I think in that chamber you can produce enough energy to run your house for about 20 - 30 years. ...Whoa! And the you calibrate your reactor core, that this position gives me protein level, this level gives me copper core, and then when you can tap into it, when you extract it, it gives you different materials. Material production in the universe is that way... ...Material production in the universe is that way. So, if you've got the Sun in the centre, that's your middle core, which you just turned on, as you go further away from the core, the strength reduces. When the strength reduces, then it becomes weak enough that it becomes matter, and then your different types of matter. And depend where you are in this matter, you get a liquid, you call it earth. You get harder, you get a Mercury, and then you get a Jupiter. And they cut of their position and their gravitational fields, they position themselves and they absorb that material in there. So, you become a sponge for that material. You understand? Yes. This is how you can create the gravitational-magnetic field of any element. So, you don't need different reactors. You have, the way you showed there, the way your plasma moved, the way you put your finger and you see the field come together, you understand, once you have the energy of one matter, then you convert that energy, which is a magnetic field in motion, into a gas and a Gans. and in the process, you convert the gas into matter. Do you understand? Yes. So, basically, to try to understand that, let's say Rick got a 5 metres pipe...in the first metre of the pipe, where it glows, you will get one matter, in the second metre of the pipe... If you create the right condition, if you create the right condition. Yes. Ok, yeah, that makes sense. It's like condensing out the materials from a higher energy level. You see, the misunderstanding in the world of Science, a lot of it comes from Biology, yeah? Man has never understood the biology of his own body, and he has taken the same mistake into the universal condition. So, if you understand, that's why I say you treat the body like a Galaxy, then you understand what everywhere and everything is in the Galaxy. In the Galaxy, you have all the matters of the Universe. So, the condition is created to create that matter in that position. You have to understand how that condition is created. You create a condition which only gives you protein, in the pipe. You can create a condition in the pipe where you only produce gold, because you need gold. You produce a condition which, all the fields come to the strength of what do you call it, let's say, aluminum. We don't need to take aluminum from earth, or do a conversion. Conversion of a matter is a habit of Man. The Universe converts as it needs. You have to understand what the need and the position is. In certain gravitational fields, aluminum can not exist and hold, the way it performs on Earth. You have to find a matter which holds and performs as aluminum the way you want it. Aluminum, most probably in other circumstances in the Universe, just becomes evaporated, or becomes so solid we can't even cut it. It's a conditional...environmental conditional dependent. It's the same as what you did in that tube...If you change the vacuum, different plasma conditions show itself. This is what... We as humans always related our ties to our own body, and we never understood it fully, so the mistake has piled up. Well I found it quite interesting, I was doing the work to translate one of your latest videos to the English, you know, to write the English out, and you were talking about our bodies having radioactive substances in them, and that they are there for a very definite purpose, and that is having to do with this cutting action, between the cells and so on. And I thought that was a really good idea that you brought up there, and something that I hadn't really considered before. The thing is, in the universe, there is a cutting mechanism. The cutting of the chromosome comes very simply as one higher level, yeah? You want to cut in the matter world, you want to cut a bread, you can cut it with a piece of string. You want to cut meat, you use a knife. If you want to cut a bone, you use rotating steel. When we want to cut diamond, we use diamond, which is in different shapes, yeah? So, the same principle applies in the universe. You use radiation because they are thinner, they can cut through. The thinner the deviation or division, comes through a lighter radioactive material, and stronger like bones and heavier materials, it goes through the heavier. Cesium, we use it. And it's the same process in the body, you use B-12 you use B-6, you use B-9. So, you have to create a condition in your pipe, for what material you want to produce. In reality, you dictate... in Tehran, in 2008, I knew I'm going to produce protein, but the effectiveness which was produced in a way puzzled me...how easy it was to produce it on a continuous basis. Because I realized you create a condition of a blood vessel. The blood vessel, the structure of the blood vessel, is a converter of energy into matter. This is why no...what do you call it... no iron crosses the blood, and goes on and finds itself in the cells. The energy of iron, the magnetic-gravitational field of the iron package, transfers through the blood vessel, and then it reduces, it changes the gas into matter, and it becomes GANS. This is exactly how we produced CO2 as a solid state. So, you produce the same thing through transition of walls...different strengths. and this is what I...in book number 5, I explain this very, very thoroughly, and even in the presentation in the Centre, a few months ago, where we speak about lung and blood, I explained this. Soon we will release the video of it. I explain how no oxygen ever crosses the wall of the lung. This is a myth, this is like saying that the Earth is the center of the Universe. No oxygen ever crosses the boundary of the lining of the lung. All that happens, is...it's in the video, and it's in the book coming out...all that happens that's why you get CO2. You breathe in oxygen, through the same thing as you are doing in that tube, and the material which is within the lung, you take only oxygen 16, carbon is 12. You only take a helium factor out in energy level, and that energy transfers across the boundary of the wall of the lung, into the blood. And no oxygen blows into the blood. All it does, its energy energizes the what we call red blood cells, and they become brighter. Exactly like the way you do the light toning... You increase the energy, the light becomes brighter. This is a misconception, and total misunderstanding of modern medicine. There is no oxygen crossing your lung. But remember what happened, because you take a factor of four, out of the helium out of the oxygen, what are you left with? It's carbon. The carbon binds with two oxygen which has come in, you breathe out CO2, because that's the stability of the magnetic field of the package. So, no oxygen ever, ever, goes through the wall, because this is nonsense. You...a molecule, ...the atom of oxygen is so big, when you breathe in, you breath carbon, you breathe nitrogen, you breathe hydrogen, you breathe anything else as various elements. So, if a molecule of oxygen is supposed to cross the wall of the lung, lighter gases that are smaller, they go through, too! So, we don't see that. Our body has Our blood has a specific gravitational-magnetic field for helium Yes.... I see. It can't stock much energy out of the package, just like you are doing a pot of water, you are doing a boil of water, and you just take a cup out of it, you take what you need , not the whole lot. And this is another misconception and if you understand this, and convert it into your pipe which shines, then you understand how you can create different matters in Space, you don't need to take anything with you. Hmmm.... yeah , that makes sense I mean, otherwise, we should have more nitrogen in our blood than anything else, because the air is three-quarters nitrogen. Yes. But what is that nitrogen? What's the atomic number of nitrogen? I think it's ...is it 14? What's the atomic number of oxygen? That would be 16, correct? So, how can it stop...even go for a carbon, go for a hydrogen, yeah? Even if you go for a molecule of hydrogen, which is in the air we breathe, that should be able to get through the wall of the lung very much easier than the hydrogen, than the oxygen. So, no oxygen ever crosses the wall of the lung. No element ever crosses the wall of the blood vessels. It's the conversion packages...the minute we open the blood, and we test it, the conversion comes. That's why always there is calcium in the blood, there is blah-blah in the blood. Or there is zinc in the blood, because there is a blue of the plasma equal to copper. When you open the blood, the minute it comes to the atmosphere's touch, it changes to matter. You understand? So, if you go into the blood vessel, we don't see any red blood, it's colorless. The minute it comes in touch with the body of the air, we see the color of red. So, if you have a different composition, when your blood comes in touch with the air, it becomes blue, yellow, or whatever, or green. If you understand, this is causing a lot of thinking, and what I am writing now, why we have different blood colors, why shouldn't we be green or blue, we have animals which have a blue blood, in the sea. And it's used by FDA, for faster testing of the new pharmaceutical products. Yeah? There is like a... I can't remember it's name, it's got blue blood, so the FDA now, the speed of the testing time for new medicines, using this animal, it's a fish, can't remember his name, so because different materials, because that blood has copper in it. It is blue. Ours has iron in it, we are red when it comes into interaction with the air. So when we see other creatures in the world, in the universe, which have a different composition, like with potassium or calcium, or whatever else, we see them as different colored blood. That doesn't mean anything, but the other interesting thing is, would we be able to interact and produce offspring of each other? The red one is stronger, and can destroy the other one, so most probably we can never have children with aliens, huh? Or not with some of them because their blood is different than ours. Do you understand? Yeah. So, these are the things you see if you run your reactor. These are the things you...you should watch when you see a glow on your pipe the way you did, try to analyze it, outside the box, in reality, not the way we have been forced to understand. Understand the behavior of the plasma, understand the behavior of the universe, they are all the same, in different scales...