Hi Mr. Keshe. Thanks again, as everybody else, for your time, and for your very, very interesting work. Just a quick one...your Peace Treaty... the four documents on your web site. Fantastic concept, and I hope many many people read it and agree with it... I think a huge part of the human population is with it, and is desperate for change. I think your technology is offering hope for this change. How do you react to people on your Forum, and people I talk to, who would like to see more examples of the technology that you are offering? Because I think there is a lot of skepticism, built over centuries, and how can you help people like myself who are not technical at all...no idea...to bring your message to the people we know. I mean your whole drive is, let everybody know, about this and let people grow with this... for myself, I would like more support from your side, or from the Keshe Foundation...Let me explain something very simple to you... I lived in England for nearly twenty-nine years. I... I never felt the pain of racism, In Belgium, the only problem we have with this nation, is the color of my skin. It's so bad that it's coming to my child, who is half Belgian. If you go on the press last month in Belgium, they put his picture on because he was tortured so much in school, because he was half-Iranian in the school. They wanted him out of the school. If you understand that, then you understand the work condition. I have worked here for nine years, eight years. We were trapped here, we are literally trapped by governments, and they could silence us. But, we work with a team of people who are devoted to serve humanity, and they made sure this thing goes through. So, you tell me about the Peace Treaty, I tell you one thing... It's you who have to make that peace for yourself, then you can do with the rest of it. And it is very simple. The Peace Treaty has already sit in the White House today. The Peace Treaty will be in the hands of his excellency President Ahmadinejad tomorrow, or this week. The Peace Treaty is, and will be in the hand of his eminence the Pope, within a matter of days. As we said to... with our USB stick key, we give them knowledge to every nation. What they do with it is theirs, their responsibility. This Peace Treaty is the same... sooner or later, it will happen. The way we see it, there are a lot of moves... don't forget this is only seven days old, eight days old. And there are moves, and I see in the complication with me, some nations are fighting who is going to hold the 21st of April Peace Treaty internationally. They say it doesn't matter if our leaders on the 21st of March don't sign, we will sign into it. What does it bring? This Peace Treaty has brought people who believe that science can change. The problem with Keshe Foundation is for the first time, with an organization like us, we are not talkers...not only we talk about the peace, but we have the technology and tools to enforce it. This is the beauty of what we do. Where, I came back from Iran, with the invitation of his excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to develop the Iranian Space Ship Program in 2008, when I announced that Iran has a full Space Ship Program, in 2009, everybody laughed at me, they said that guy is crazy. Last year, the Iranian leaders, they said they have a Space Ship Program and, they've show the power of it by capturing the American drone. I explained to the American officials, when I handed the key to them, for the first time, they understood how they lost their plane. Because you don't need to spend a single gram of fuel. It was a clean-cut capture, and that was the end of it. But, what has it brought? Now, the most advanced space, what do you call it, military technologies has become obsolete. Are you going to pay twenty, thirty million to buy a F-18, which can be dismantled from thousands of kilometers by a system which costs less than $100 ? No. So, we've seen how the force, we saw the power of it, we still see it. They stopped us on the 25th of November of last year, to show the technology in public. They came and they sealed, and they confiscated everything from us, and the following Saturday, on the third of December, we showed the reactors in public in Belgium, for the first time. and I said, for what you did to us last week, blocking us to show, Iran will show the power of this technology very soon. By the fourth, the following day, the American plane was captured. And they said, "Oh it's a lot of talk", but I will give you the date, go on the internet, 3rd of December, on the anniversary of announcing how the power of this technology is going to be shown, the second plane was captured, again. The dates are not coincidence. And, as you understand what I see on the internet last week, world leaders are saying who is going to start talking about the Space Program, the Space Ship Program ? Because governments have this technology, up to now they didn't know how to run it. Now, they know how to run it. But, the beauty of it is, this technology, has been the cause of even talking peace. Read, read not between the lines, but the reality of what has happened. On 3rd of December, on the anniversary of our announcing the capture, the development of the Space Ship Program, you are the second capture. We gave the key of the space technology by the request of the American government, his excellency President Obama, on the 15th of November, to the Americans. On the second of December, exactly six weeks ago, two weeks after we gave the key, an American private jet landed in Ahvaz airport, crashed, damaged... It was announced by the Iranians that the American plane was on the runway for two weeks, and it is getting repaired by the Americans, And they announced that the passengers of this American plane were American, were immediately transferred to Dubai. And that means exactly from the day when Mrs Hillary Clinton disappeared from political view till last week, due to hemorrhage. Peace talk has already started in a very deep way. It's just who is going to lose face. And the Peace Treaty we put out is nobody lose face, we all talk because, you have already started talking, because the Americans realize that their most advanced technology, military technology, is worth nothing anymore. If you see...you talk about the peace, we talk about exactly what this technology has brought. Since we can study war, we saw bombardments from the high altitudes destroy as much as we can, because therefore it's a robber nation. We saw it in Libya too. It hasn't happened in Syria, because the Iranian Space Ship Program is protecting the aerospace, and has shown some videos you can see. So, they have stopped the invasion, they've stopped the attack of what was expected of the Israelies on Iran. Because there are informations available, you can check yourself... This technology is already enforcing peace. All we've done with the Peace Treaty, is we put it in front of their nose. Now you count on this, you have an excuse to talk about peace the correct way. And I wrote to the American government, and the Iranians, and the Israelies; If the United Nations is too far to go to talk peace, Keshe foundation is half-way in Brussels. We can all meet. The way all the ambassadors met here twice, in the past 12 months. Ambassadors come here, we have ambassadors right across this table that I'm sitting. They come, they ask, what is the next step, what can we do? This weekend, I'm meeting and having lunch with ambassadors in the next step of the Peace Treaty for Africa. We are meeting the following week with another bunch of ambassadors. Work is getting done, but it is just a matter of who's going to lose face. I prefer it to be the Keshe Foundation, than the world leaders...at least I have an excuse. They have no reason; there is no reason, to have an excuse. What we say about the Keshe Peace Treaty is because it's already been implemented. It's already in motion. You ask the Americans, "Where did Ms Senator Clinton disappear to on the 2nd of December." And was turned up at the airport where the plane with accident crashed. They were so involved with the security, that they jumped the gun, and if Iran is such a big enemy, why allow the Americans come and repair their aircraft in Iran's runway for three or four weeks, and immediately flies all the passengers to Dubai? They would have made a big case out of it, because this was a point when the meeting was supposed to happen, and by accident, the things didn't happen. There are rumors who was in the airport, ready. The political position what we talk about, is what the governments are shying away from, because they don't want to lose face. We put it on the paper, now it's the next step. You will watch what is going to happen within the next two to three months. I see it. I've met with the leaders. I've met with ambassadors. I've have met with the Presidents, and it's happening, we don't talk anymore. Now, the Peace Treaty is in black and white, in the hand of American ambassador, in the hand of President Obama. I even suggested to the Iranians, and to the Americans, "Let's sign, sit down and sign, all together. Let President Obama, his excellency Obama and President Ahmadinejad sign each other's paper as witness... because this treaty has two sections...what you sign physically, and somebody witnesses it. I signed last week in Italy, at a public notary, and a member of Parliament was present and witnessed it. So, let the two so-called enemies which they meet in the airport in long distances that nobody knows, talk peace, sit down and sign the paper together and both become the witness for each other.The process is not only talking, there is a lot of work going on in the background. So, we don't listen to what goes onto the internet. We don't listen to what people put on the Forum. We put on the Forum the Peace Treaty for people to be ready to accept what is about to come, we have no chance. We have no choice. The latest aircrafts manufactured by Man is worth nothing with the new technology. And the new technology should not become another tool for killing and destroying. So, it's a good beginning to start, at least, living in peace. Next question, anybody? (clap, clap)