You've already learned how to make your own variables and use them. Now we're going to learn about two special variables: mouseX and mouseY. You never have to make these variables yourself, and in fact you shouldn't, because they already exist. You see, the program sets the values of these variables behind the scenes, making sure that the value of mouseX is always the x position of your mouse, and the value of mouseY is always the y position of your mouse. This makes it really easy to do cool, interactive things based on the user's mouse position. Let's look at this ellipse that I'm drawing here. So, right now, I'm always drawing it at 200, 200. If I use mouseX and mouseY, these special variables, then I can actually draw it at mouseX and mouseY. Now, if I move my mouse over the canvas, you can see the ellipse is always being drawn where my mouse is -- so it follows my mouse around. That's pretty cool; can you tell what I'm drawing? Whee! If you're going to use mouseX and mouseY, you've got to make sure that you use them inside the draw = function () because look what happens if we move these two lines of code outside the draw = function (). You see? Now this code here only gets run once, so this ellipse is only drawn once, and it's drawn wherever my mouse happened to be at the very, very beginning of the program. That's why we need to have it inside the draw = function (), because the draw = function () is this function that's called repeatedly over and over while our program is running. So we want that when it gets called, it looks at what the current value of mouseX and mouseY is, and then it draws the ellipse at that position. If you think about it, it's actually very similar to an animation -- it's changing over time, just in a different way. Okay, now we can do all sorts of fun things. What if, instead of drawing it at mouseX and mouseY, I drew it at mouseX still but I fixed mouseY at something like 300? Now you can see that the ellipse only follows my x coordinate, ignoring whatever I do in the y. Then, what if I now draw it at mouseX and mouseY, bringing that back, but I get rid of the background, just commenting that out? Woo! Now look, I've got this funky paintbrush thing. That's pretty awesome. Or, or, I could even switch these variables. Let me bring back our background. I'll switch these variables here, mouseY and mouseX, and then see what happens. Now it just feels really, really weird. I've got these mouse controls that are doing opposite of what I would expect them to. But that's cool, you could imagine making a whole game which is about trying to draw something or do something while using inverted mouse controls. That's it for mouseX and mouseY -- really, pretty fun. Enjoy!