Hi! I'm Lizzy! And I've been playing violin since I was about 3 years old. This is Jeffrey and he's been playing violin since he was about 6. So, I would say that we both have a love of violin, and that love has been fed by our dedication, and we've had to practice about one to three hours a day for all these years, and I'd say that that's taught me a lot about self-motivation and perseverance. But, most importantly, it's taught me to teach myself because, when I'm practising, there's no one in the room with me saying, "You're doing this wrong", "You need to do this differently." I only see a teacher once a week, so it's mostly me figuring out for myself. Anyway, the piece that we'll be playing today is called "Navarra". It shares a name with a Spanish province, but it's not a very well-known piece. However, the composer is very well-known, his name is Pablo de Sarasate, and he was a very famous Spanish violonist and composer. This piece features very virtuousic and difficult violin work and [works] with the piano as harmonic and rhythmic backup. Without further ado we'll play "Nevada". (Piano and violin music) (Applause)