Oh, hey there. BYE. OH no no no. Oh no. Oh god [LAUGHING] If i'ts not I'm gonna be pissed... OH! Oh is that what I wanted to grab? OH! Here I thought I wanted the saw! Well, thank YOU Mr. Drill! Ey! [SINGING AND LAUGHING] That is much better. Alright! Coming out of Markiplier's demise And ACTION! He deserved it! WHO did? Markiplier! [LAUGHING] Why was that even a question? - I don't know! [LAUGHING] [WEIRD NOISES] Oh my god! Uh oh, is he an alien? What HAPPENED? That sounds like... - Are you sure we don't have an alien down here? [NOISE] - WHAT THE HELL? [LAUGHING] I told you that if I was the traitor I would, I would forgo traitorous activities so we could all... I'm so sorry! -Work together Tossing around the file boxes like loser... Wandering around aimlessly like a loser... Holding up objects like loser... Looking around confused like a loser... [LAUGHING] I'm gonna break you! Mark, where are you? I'm dead! You're DEAD? I'm DEAD! Minx KILLED me! I DIDN'T DO IT! She killed me! MINX! [LAUGHING] CHASE HER! [LAUGHING] [YELLING AND LAUGHING] Minx didn't actually kill me, but god you guys went for it. [WEIRD NOISES] What are you doing? [WEIRD NOISES] Are you serious? [WEIRD NOISES] I can't move! Kill me Yami! Kill me! KILL ME! [NOISES] Stop moving your hands it's very creepy! Get...get your hands outta there! Ugh! Aah! Sorry...stop it! Woah, buddy! WOAH! Hey! You listen to me! I'm gonna perform surgery on YOU! I don't care what you say in return! I'm gonna do it! So let's get to it! Come here puppy! IT'S POLE DANCING AGAIN! [LAUGHING] Oh yeah! Look at him! Look at the doggy! Hey doggy! Whatcha doin over there? Alright. I'll keep a lookout over here! I'll make the eagle sound if I see anyone again! What's the eagle sound sound like? [NOISES] See them? No, that was just a test of the eagle system. -Don't use the eagle sound if you don't see them! [YELLING] No, I don't wanna go in there! I'm staying..... -Come on, come on. I'm not doing it! I'm NOT doing it! -Come on, come on. Come on! Come on Yami! -No! Come on Yami! -Fuck it! Fine I'll do it! Ok, come on. Here we go! Oh, oh, oh, oh..AAAAAHH! RUUUUUUN! How ya doin? AAAAAH it's her! AAAH she's down here! Where'd she go? Where? She went down here! [SCREAMING] Oh my god! [WEIRD NOISES AND LAUGHING] I..I'm ready. I'm ready! I'm ready baby! In 3..2..1 [LAUGHING] No wait, wait, wait, wait! In 3..2..1... No, no, no. In 3..2...1 [YELLINGI] Oh my god! WHOA! Wow! -God! [LAUGHING] I like the extra drip at the end. [LAUGHING] [YELLING] This is..this is really fun! Wade is.... WHERE ARE YOU? This is awsome! Shut up! I'm right here, Mark! I can see you. Running around in circles.... Aaaah you're in this room, aren't you? You're in this room! [LAUGHING] I'm not in this room. I swear to god you're in this room! No..... [LAUGHING] Where? -It was in the sands. Whoa... [SCREAMING AND LAUGHING] What is happening? Ostriches can fly! Aaaah ostrich facts! -WHY? What is going on? [SCREAMING AND LAUGHING] Zombie ported Wade... OH MY GOD! BOB LOOK UP! Holy shit! [LAUGHING] Oh my god! Ok, get in the penis! I will have you know it's very uncomfortable in here. [LAUGHING] There we go! -Oh, yes! Yes! -It's beautiful. Wait what? Here we go! But I'm still surr.....OH it's TNT now! [LAUGHING] Ooh. He didn't move! [LAUGHING] Oh my god! Oooh. [LAUGHING] I just want this to be a nice, normal operation with... [UNNATURAL ALIEN SOUNDS] [MUSIC] KILL IT WITH FIRE! This has been Markiplier Highlights. Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see more, then please, leave a like to let me know! Links to all the videos are available in the description below so check em out! And if you have a video that you wanna see in a highlights reel later, let me know in the comments below! Thanks again for watching and as always I will SEE YOU in the next video! BYE BYE!