9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 0:00:21.415,0:00:44.331 The heart of a temporary spiritual practice is being totally engaged with or lives, forests, rivers, poluted city's, they don't care about you're enlightenment, what they care about is you're aliveness to present experience ,your actions in the world and the effects of you're actions 0:00:44.331,0:01:10.842 and one of the terms of spiritual practice that is so misleading,is this idee of non-attachement,so many times people hear the word of non-attachement and they think of kind of dissociation ;I'm not gonna be attach to how things are,nothing moves me ,and then ,you know you walk arround like a zombie and in a way 0:01:10.842,0:01:52.754 I came to spiritual practice at a time of really turbulent emotion in my life and i really thout that practice and meditation aspecially would become a way to kind of you now get out of feeling but actualy things don't really work that way and non attachment doesn't mean just not being attached to you're bycicle or you're appartment or you're bankaccount euh..non attachment means not clinging to fixed ideas not clinging to the way you think things should be but actually opening to the way things really are 0:01:52.754,0:02:05.186 so I would translate non attachment as engagement non attachment is a deep intimaciatual to see that everything leeds into everything else 0:02:05.186,0:02:13.973 to wake up into the inherant interconnection to all things but to do it in a way that is non attached 0:02:13.973,0:02:36.345 so not to open up to the interconnectedness of things and say;oh this is the interconnectedness of things right there you've lost it but how do we become intimed with the way things are underneed language underneed our concepts of how we think things should be 0:02:36.345,0:02:56.302 this is really the heart of non attachment is this kind of deep engagement and it comes from this term yoga witch is a sanscrit term witch comes from the root yo'dge witch mean to unite but tak'n out of the verbal form yoga means union 0:02:56.302,0:03:11.595 and I like to translate the term yoga as intimacy as it's not something you do you don't do intimacy infact intimacy is the byproduct of giving up fixed used of the way things are 0:03:11.595,0:03:22.620 euh ..you now fixed and ridged ideas are really the enemy of intimacy and it's really what shuts down relationships 0:03:22.620,0:03:46.879 and because we living at a time where we don't need anymore ideology and filosofy what we really need is a way to let go and to drop in you now to the truth of how things are economically emotionally ecologically socially and that includes both what's beautifull and also what's devastating 0:03:46.879,0:04:07.367 it means opening up to the fact that this world is stunningly beautifull and also a total catastrofy and how to hold both how to hold both and how to open up to the Joyce of being a live and also to the suffering that is inherent to being in a body 0:04:07.367,0:04:27.592 and being in a body that is aging and being in a world right now that really needs our help so i think we really need to re imegin this idea of non attachment as a practise of not clinging to fixed ideas so that we can be engaged with the world 0:04:27.592,9:59:59.000 the world needs us and our actions make a diffrence so how do we re-think spiritual practice not as trying to transcent not as being disassociated not as withnessing our lives but as being totally immursed in live