And welcome back everybody to another episode of Rise and Shine. We've got a very weird gas mask on right now, but I think we'll be fine, I think we'll survive. But yes, welcome back to another episode of Rise and Shine. I'm very excited to see what's next. So... Fun with poison gas, is it? That's how you conquer a world fast nowadays... Me, I prefer old-school shooting and maiming, but who am I to judge? Yeah, the commander's big on mass-murder optimization, it seems. Scrum methods, all that jazz. By the way, why are we having a casual,relaxed conversation right next to a bunch of explosive barrels? Beats me, man... It's also weird we can space travel but need primitive, highly flammable fossil fuels. You know, I love that they kind of break the fourth wall there. Like, I'm slowly realizing that when they're talking about, like, guides and stuff– What is that? What is that? Why are you shooting at me? Get away! That's gonna be very hard to hit. But when they're talking about guides and stuff, they're talking about us. (laughs) And I love that, it's really funny. 'Cause this game is extremely set into the world of games. Like, it is literally called Gamearth, like... (laughs) Yeah, it's a really cool game, though. I think you guys should check it out. I haven't really mentioned it, but it's on Steam, link in the description. I do recommend it, definitely. All right, so let's see what's next, because this is uncharted territory for me. I definitely don't know what to do from this point on.