My name is Peter. I am one of the coordinators of TZM in Slovakia and I coordinate Slovak linguistic team. At the moment I am also active in European TZM team where I communicate with members of 5 other countries. I joined TZM pretty much the same way as many others after watching Zeitgeist the Movie in 2007. I bumped into it only by chance. It was the first film which inspired my thinking about connections and associations in society. I realized that not everything that is presented must be true and also not every official story is built upon solid foundations. The film made me wonder about many issues, that required answer. Thanks to the presence of the internet I was able to investigate and inform myself. I realized that not everything is what it seems to be. I wondered what are the solutions to the recent problems and issues. The system we inhabit is in many ways hostile to us and the rules of "the game" are set against the possibility of everyone being able to expand their potential to the greatest extent. I joined TZM after watching Zeitgeist: Addendum. For me it was the moment of realization that there is indeed a solution. We are able to do something about our situation and that not only there are problems which make people feel helpless and behave passively, but it is possible to cooperate to resolve the problems. After I registered at the TZM main website I found out, there is a Czech chapter, where I registered as well. In May 2009 I was made aware, there was newly created Slovak chapter as well. It was there I met my friends from Slovakian chapter. First months for me was mostly about observing, meeting and talking to other people via forum. I took me a year to come to conclusion, that I can contribute in some other ways to TZM. I decided to take responsibility for the Slovak linguistic team and translate lectures and short videos. I wanted to contribute with my knowledge of English language to make materials available for people, that are unable to understand English. ...brainstorming.... Due to my studies in Czech Republic I know some of the members of Chech chapter which decided to dedicatate their time and skills for TZM. Czech and Slovak language are very similar. After some discussion we decided, it would be a good idea to join our efforts and create one chapter from Czech and Slovak chapter. Our nations are close geographically and historically and we understand each other´s language. Our goals and priorities were also very similar, so we created one common website, one forum, so we were able to discuss together as members of one Czechoslovakian nation. I think it is a good way to promote joined efforts between our nations and to promote idea, that nations do not really devide us. In reality we are devided by our opinions, our inability of unwillingness to listen to each other, passivity, helplessness, fear of change, and this way we´ll be motivated even more for action and effort. I joined TZM also because I realized that many problems may not be solved on this level of thinking. I like the saying that problems cannot be solved on the same level of thinking that created them. The current system lacks mechanisms, which would be able to solve difficult global problems. In my opinion politics is unable to solve them as well, because politicians can only satisfy interests of a few groups, not the interests of everyone. Some people are always left out, some of them are even hurt. Only way, that would be able to satisfy need of everyone, would require a completely different approach. The only movement I know of that takes this into account and addresses the root causes is TZM and that´s why I decided to join. I think that other movements and initiatives miss the root causes or the source of the problems of today. They see the main causes in the corruption of some people or interest groups and it it not recognized that even without specific individuals in the position of power the rules of the systems are set for the benefits of some people over another. This must be dealt with accordingly, on individual level as well as in the society as a whole. ...brainstorming and reading the notes... :-) There are different kinds of people in our society. Some of them are aware that change is necessary, some of them are subordinate to the system. They don´t have the time, money or need to think in broader terms about society, in which they live. One of our main goals is to approach like-minded people that are willing to do something for the change. One of these tools is the scientific method and skepticism and such people don´t believe everything automatically. Instead they are looking for the way how to identify high-quality trustworthy information and distinguish what information to trust and which not. I can´t say that different nations are themselves homogenous groups. In every nation there are both kinds of people. ...unimportant stuff... The core of our proposal is the transition to the new socioeconomic system called RBE. This system would create righteous allocation of resources not based on money but on basic human needs, which would in turn help people to really develop their potential. It is understandable, that this kind of system would not work unless there are certain conditions met and until enough people realize it is much more advantageous to cooperate than to compete and fight. People have to understand, they are the key to change and they have to want such system to exist. They have to consider the idea, they are responsible to develop their personality, their potential. It is a hard thing to do, undoubtedly, take their own responsibility into their own hands and not wait until someone else does something instead of them. The change starts within the person, the same is true for the movement itself. We imagine a transition between this system and the RBE. It is a time period which for everybody starts today and everyday is an opportunity to do something better and to transform thoughts and words into meaningful acts. The world is a single organism and unless we cooperate, we will probably wipe ourselves off this planet. We either run out of resources or we damage the planet in such way, the civilization as we know it will be history. The question is, whether we will learn it before this happens and act accordingly to avoid this, or we will learn our lesson by the conditions changing for the worse. The question is how many people will do something for the change before inevitable happens. ..instructions from Jasiek.. ..thinking hardly.. I would like to tell other people that their potential is really great. They might not realize that but everyone has their potential and everyone can develop his own and help others develop theirs. It is up to us, whether we will fight and compete with each other or cooperate. ...unable to think for the rest of this video...funny feeling :-) ...we can´t do it again, thanks for asking :-) but it was quite an experience :-) Thank you! Greetings from Slovakia, Jasiek and Paulina (thanks for the message on FB today...) P.