59.896 And you worry about how man, 0:03:59.920,0:04:02.536 embodied in the corporate globalist, 0:04:02.560,0:04:05.600 has become greedy and corrupt. 0:04:06.560,0:04:09.936 But I'm here to tell you today[br]that economic growth 0:04:09.960,0:04:13.336 has been the backbone[br]of changes in living standards 0:04:13.360,0:04:15.320 of millions of people around the world. 0:04:15.960,0:04:17.776 And more importantly, 0:04:17.800,0:04:22.280 it's not just economic growth[br]that has been driven by capitalism. 0:04:24.280,0:04:27.736 The definition of capitalism,[br]very simply put, 0:04:27.760,0:04:29.816 is that the factors of production, 0:04:29.840,0:04:33.216 such as trade and industry,[br]capital and labor, 0:04:33.240,0:04:37.160 are left in the hands[br]of the private sector and not the state. 0:04:37.680,0:04:40.416 It's really essential here[br]that we understand 0:04:40.440,0:04:45.456 that fundamentally the critique[br]is not for economic growth per se 0:04:45.480,0:04:47.536 but what has happened to capitalism. 0:04:47.560,0:04:51.576 And to the extent that we need to create[br]economic growth over the long term, 0:04:51.600,0:04:56.280 we're going to have to pursue it[br]with a better form of economic stance. 0:04:57.320,0:05:00.216 Economic growth needs capitalism, 0:05:00.240,0:05:01.920 but it needs it to work properly. 0:05:02.840,0:05:05.136 And as I mentioned a moment ago, 0:05:05.160,0:05:11.120 the core of the capitalist system[br]has been defined by private actors. 0:05:11.720,0:05:15.776 And even this, however,[br]is a very simplistic dichotomy. 0:05:15.800,0:05:18.720 Capitalism: good; non-capitalism: bad. 0:05:19.120,0:05:21.776 When in practical experience, 0:05:21.800,0:05:24.256 capitalism is much more of a spectrum. 0:05:24.280,0:05:26.536 And we have countries such as China, 0:05:26.560,0:05:28.976 which have practiced[br]more state capitalism, 0:05:29.000,0:05:31.096 and we have countries[br]like the Unites States 0:05:31.120,0:05:32.720 which are more market capitalist. 0:05:33.160,0:05:36.296 Our efforts to critique[br]the capitalist system, however, 0:05:36.320,0:05:39.536 have tended to focus[br]on countries like China 0:05:39.560,0:05:42.960 that are in fact[br]not blatantly market capitalism. 0:05:43.600,0:05:47.256 However, there is[br]a real reason and real concern 0:05:47.280,0:05:51.936 for us to now focus our attentions[br]on purer forms of capitalism, 0:05:51.960,0:05:54.680 particularly those embodied[br]by the United States. 0:05:55.280,0:05:57.056 This is really important 0:05:57.080,0:05:59.536 because this type of capitalism 0:05:59.560,0:06:02.816 has increasingly[br]been afforded the critique 0:06:02.840,0:06:05.256 that it is now fostering corruption 0:06:05.280,0:06:06.656 and, worse still, 0:06:06.680,0:06:09.320 it's increasing income inequality -- 0:06:10.120,0:06:14.840 the idea that the few are benefiting[br]at the expense of the many. 0:06:16.760,0:06:19.976 The two really critical questions[br]that we need to address 0:06:20.000,0:06:22.696 is how can we fix capitalism 0:06:22.720,0:06:25.496 so that it can help create economic growth 0:06:25.520,0:06:28.880 but at the same time[br]can help to address social ills. 0:06:29.720,0:06:33.096 In order to think about that framing,[br]we have to ask ourselves, 0:06:33.120,0:06:34.840 how does capitalism work today? 0:06:35.760,0:06:37.360 Very simplistically, 0:06:37.960,0:06:43.736 capitalism is set on the basis[br]of an individual utility maximizer -- 0:06:43.760,0:06:48.056 a selfish individual[br]who goes after what he or she wants. 0:06:48.080,0:06:51.216 And only after they've[br]maximized their utility 0:06:51.240,0:06:53.736 do they then decide it's important 0:06:53.760,0:06:56.840 to provide support[br]to other social contracts. 0:06:57.360,0:07:00.776 Of course, in this system[br]governments do tax, 0:07:00.800,0:07:04.536 and they use part of their revenues[br]to fund social programs, 0:07:04.560,0:07:07.416 recognizing that government's role[br]is not just regulation 0:07:07.440,0:07:10.720 but also to be arbiter of social goods. 0:07:11.320,0:07:12.616 But nevertheless, 0:07:12.640,0:07:13.976 this framework -- 0:07:14.000,0:07:15.976 this two-stage framework -- 0:07:16.000,0:07:17.976 is the basis from which we must now start 0:07:18.000,0:07:20.600 to think about how we can[br]improve the capitalist model. 0:07:21.520,0:07:24.920 I would argue that there are[br]two sides to this challenge. 0:07:25.520,0:07:26.736 First of all, 0:07:26.760,0:07:29.696 we can draw on the right-wing policies 0:07:29.720,0:07:31.576 to see what could be beneficial for us 0:07:31.600,0:07:33.720 to think about how[br]we can improve capitalism. 0:07:34.440,0:07:35.696 In particular, 0:07:35.720,0:07:37.456 right-leaning policies 0:07:37.480,0:07:40.936 have tended to focus on things[br]like conditional transfers, 0:07:40.960,0:07:43.976 where we pay and reward people[br]for doing the things 0:07:44.000,0:07:47.456 that we actually think[br]can help enhance economic growth. 0:07:47.480,0:07:48.696 For example, 0:07:48.720,0:07:50.336 sending children to school, 0:07:50.360,0:07:52.576 parents could earn money for that, 0:07:52.600,0:07:55.976 or getting their children[br]inoculated or immunized, 0:07:56.000,0:07:57.880 parents could get paid for doing that. 0:07:58.360,0:08:00.456 Now, quite apart from the debate 0:08:00.480,0:08:02.776 on whether or not[br]we should be paying people 0:08:02.800,0:08:05.496 to do what we think they should do anyway, 0:08:05.520,0:08:08.696 the fact of the matter[br]is that pay for performance 0:08:08.720,0:08:11.136 has actually yielded some positive results 0:08:11.160,0:08:12.856 in places like Mexico, 0:08:12.880,0:08:14.136 in Brazil 0:08:14.160,0:08:16.760 and also in pilot programs in New York. 0:08:17.520,0:08:19.016 But there are also benefits 0:08:19.040,0:08:23.400 and significant changes underway[br]on left-leaning policies. 0:08:23.880,0:08:28.136 Arguments that government should[br]expand its role and responsibility 0:08:28.160,0:08:30.376 so that it's not so narrowly defined 0:08:30.400,0:08:32.895 and that government should be[br]much more of an arbiter 0:08:32.919,0:08:34.296 of the factors of production 0:08:34.320,0:08:36.720 have become commonplace[br]with the success of China. 0:08:37.400,0:08:39.696 But also we've started to have debates 0:08:39.720,0:08:41.976 about how the role of the private sector 0:08:42.000,0:08:44.576 should move away[br]from just being a profit motive 0:08:44.600,0:08:48.096 and really be more engaged[br]in the delivery of social programs. 0:08:48.120,0:08:51.336 Things like the corporate[br]social responsibility programs, 0:08:51.360,0:08:53.336 albeit small in scale, 0:08:53.360,0:08:55.240 are moving in that right direction. 0:08:55.960,0:09:01.176 Of course, left-leaning policies[br]have also tended to blur the lines 0:09:01.200,0:09:03.880 between government,[br]NGOs and private sector. 0:09:04.800,0:09:08.776 Two very good examples of this[br]are the 19th-century United States, 0:09:08.800,0:09:10.416 when the infrastructure rollout 0:09:10.440,0:09:13.536 was really about[br]public-private partnerships. 0:09:13.560,0:09:14.976 More recently, of course, 0:09:15.000,0:09:18.616 the advent of the Internet[br]has also proven to the world 0:09:18.640,0:09:22.480 that public and private can work together[br]for the betterment of society. 0:09:24.240,0:09:27.296 My fundamental message to you is this: 0:09:27.320,0:09:32.736 We cannot continue to try and solve[br]the world economic growth challenges 0:09:32.760,0:09:36.920 by being dogmatic[br]and being unnecessarily ideological. 0:09:37.800,0:09:41.616 In order to create sustainable,[br]long-term economic growth 0:09:41.640,0:09:45.936 and solve the challenges and social ills[br]that continue to plague the world today, 0:09:45.960,0:09:48.256 we're going to have to be[br]more broad-minded 0:09:48.280,0:09:49.800 about what might work. 0:09:50.280,0:09:51.856 Ultimately, 0:09:51.880,0:09:56.016 we have to recognize[br]that ideology is the enemy of growth. 0:09:56.040,0:09:57.256 Thank you. 0:09:57.280,0:09:59.520 (Applause) 0:10:03.160,0:10:06.056 Bruno Giussani: I want to ask[br]a couple of questions, Dambisa, 0:10:06.080,0:10:08.216 because one could react[br]to your last sentence 0:10:08.240,0:10:10.056 by saying growth is also an ideology, 0:10:10.080,0:10:12.416 it's possibly the dominant[br]ideology of our times. 0:10:12.440,0:10:14.536 What do you say[br]to those who react that way? 0:10:14.560,0:10:17.016 DM: Well, I think that that's[br]completely legitimate, 0:10:17.040,0:10:19.616 and I think that we're already[br]having that discussion. 0:10:19.640,0:10:21.856 There's a lot of work[br]going on around happiness 0:10:21.880,0:10:25.376 and other metrics being used[br]for measuring people's success 0:10:25.400,0:10:27.216 and improvements in living standards. 0:10:27.240,0:10:29.296 And so I think that we should be open 0:10:29.320,0:10:32.296 to what could deliver improvements[br]in people's living standards 0:10:32.320,0:10:34.576 and continue to reduce[br]poverty around the world. 0:10:34.600,0:10:37.416 BG: So you're basically pleading[br]for rehabilitating growth, 0:10:37.440,0:10:39.016 but the only way for that happen 0:10:39.040,0:10:41.376 without compromising[br]the capacity of the earth, 0:10:41.400,0:10:42.936 to take us on a long journey, 0:10:42.960,0:10:44.616 is for economic growth 0:10:44.640,0:10:47.336 somehow to decouple[br]from the underlying use of resources. 0:10:47.360,0:10:48.656 Do you see that happening? 0:10:48.680,0:10:53.216 DM: Well, I think that I'm more optimistic[br]about human ability and ingenuity. 0:10:53.240,0:10:55.416 I think if we start to constrain ourselves 0:10:55.440,0:10:58.496 using the finite, scarce[br]and depleting resources 0:10:58.520,0:10:59.776 that we know today, 0:10:59.800,0:11:01.136 we could get quite negative 0:11:01.160,0:11:03.376 and quite concerned[br]about the way the world is. 0:11:03.400,0:11:05.696 However, we've seen the Club of Rome, 0:11:05.720,0:11:08.136 we've seen previous claims 0:11:08.160,0:11:10.496 that the world would be[br]running out of resources, 0:11:10.520,0:11:13.096 and it's not to argue[br]that those things are not valid. 0:11:13.120,0:11:15.776 But I think, with ingenuity[br]we could see desalination, 0:11:15.800,0:11:17.736 I think we could reinvest in energy, 0:11:17.760,0:11:19.896 so that we can actually[br]get better outcomes. 0:11:19.920,0:11:21.136 And so in that sense, 0:11:21.160,0:11:23.536 I'm much more optimistic[br]about what humans can do. 0:11:23.560,0:11:24.976 BG: The thing that strikes me 0:11:25.000,0:11:28.376 about your proposals[br]for rehabilitating growth 0:11:28.400,0:11:30.016 and taking a different direction 0:11:30.040,0:11:35.096 is that you're kind of suggesting[br]to fix capitalism with more capitalism -- 0:11:35.120,0:11:38.736 with putting a price tag[br]on good behavior as incentive 0:11:38.760,0:11:42.936 or developing a bigger role[br]for business in social issues. 0:11:42.960,0:11:44.456 Is that what you're suggesting? 0:11:44.480,0:11:46.616 DM: I'm suggesting[br]we have to be open-minded. 0:11:46.640,0:11:48.856 I think it is absolutely the case 0:11:48.880,0:11:51.336 that traditional models of economic growth 0:11:51.360,0:11:53.776 are not working the way[br]we would like them to. 0:11:53.800,0:11:55.696 And I think it's no accident 0:11:55.720,0:11:59.016 that today the largest[br]economy in the world, the United States, 0:11:59.040,0:12:00.336 has democracy, 0:12:00.360,0:12:03.456 liberal democracy,[br]as it's core political stance 0:12:03.480,0:12:05.656 and it has free market capitalism -- 0:12:05.680,0:12:07.256 to the extent that it is free -- 0:12:07.280,0:12:09.456 free market capitalism[br]as its economic stance. 0:12:09.480,0:12:11.616 The second largest economy is China. 0:12:11.640,0:12:13.776 It has deprioritized democracy 0:12:13.800,0:12:16.976 and it has state capitalism,[br]which is a completely different model. 0:12:17.000,0:12:19.736 These two countries,[br]completely different political models 0:12:19.760,0:12:21.736 and completely different economic models, 0:12:21.760,0:12:24.176 and yet they have the same[br]income inequality number 0:12:24.200,0:12:25.696 measured as a Gini coefficient. 0:12:25.720,0:12:27.856 I think those are the debates[br]we should have, 0:12:27.880,0:12:30.016 because it's not clear at all 0:12:30.040,0:12:31.856 what model we should be adopting, 0:12:31.880,0:12:34.216 and I think there needs to be[br]much more discourse 0:12:34.240,0:12:37.656 and much more humility[br]about what we know and what we don't know. 0:12:37.680,0:12:41.056 BG: One last question.[br]The COP21 is going on in Paris. 0:12:41.080,0:12:42.576 If you could send a tweet 0:12:42.600,0:12:45.896 to all the heads of state[br]and heads of delegations there, 0:12:45.920,0:12:47.296 what would you say? 0:12:47.320,0:12:49.976 DM: Again, I would be very much[br]about being open-minded. 0:12:50.000,0:12:51.216 As you're aware, 0:12:51.240,0:12:53.336 the issues around[br]the environmental concerns 0:12:53.360,0:12:55.336 have been on the agenda many times now -- 0:12:55.360,0:12:57.616 in Copenhagen,[br]'72 in Stockholm -- 0:12:57.640,0:12:59.936 and we keep revisiting these issues 0:12:59.960,0:13:03.536 partly because there is not[br]a fundamental agreement, 0:13:03.560,0:13:04.816 in fact there's a schism 0:13:04.840,0:13:07.576 between what the developed[br]countries believe and want 0:13:07.600,0:13:09.936 and what emerging market countries want. 0:13:09.960,0:13:13.176 Emerging market countries need[br]to continue to create economic growth 0:13:13.200,0:13:16.616 so that we don't have political[br]uncertainty in the those countries. 0:13:16.640,0:13:18.776 Developed countries recognize 0:13:18.800,0:13:21.056 that they have a real,[br]important responsibility 0:13:21.080,0:13:23.896 not only just to manage[br]their CO2 emissions 0:13:23.920,0:13:27.096 and some of the degradation[br]that they're contributing to the world, 0:13:27.120,0:13:28.896 but also as trendsetters in R&D. 0:13:28.920,0:13:31.176 And so they have to come[br]to the table as well. 0:13:31.200,0:13:33.656 But in essence, it cannot be a situation 0:13:33.680,0:13:37.816 where we start ascribing policies[br]to the emerging markets 0:13:37.840,0:13:39.696 without developed countries themselves 0:13:39.720,0:13:42.096 also taking quite a swipe[br]at what they're doing 0:13:42.120,0:13:44.896 both in demand and supply[br]in developed markets. 0:13:44.920,0:13:48.016 BG: Dambisa, thank you for coming to TED.[br]DM: Thank you very much. 0:13:48.040,0:13:51.483 (Applause)