We're talking with Robin Good about curation Robin, I love your series of articles I highly recommend them I just wanted to get directly from you a few thoughts about curation online starting with what do you think the importance in the place of curation is, for anybody who's online? I think, we could see this way We reach somehow the limit of understanding and making sense of information just by going out to Google, typing out a query and getting a listing of things that could be relevant to us. I think, this is like being hungry and going to McDonalds, like having fast food information but I want something more like when I go to a restaurant I can choose the type of restaurant, the type of food, the quality, the level, the type of customer service and so on, so I am looking for a new level of accessing information whereby I'm not just trying to list and rank information but then trying to make sense of information. This is what people want more and more because one article by itself or a link, or a resource, or a video, sometimes it's just a little opening hole into understanding that topic while if there was some kind of intermediate layer, whether done by an algorithm or by people contributing and working with an algorithm to collect things that make sense on a certain topic. I think we would be in a position to inform and learn much faster and much better than we can do now. What qualities do you think a curator ought to have? Well, it's got to be somewhat of a very curious person and a passionate person in area where you want to curate. I don't think you can just go about curating a topic because you wake up and that's something you want to do. Well, you certainly can and gain confidence within time, but it would be best that you go and curate something that you're already very passionate about, that you've been exposed to so that you have some sincerity, some antennas that allow you to understand what is good, what is better, because then it becomes a point of who are you doing this for. Are you just an artist painting something for yourself or you're creating something for a specific audience that's trying to intercept a specific need and resolve it with that channel of information. I would think that knowing the audience and being an expert on the topic help someone curate whatever type of information; I see them as a disposal that I think are the key elements, then, you got to be very transparent and give full credit to whomever you're gathering in and expose, actually, the best qualities of these sources and people, and add something of your own that is the ultimate quality of the curator, like DJ, I mean, what's the difference between putting a mix tape and a live DJ? I think those